Sable – All Chum Egg Locations

Everything you need to know about Chums, and how to find them.

Every Chum Egg in the Game


There are a grand total of 165 Chum Eggs scattered across the game map. Of these, you need to collect 100 to complete the Building a Queendom quest and the Chum Expert achievement.

For the first 5, next 15, and every subsequent 20 Chum Eggs (up to 100), the Chum Queen will give you a Chum Queen Tear. Each of these will increase your Stamina gauge substantially.

No more tears will be given after you’ve collected 100 eggs; instead you will be awarded the Chum Mask, which can detect any nearby uncollected eggs. If you collect a further 40(?) eggs, you will be given the Chum Top. To complete the outfit, collect the remaining 25 eggs and you will be awarded the Chum Skirt.


Here is a map of all 165 Chum Eggs in the game.

Click to enlarge…

Most of them are located near Fast-Travel waypoints, and you should be able to find 100 of them by normally progressing through the game. Due to the scale of the in-game world, it is not feasible to display the map at a greater zoom level.

Tip: To check which eggs you’re missing and the region they are in, go into your save file:

  • C:UsersUSERNAMEAppDataLocalLowShedworksSableSaveDatasable_data_XXXXXXXX 

And look under “ChumsMonitor”.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. How in the world am I supposed to climb the rocks at the seven sisters station? I have max stamina and still can’t get to the top.

    • I just did it and it’s really tricky, but make sure your rocks are positioned correctly, some have ledges half way up to rest at

  2. I was missing only one single chum egg, which I didn’t see on the map (it was right next to another chum egg… so it IS on the map, I just havent seen it) and the hint with having a look at the save file saved me then from frustration .. truly. After I figured that I could open it with the notepad. thanks a lot!

      • the file should be called Sable_data then some random characters, right click it and select open with, then notepad. It’s a long scroll, but every chum egg is in there.

  3. Thanks for this guide. Without the save file tip, I would’ve never gotten all the chum eggs ^-^’

  4. I’m not sure if this is new from the most recent update or if I just haven’t found it until now, but on the in-game map zooming in reveals icons for all the chums found so far.
    I know the recent update included a total chum egg counter in the upper right of the ‘Q’ overlay, so that’s helpful too.

  5. Thank you very much for this guide. I even finished the game with choosing the Chum mask. Particularly enjoyed how much joy it felt finding those little eggs and taking them back to their mother. The outfit is the coolest imo 😀

  6. The donut rock formation near the wyrm, how to get up there? Also, the 2 chums eggs on top of some rocks in the seven sisters station, they are driving me nuts.

    • You can get up there by floating over from some of the nearby rocks and climbing up from midway when you glide into wall. You can also get there another way but it is a major spoiler and kinda gross for polite company

    • There’s two ways:
      1) through the Wyrm
      2) with enough stamina it’s possible to climb up a nearby rock, float over, and climb the rest of the height.

    • You have to have like almost max stamina .-. You climb to the top spike on the worm and glide to the rock formation closest to the donut. Once you get on top you glide over and climb up the donut

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