How to Obtain All Achievements
Story achievements that cannot be missed
Proving Ground
- Complete a Mission challenge
Make it Rain
- Defended Pazzano gate
Obstruction on the line
- Destroyed the final bridge leading to Pazzano and escaped
Mission Accomplished
- Successfully assassinated the German General and escaped
For the fallen
- Assassinated the Mole
Coastal Offence
- Cleared the way to the Lighthouse
The last bullet I ever fired?
- Completed Lighthouse
Story achievement can be missed
Settling in
- Set a weapons range score in the Resistance Base
Just shoot targets in the Base
- Set a custom loadout
You shoud do it in the Resistance Base
Practice makes perfect
- Complete all 3 firing ranges
Just shoot targets in the Base
Volume of fire?
- Kill the German General from the church with a non-scoped weapon
Before the Assasination mission you should choose a non scope weapon that shoot at distance. My choice is MKB 42. Wait for the General to get off car and walk on the road in your direction. He will go around the corner to pee and get back on the same road. You should kill him on the first or second try
Master at Arms
- Acquire all weapons in the game
You should receive this achivemnt after you get De Lisle. There are 6 pistols, 8 secondary weapons and 7 rifles. One version of each rifle is enough. I got the achivment without scoped G43
Danni Collaterali
- Kill 3 enemies with a single explosion
It can be done on several missions. The easiest way is probably on “Betrayal” when you defend on island. There are many soldiers approaching, wait for suitable moment and shoot
- Score a kill shot with every bullet in the magazine of a rifle
It can be done on any mission. The first mission is probably the best option. A lot of enemies, short distance and they are busy with your allies.
Break their focus
- Kill a Sniper with an eye shot
You need kill camera on. Otherwise you won’t get it. It can be done on several missions. The easiest way is probably on Mission … after the first checkpoint. Take a gun you comfortable with, climb up the ladder, pass the building on the right. You should see a tower with sniper right in fron of you. If you missed, just load the save
Angle of Attack
- Kill an enemy with a ricochet shot
It can be done on any mission. If you don’t do it occasionaly, pick up a SMG and shout in floor in front of an enemy
Long shot
- Kill an enemy at a distance of over 200m
You can do it on General Assasination Mission
Seed of one’s own destruction
- Shoot the grenade on an enemy belt
It can be done on several missions. The easiest way is probably on “Betrayal” when you defend on island. There are many soldiers coming to you and they have granades
- Hit both testicles with a single bullet
It can be done on any mission. If you don’t do it occasionaly, probably you should injure the enemy and when he falls, finish him in the testicles
Into the Fire
- Kill an enemy with a Trip Mine
It can be done on several missions. The easiest way is probably on “Betrayal” when you defend on island. You should place Trip Mine on a path towards the house
One bullet is all it takes
- Kill more than one enemy by blowing up TNT with a rifle shot
It can be done on several missions. The easiest way is probably on “Betrayal” when you defend on island. You should place TNT on a path towards house and shoot it when enemy approaches
Headshot Ace
- Get 10 headshots in a row without missing
It can be done on any mission. The first mission is probably the best option. A lot of enemies, short distance and they are busy with your allies.
- Kill an enemy who’s running for the alarm
It can be done on several missions. The easiest way is probably on Mission … after the first checkpoint. Take a gun you comfortable with, climb up the ladder, pass the building on the right. The alarm is near stairs across you. Attract attention and shoot the enemy
Quick thinking
- Kill an enemy immediately after staggering them with a thrown environmental object
It can be done on several missions. The most important thing is not to kill the enemy, so aim for legs. Take a rifle into dominant hand, pick up a bottle (or another environmental object) with the other hand. Aim with trigger with bottle for the legs. Right after that shoot the enemy with rifle
Kill with skill
- Score 3 kill shots in 8.3 seconds with the Carcano at a distance of at least 81m
It can be done on a few missions. The easiest way is probably when you assasinate the General. Before mission choose Caracno, climb and save the game. If you fail, just load the save
- Shoot one of every organ
You should receive it eventually
Weapon Competency
- Master a Rifle
There are 7 rifles, version with and without scope count as one. Choose one rifle, do 100 kills for the first trial. Then you should pass second and third trials like 20 heart shots.
Weapon Mastery
- Master all the Rifles
It requires you to master all rifles (but not pistols or secondary weapons). The same rifles with and without scope count as one so you need to master 7 rifles. That is at least 7*100=700 kills for the first trials and then you should pass second and third trials like 20 heart shots. That’s a lot of grind. The easiest missions are “An Impossible Shot”
- Complete all Mission challenges
You must do all second stars. Challenges like 20 kills with specific weapon. Stars that require you to get miminal score are not necessary
Resistance Legend
- Earn all the mission stars
You must do all stars. You need to get Dedicated first
Il Maestro
- Complete the game on Sniper Elite difficulty
Achievements that require you to do pick up stuff or shoot eagles in all missions.
There is lot to do and it requires a separate manual.
- Destroy all Stone Eagles
Paper Trail
- Find all Letters
- Find all Partisan Scarves
- All collectables found
Find all collectables. You will receive this achievement after getting all previous collectables achievements
One Mission
Achievements that require to play one whole mission
Last Gasp
- Complete a mission on Sniper Elite difficulty without dying while also reaching near death status
Choose hardest diffuculty and the first mission. Get hit and survive
The Spectre
- Complete a mission without blowing cover
In several missons stars require you to complete a mission without blowing cover. You can do both tasks at the same time. If that is too dificult you can do it on the where you get De Lisle.
This “guide” is absolute TRASH. So bare-boned. Hell, I think even calling it “bare-boned” is a bit of a reach as saying that implies that the guide at least contains the essential information when often times it does not. Dude, why did you even bother writing a guide if you were going to make it so vague and half-ass? If this is the height of your guide-writing skills, please, just don’t even bother writing one at all.