A guide for the position of all shrines from which you collect the artifacts for the Ancient Race mission (mission spoilers; minor map spoilers).
Starting The Mission
You start the mission by first visiting the Mysterious Shrine in the Badlands region:
Talk to the Machinist (She will be roaming the inside of the shrine when you first visit):
Shrine Positions
Open the shrines by driving through the blue rings and collect the artifact inside:
There are 6 shrines, 1 in each region (except the starting region). The shrines are marked by the blue way-points:
Finishing The Mission
Once you collect all the artifacts place them on the round pedestals inside the Mysterious Shrine:
Talk to the Machinist again. She’ll ask you to wait a few days (Please help confirm how many), then speak to her again (she’ll be at her ship this time) to finish the mission.
Yeah, thanks for your guide!
Just another note, the quest can also be started by just simply racing through a set of 4 archs 😉