LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 – Full Walkthrough

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No Eson of Mine – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Kang Minions
  • Boss: Eson the Searcher
  • Starting Characters: Star-Lord, Drax, Gamora
  • Added Characters: Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Small)
  • True Believer: 115,000

1. Head towards the screen, then smash the object on the right to reveal a button. Press it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to reveal a button. Step on it to reach the lower level of The Milano. Throw a gravity mine onto the indicated spot to reveal another button. Press it to open the hatch.

2. Head along the paths all the way back to the building, then hop up the walls. Press the button to lower a ladder, allowing your partners to join you. Hop into the building, then smash the cracked wall to reveal a lever. Pull it to put out the fires, then turn the rotary handle to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ball, then hop in and head left. This will reveal a gravity mine slot. Toss a mine into the slot to reveal super strength handles. Pull them to tear open the doors. Rocket Raccoon and Groot (Small) have been added to your party. Head back to the left and destroy the silver cage, then use the Groot panel. Build the LEGO pieces into a technology panel, then use it to power up the Milano’s gun. Hop up the bars on the side of the ship, then hop into the gun and shoot down the attacking ship.

3. Time to fight Eson the Searcher. Avoid his attacks for a while, then build the LEGO pieces into a gravity mine socket. Toss a mine onto it, then hop into the ship that appears. Shoot the blaster on Eson’s hand to weaken him. Step on the button on his hand, then switch to Drax and use the launch pad to reach a rope. Hop onto Eson’s shoulder, then smash the cracked block to reveal a valve. Turn it to take out Eson’s power. Shoot the heck out of his power core, then toss a gravity mine onto the socket. Follow the button prompts to defeat him and end the level.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Drax
  • Gamora
  • Groot
  • Groot (Small)
  • Rocket Raccoon
  • Star-Lord
  • Star-Lord (Grey Top)

After No Eson of Mine

You are in control of Captain America and Wasp. Head to the right to exit the lounge, then talk to Iron Man. He will ask you to find the pieces he needs to repair the door mechanism. Head to all of the rooms to find the missing pieces. All of the pieces are lying out in the open, and are rather easy to find. Once you gather all of the parts, return to Iron Man. You will then unlock Iron Man and Tony Stark. Build the LEGO pieces onto the mechanism, then repair it to reveal stairs. Head down them.

Head over to the console and continue the story.

Avenger’s World Tour – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Hazmat Scientist, Attuma Goon, Prisoner, Octobot
  • Boss: The Presence, Attuma, Shocker (Classic), Kraven the Hunter, Doctor Octopus
  • Starting Characters: Thor, Captain America, She-Hulk
  • Added Characters: Iron Man, Captain Marvel; Ms. Marvel, White Tiger, Spider-Man
  • True Believer: 185,000

1. Head to the right up the path, then destroy the objects in front of the door to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a team-up panel, then use it to launch She-Hulk onto the bars. Hop up, then step on the buttons on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Drop down and build them into a fan, allowing Captain America to join you. Climb the ladder on the left tower, then put out the fires to reveal a generator. Charge it to open the door below you. Drop down and head inside, then use the shield switch to reveal some LEGO pieces. Fly to the tower on the right, then use the super strength handles to reveal a generator. Charge it to open the door below you. Head inside and destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a shield switch, then use it to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to open the door. Destroy the objects on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a node on the wall, then push the boxes on the right towards the closed door. Use the shield panel to open the doors. Smack up Captain America, then time to fight The Presence. Avoid his attacks, then hit him when his shields are down to damage him. Eventually, he’ll take command of Captain America. Smack him around when he’s stunned, then continue pounding down The Presence.

2. You are now in control of Iron Man and Captain Marvel. Head over to the pipe entrances, then enter the yellow pipe. Head to the right and destroy the gold object to reveal a lever. Pull it to open the door, then head inside and destroy the silver object to reveal an opening in the ceiling. Swim through it, then destroy the generator on the left. Swim back out, then smack Attuma around until he leaves. Head through the blue pipe, then head to the right. Swim up the elevator shaft, then repair the winch. Use it to raise up a box. Drop down and destroy it to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a lever. Pull it to open the door, then pass through the lasers as Captain Marvel and destroy the generator. Head back out and hit Attuma some more. Head through the red pipe, then destroy the gold object to reveal a lever. Pull it to open the door, then destroy the generator.

3. You are now in control of Ms. Marvel, White Tiger, and Spider-Man. Head to the right and use the grapple point to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a web point, then target both points to create a rope. Cross it, then smack Shocker (Classic) around. Eventually Mysterio will show up, so defeat his goons and continue beating on Shocker. Eventually, Shocker will jump onto a platform. Use the grapple points on the truck on the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a Ms. Marvel panel, then use it to knock down Shocker. Use Spidey sense to reveal Vulture. He will drag you into a jungle.

4. Cut down the vines in the back, then use the grapple point to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a fire, distracting the lion. Hit Kraven the Hunter he is defeated. Vulture will then carry you back to the bridge.

5. Now its time for Doctor Octopus. Simply avoid his tentacles and hit him to take out his health. Defeat him to end the level.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Captain America (Pilot)
  • Captain Marvel
  • Captain Marvel (No Mask)
  • Ms. Marvel
  • She-Hulk
  • Peter Parker
  • Spider-Man
  • Thor
  • White Tiger
  • Doctor Octopus
  • Kraven the Hunter
  • Shocker (Classic)
  • The Presence

After Avenger’s World Tour

You are in control of Spider-Man and Spider-Gwen. Follow Vulture around and follow the button prompts to defeat him. Do the same with Green Goblin 2099.

After the cutscene, you will unlock Gwen Stacy and Spider-Gwen. It doesn’t matter which team you pick to control, so lets go with Team Captain America. You are in control of Captain America, Groot, Gamora, and Star-Lord. Follow the ghost studs to the portal, then hop into it.

Talk to Black Knight (Sir Percy) and he will ask you to help liberate his castle. Follow him, defeating the enemies along the way, then continue the story.

Castle Hassle – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Kang Minion, Skeleton
  • Boss: Black Knight (Nathan Garrett)
  • Starting Characters: Doctor Strange, Star-Lord, Groot (Small), Captain Avalon, Gamora
  • Added Characters: Captain America
  • True Believer: 95,000

1. Head down the slope to the left, then turn back time to lower the cage. Place Groot in the cage, then turn time forward to raise the cage up. Use the ball socket to open the castle gate. Head inside, then destroy all of the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a battering ram, then use the Groot panel to clear up the path on the right. Destroy the plants, then cut through the vines and create a portal. Head through it, then head left and smash the cracked block, revealing a gravity booster. Toss a mine onto it to reveal the apple, then turn time forward to decompose it. Smack Enchantress to defeat her.

2. Time to rescue Cap. Use Doctor Strange to freeze the traps, then continue into the dungeon. Defeat the the enemies, then use Doctor Strange to free Captain America. Build the LEGO pieces into a shield panel. Use it to hit the shield switch, freeing Black Knight (Nathan Garrett). Smack him around until his health is drained, ending the level.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Captain Avalon
  • Doctor Strange
  • Enchantress

After Castle Hassle

You are in control of Spider-Man, She-Hulk, and Ms. Marvel. Follow the ghost studs to the portal, then hop in. You are now in Wakanda. Follow the ghost studs to the door, then use the super strength handles to reveal a technology panel. Use it to rotate the panels, powering up both blue and green lasers. Hop into the light to continue the story.

What’s Klaw’s is Mined – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Wakandan Mercenary
  • Boss: Man-Ape
  • Starting Characters: Black Panther, Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man, She-Hulk
  • True Believer: 120,000

1. Follow the trail on the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then push it to reveal LEGO pieces on the right. Build them into a bar, then grab it to create platforms to the right. Continue to the right, then smash the cracked block. Use the fuse box inside the room to open the doors on the right. Climb the ladder to the left to reach the crane. Dodge the box that falls, then build the LEGO pieces into a technology panel. Use it to take control of the crane, moving the boxes off the tracks. Push the mine cart into the lift, then climb up the ladder in the shaft and head right. Shoot the target to reveal a ladder, then climb down and destroy the objects to reveal a small opening. Shrink down as Ms. Marvel, then enter the shaft and head right. Pull the lever to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the tracks, then push the cart up to the door. Scan to be attacked by Man-Ape, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a detonator, then grab the bar.

2. Time to fight Man-Ape. Avoid his attacks, then walk up to him when he’s stunned and follow the button prompts to take off a chunk of his health. Repeat this until he is defeated.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Black Panther
  • Man-Ape

After What’s Klaw’s is Mined

You are in control of Captain America, Star-Lord, and Black Panther. Fly WAY, WAY up to reach a platform. Speak to the vibranium deposit receptacle, then accept the mission to search for vibranium. Head to the markers on the map to collect the vibranium, then deposit the samples into the machine. Head into the light to continue the story.

Hydra Hijinks – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Hydra Goon
  • Boss: Klaw, Baron Zemo
  • Starting Characters: Captain America, Star-Lord, Black Panther
  • True Believer: 115,000

1. Head to the right, then hop up the wall and grab the bar to reveal the rest of the wall. Hop up, then head to the right and destroy everything to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a shield panel, then pull the lever inside the room to reveal crates. Use the shield panel to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a gravity booster, then use it to clear the path. Continue to the right, then climb the ladder and continue to the right. Use the shield panel to boost Black Panther onto the ledge, then use the technology panel to lower a bridge. Cross it, then get ready to face Klaw. Defeat the enemies, then smack Klaw when he’s vulnerable.

2. Shoot Baron Zemo’s plane up. There will be a sequence where you are behind him, then a sequence where he’s behind you. Eventually, you will need to knock off Kang minions that land on your wings. Once Zemo’s plane is destroyed, the level will end.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Baron Zemo
  • Bowman
  • Klaw
  • Tactical Force

After Hydra Hijinks

You are in control of Thor, Ms. Marvel, and She-Hulk. Time to fight Man-Thing. Avoid his attacks and wait for him to be stunned before attacking. It will take awhile, but eventually he will be defeated.

Well, Chronopolis is big. It’s really big. You will unlock Man-Thing for purchase and be in control of Groot, Rocket Raccoon, and Gamora. Follow the ghost studs all the way to The Old West, then step into the light to continue the story.

High-Noon Saloon – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Cowboy
  • Boss: M.O.D.O.K., Captain Corbett
  • Starting Characters: Gamora, Captain America (Old West), Drax, Rocket Raccoon
  • Added Characters: Star-Lord, Kid Colt
  • True Believer: 140,000 

1. M.O.D.O.K. fighting time. Head to the left and destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the box on the left, then charge the generator that appears to disable the shield. Hit M.O.D.O.K. to damage him, then defeat the enemies that appear. Swing from the poles to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a cannon, which will destroy the barrier. Hit M.O.D.O.K. to damage him, then smash the cracked block to reveal a beam deflection panel. Use it to deflect the beam back at M.O.D.O.K.’s shield, then head up the stairs on the right. Push the barrel off the edge to defeat M.O.D.O.K.

2. You are now in control of Star-Lord and Kid Colt. Head to the right, then cross the side of the train car on the bars. Defeat the enemies, then destroy the box to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a gravity booster, then use it to create a beam. Cross it, then continue to the right through the flaming hoops. Destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a trampoline. Push it to the right along the tiles, then use it to reach the roof. Continue to the right, then use the grapple point to clear the path. Continue to the right to reach Captain Corbett. Smack him around until he runs off, then run onto the left side of the beam to raise it up. Quickly continue to the right, then build the LEGO pieces into a gravity booster. Hop into the cannon, then shoot the target to end the level.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Captain America (Old West)
  • Kid Colt
  • Captain Corbett
  • M.O.D.O.K.

After High-Noon Saloon

You are in control of Thor, Captain America and Captain Marvel. Follow the ghost studs to Asgard, then use the super strength handle to the left of the stairs to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the cannon, then destroy the gold object to the right of the stairs to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them onto the cannon. Hop in and use it to destroy the rubble blocking the entrance, then head into the light to continue the story.

Surtur-n Doom – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Surtur Goon, Kang Minion
  • Boss: Surtur
  • Starting Characters: Thor, Thor (Jane Foster), Captain Marvel, Captain America, Loki
  • True Believer: 30,000

1. Avoid Surtur’s attacks, then put out the large fire in the middle to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a catapult, then use the shield switch to fire the water at Surtur. Head to the right and destroy the large gold statue to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a generator, then charge it up to reveal super strength handles. Use them to pick up the barrel, then throw two of them at Surtur. He will then shrink down to a smaller size. Smack him around, then follow the button prompts. Use the shield panel on the left to ring the bell, squirting water onto Surtur. He will then shrink down again, so take out the rest of his health.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Thor (Jane Foster)
  • Surtur

After Surtur-n Doom

You are in control of Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, and She-Hulk. Follow the ghost studs to the Sanctum, then use the Doctor Strange panel to open the door. Step into the light to continue the story.

Rune to Maneuver – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Mind Maggots
  • Boss: Mordo
  • Starting Characters: Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, She-Hulk, Wong
  • True Believer: 90,000

1. You need to make rune shapes. The first panel is to the left of the stairs. For the second panel, head to the right.

2. Destroy the glowing chair to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then use it to reveal some LEGO pieces. Grab the ropes on the right to reveal a clock, then destroy it to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them into a sandbox to put out the fire, then use the panel that appears for the second rune. Head back out.

1. Head up the stairs and into the room on the left.

3. Push time backward to repair the bookshelves, then climb the ladder and use magic on the bust to reveal the third panel. Turn time forward to destroy the bookshelves, allowing you to use the third panel. Head back out.

1. Head up the center staircase.

4. Use the super strength handle on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into tiles, then head to the right and use the technology panel to reveal a box. Destroy it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into tiles. Once the tiles are repaired, push the cabinets into the correct spots. Match the base of the cabin with the border of the base. Match all six cabinets to reveal the fourth panel. Head out.

1. Head to the right and destroy the glowing cabinet to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a portal, then open it, allowing She-Hulk to reach the balcony.

2. Use the super strength handles to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then use it to reveal the final panel. Use it.

5. Time to fight Mordo. Avoid Mordo’s attacks, then hit him when he’s vulnerable. Eventually, he will disappear and send out some Mindless Ones. Defeat them, then quickly shoot all of the ghosts around the room (there are always four) to reveal Mordo again. Repeat this process two more times to defeat him.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Wong
  • Dormammu
  • Mordo

After Rune to Maneuver

You are in control of Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk. Follow the ghost studs to Kun-Lun, then head over to Manhattan Noir to talk to Iron Fist. After speaking to Iron Fist, talk to Daredevil and he will ask you to find out what’s inside Kingpin’s delivery. Head to the markers on the map and speak to the Fisk employees. After talking to all five of them, return to Daredevil and select the two pieces of information relevant to the delivery. After you complete the quest, you will unlock Daredevil. Speak to Luke Cage and he will ask you to grab a disguise. Head to Avengers Mansion and create a custom character with the baseball cap hat and delivery boy shirt. Return to Luke Cage to complete the quest and unlock Luke Cage. After completing both quests, head into the light to continue the story.

Noir Night-Mayor – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Kang Minion
  • Boss: Hammerhead, Elektra Noir, Kingpin
  • Starting Characters: Spider-Man, Spider-Man Noir, Iron Fist, Daredevil, Ms. Marvel
  • True Believer: 120,000

1. Head down the hall, then head to the right. Destroy the lamp to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a bar, then grab it to open the door, revealing a fuse box. Use it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a fan and a platform, allowing you to travel through the grate. Do so, then use the grapple points to open the door. Use the fuse box on the right to destroy the jukebox. Use the grapple point on the shelf on the left, then center Iron Fist’s chi and fire the beam into the dragon’s mouth to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a Ms. Marvel panel, then use it to open the safe, revealing more LEGO pieces. Build them into a telephone, revealing more LEGO pieces. Build them into grapple points, then use them to open the door. Time to fight Hammerhead. Fight your way through the enemies, then proceed down the hall. Scan to reveal him, then avoid his attacks and hit him when he’s vulnerable. Eventually he will retreat to the center of the room. Build the LEGO pieces into a camera, then use the grapple point on it to weaken him. Hit him to take out his remaining health.

2. Time to fight Elektra Noir. Hit her to take out her health. Once she’s defeated, use the grapple points to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ball socket, then use it to rotate the car 180 degrees. Destroy the engine on the back, then throw Daredevil’s batons at the gun firing at you. Build the LEGO pieces into a button, then step on it to start the Kingpin boss fight. Build the LEGO pieces into jukebox, then use the technology panel to turn the music on. Hit him when he’s vulnerable (you may need to use the technology panel again) until his health is depleted.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Iron Fist
  • Spider-Man Noir
  • Elektra Noir
  • Hammerhead
  • Kingpin

After Noir Night-Mayor

You are in control of Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel, and Iron Fist. Follow the ghost studs to K’un-Lun, then charge up Iron Fist’s chi. Shoot it into the dragon’s mouth, opening the door. Head into the light to continue the story.

K’un-Lun Konundrum – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Kang Minion
  • Boss: Steel Serpent
  • Starting Characters: Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel, Iron Fist
  • True Believer: 85,000

1. Head to the right and smash the cracked block, then follow the button prompts to reach the next ledge. Head to the right and climb the rope, then shrink down and enter the passageway. Build the LEGO pieces into a Ms. Marvel panel, then use it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rope point, then use it to create a rope across the gap. Cross it, then head left down the path and beams. Destroy the objects on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the tiles, then smash the cracked block to reveal a pillar. Push it along the tiles, then charge the chi altar to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a mirror, then turn the rotary handle to rotate the mirror. Destroy the glowing net in the shack to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to rotate the mirror, opening the door. Head inside.

2. Time to fight Steel Serpent. Hit him to take out his health. Eventually he will retreat to the center of the room. Avoid the tornado he creates, then continue to hit him. Once he is defeated, follow the button prompts to end the level.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Steel Serpent

After K’un-Lun Konundrum

You are in control of Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel. Follow the ghost studs to Nueva York. Electro 2099 will turn on the electricity. To shut it off, you need to find him. He is on top of a building back and to the left of the one you’re trying to enter (follow the electrified wires). Once you find him, hit him when he’s vulnerable. Eventually, he will flee. Head back to the Alchemax building, then follow the wires to find Electro 2099. Defeat him as you did before, then head back to the Alchemax building. Defeat him one more time to unlock him for purchase and open the door. Head inside the light to continue the story.

Symbiote Surprise – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Symbiote Scientist
  • Boss: Carnom
  • Starting Characters: Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel, She-Hulk, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man 2099
  • True Believer: 85,000

1. Head to the right and the glass will shatter. Use the grapple point to reveal a fuse box, then use it to open the door on the left. Press the button to reveal a technology panel. Use it, then press the right arrow twice. Step on the buttons to match the pattern, opening the door. Destroy the objects in the toxic waste to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then push both into the wall to reveal a ladder. Climb up, then use the super strength handles to open the door. Use the technology panel to move the ball through the holes, then head to the right and crawl through the grate. Grab the bar to shut off the electricity, then switch to a different character. Pull the lever to remove the lasers, then push the box to the right. Pull the lever again to move the lasers, then pull the lever on the upper level to raise the box up. Push the box to the left, then use the technology panel on the left to move the ball through the holes. This will power up the door on the right, allowing you to continue. Continue through the door.

2. Time to fight Carnom. Smack him until his health is depleted, then continue smacking him when he’s large. Follow the button prompts to defeat him, ending the level.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Spider-Man 2099
  • Carnom
  • Goblin 2099
  • Venom 2099

After Symbiote Surprise

You are in control of Star-Lord, Gamora, and Drax. Follow the ghost studs to Hala, then defeat the enemies to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a gravity booster, then use it to open the door. Step into the light to continue the story.

Kree-search and Development – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Kree
  • Boss: Ronan the Accuser
  • Starting Characters: Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, Groot Small
  • True Believer: 80,000

1. Destroy the silver object in the center of the room to reveal a technology panel. Use it to place the power cells in the correct slots (match the colors). This will open the door to the right. Continue on, then destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a gravity booster, then use it to destroy the barrier. Head inside the alcove, then destroy the objects on the right to reveal a grate. Travel through it, then grab the bar to reveal broken machinery. Repair it, then hop on and push the rotary handle to move past the lasers. Hop up the walls, then step on the buttons to reveal power cores. Destroy them to shut off the beams, then drop back down and smash the cracked block to reveal a generator. Charge it to turn off the crushers. Continue to the right, then destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a Groot panel, then use it to open the door. Continue to the right.

2. Time to fight Ronan. Defeat Ronan’s hounds, then avoid his attacks. Hit him when he’s stunned to drain his health. Defeat him to end the level.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Ronan the Accuser

After Kree-search and Development

You are in control of Black Bolt and Medusa, who you have also unlocked. Head up to the throne room, where you will face Sentry 459. Hit him to whittle down his health, then defeat the enemies that appear to make him vulnerable again. Once he is destroyed, head into the light to continue the story.

Inhuman Nature – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Kree, Kang Minion
  • Boss: Maximus
  • Starting Characters: Black Bolt, Crystal, Lockjaw, Medusa, Triton
  • True Believer: 95,000

1. Follow the trail on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a teleportation panel, then use it to teleport. Use the super strength handles to open the door, allowing your partners to join you. Fly up to the tank on the left, then destroy the gold objects to shut off the ice jets. Quickly step on all four buttons to open the tank, then swim down to the bottom and press the button to power one of the wires. Fly into the lift that appears, then shatter the glass to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then use it to open the door. Destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the tiles, then push the object to the end of the tiles, revealing a launch pad. Step on it, then press the button to power another of the wires. Head to the right and throw Triton’s staff into the socket, then swing up the poles and railings to reach the upper ledge. Follow the trail to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a pole socket. Throw Triton’s trident into it to remove the barrier. Carefully move past the lasers, then climb the ladder and press the button to power the final wire. Once all three wires are powered, a lift will appear. Hop onto it.

2. Time to fight Maximus. Use the grapple points on the mech to weaken it, then hit it to damage it. Once his health is low enough, he will raise up a shield. Step on the buttons to raise tesla towers, weakening the mech. Smack the mech some more to destroy it. Avoid the lasers, then shatter the glass to end the level.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Crystal
  • Lockjaw
  • Triton
  • Maximus

After Inhuman Nature

You are in control of Black Bolt and Medusa. Follow the ghost studs to Hala, then defeat the waves of enemies that appear to open the door. Step into the light to continue the story.

Hala, is it Kree You’re Looking For? – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Kree
  • Boss: Supreme Intelligence
  • Starting Characters: Black Bolt, Medusa
  • Added Characters: Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon, Groot
  • True Believer: 80,000

1. Use the super strength handle on the left to clear the path to the walls, then hop up and glide to the right. Use the grapple point to clear the barrier on the right. Grab the bar to slow down the turbines, allowing you to cross. Cross the beam, then shatter the glass on the voice amplifier to reveal a cracked block. Smash it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to rotate the pedestal. Shatter the glass again to lower the shield on the left. Head up the stairs and through the opening.

2. Time to fight Supreme Intelligence. Star-Lord will attack you, so smack him until he tosses a gravity mine, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a boombox. Follow the button prompts for the dance-off, defeating Star-Lord and adding him to your party. Build the LEGO pieces into a gravity booster, then use it. Now to face Rocket and Groot. Hit them when they’re vulnerable to damage them. Deplete their health to add Rocket Raccoon and Groot to your party. Defeat the enemies and when the mechanical arms are stuck in the ground, attack them. Once they are destroyed, destroy the silver object on the left and use the grapple point on the right to lower the shield. Shoot the power core several times to end the level.

After Hala, is it Kree You’re Looking For?

You are in control of Captain America, Captain Marvel, Thor, and Doctor Strange. Follow the ghost studs to Lemuria, then step into the light to continue the story.

Red King Revelation – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Kang Minion
  • Boss: Red King
  • Starting Characters: Thor, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange
  • Added Characters: Hulk (Thor: Ragnarok)
  • True Believer: 35,000

1. Destroy the gold platform, then build the LEGO pieces on the left into a shield switch. Use it to reveal a golden chariot, then destroy it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a chicken, then use the grapple point on the platform to destroy the staff. Build the LEGO pieces into a shield panel, then use it to reveal a Krogan. Hulk will turn him into a pile of rocks, so destroy the rocks to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into rocks, then use magic on the plate. Charge the generator on the platform. After the cutscene, Hulk (Thor: Ragnarok) will be added to your party. Put out the fires on the chariot, then destroy it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a beam deflection panel, then use it to destroy one of the gold panels. The Red King will then hop down to fight you himself. Avoid his attacks, then attack him until he flees. Destroy the glowing objects that appear, then build the LEGO pieces into a beam deflection panel. Use it to destroy the other gold panel, then fight the Red King as before. When he flees, destroy the glowing object to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a beam deflection panel, then use it to destroy the gold panel. Charge the generator to end the level.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Hulk
  • Hulk (Thor: Ragnarok)
  • Bruce Banner
  • Bruce Banner (Thor: Ragnarok)
  • Kronan Warrior
  • Red King

After Red King Revelation

You are in control of Hulk, Thor and Doctor Strange. Follow the ghost studs to Lemuria, then step into the light to continue the story.

Torg-nado – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Attuma Minion, Kang Minion
  • Boss: Torg, Attuma
  • Starting Characters: Thor, Hulk, Doctor Strange, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Stingray
  • True Believer: 65,000

1. Drop down to the bottom to reach Torg. Hit him to take out his health, then follow the button prompts as Hulk. Use magic on the door to reveal some clams. Hit the clams so they match the color of the clams outside the passageway, revealing a valve in the center. Turn it to drain the water level. Hit Torg some more, then destroy the glowing objects in the center of the room to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a banana, distracting Torg. Build the LEGO pieces that appear into a shield switch, then use it to trap Torg. Turn the rotary handle that appears to reveal a generator. Charge it to reveal a technology panel. Use it to bite Attuma three times. Head to the right, then use magic to place the wheel onto the door. Head to the right and smash the cracked block, then continue to the right. Swim up past the jellyfish to face Attuma. Hit him to take out his health, then take out the enemies he sends out when he flees. When he returns, hit him to take out the rest of his health, ending the level.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Stingray
  • Attuma
  • Torg

After Torg-nado

You are in control of Captain Marvel, Thor and Hulk. Follow the ghost studs to Egypt, then speak to Pharaoh and he will ask you to complete three trials. For the first trial, hop onto the camel and complete the race in under 1 minute 10 seconds to complete the first trial. Speak to Pharaoh again for the second trial. For the second trial, defeat the waves of enemies that appear. For the third trial, step into the light to continue the story.

I Sphinx We Have A Problem – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Mummy, Scorpion, Large Mummy
  • Boss: Living Mummy
  • Starting Characters: Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, Horus, Thor
  • Added Characters: Hulk, Captain America
  • True Believer: 105,000

***NOTE*** Areas 1 and 2 are technically the same area, but the walkthrough is easier to follow if I split them up.

1. Destroy the gold pedestals on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to lower the barrier behind you. Head down, then destroy the glowing statue to reveal a rune panel. Use it to knock the blocks out of the wall, then use magic to place them in the correct order, revealing a portal. Open it, then hop through.

2. You are now in control of Hulk and Captain America. Smash the cracked block to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a scarab beetle, then hop on and use it to dig up LEGO pieces. Build them into dynamite and a detonator, then grab the bar on the detonator to destroy the barrier. Continue to the left, avoiding the traps, then press the button to shut them off. Continue to the left and destroy the glowing pillars to reveal a shield panel, then use it to lower the barrier in your way. Continue on, then smash the cracked block to reveal a button. Press it to raise the water level, allowing you to continue. Push the pedestal to the end of the tiles.

1. Continue along the path and head through the traps, then press the button to shut them off. Continue to the right, then destroy the gold parts of the statue to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then use it to solve the puzzle, lowering the barrier. Continue on, then press the button to shut off the traps. Turn time backward on the small sphinx to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a railing, then grab it to lower the barrier by you.

2. Head down the stairs in the back, then hop across the platforms to cross the quicksand. Press the button to raise platforms in the quicksand, then continue along the path. Destroy the glowing hourglass to reveal a button. Step on it as Hulk to reveal poles, then swing across as Captain America. Press the button to raise platforms, allowing Hulk to join you, then use the super strength handles to destroy the barrier, allowing you to join up with the rest of the team. Build the LEGO pieces into a railing, then grab it to open the door in Area 1.

1. Head through the door.

3. Time to fight Living Mummy. Build the LEGO pieces into a beam deflection panel, then use it to deflect the beam back at Living Mummy. Defeat the enemies that appear, then smash the cracked block to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a beam deflection panel, then use it to deflect the beam back at Living Mummy. He will then ensnare you. Switch to another character and hit him, then follow the button prompts to break free. Continue to hit him, and if he grabs onto you, switch to another character to hit him. Take out his health to end the level.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Horus

After I Sphinx We Have A Problem

You have unlocked Giant-Man, and are in control of him and Tony Stark. Follow the ghost studs to exit the mansion, then climb up to the roof. Destroy the boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into the control panel, then fix the device. Use the technology panel on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a machine, which will be missing a piece. The missing piece can be found by hopping off the ledge left of the machine. Build the LEGO piece onto the energy regulator, then step into the light to continue the story.

The Road to Knowhere – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Kang Minion
  • Starting Characters: Black Bolt, Spider-Man 2099, Wasp
  • Added Characters: Captain America, Thor, White Tiger, She-Hulk, Spider-Gwen, Rocket Raccoon
  • True Believer: 75,000

1. Head to the right and shatter the glass box to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then use it to reveal a valve. Turn it to put out the fires, allowing you to head to the right. Destroy the purple rock in front of the tunnels, then shrink down and enter. Press the button to rearrange the tunnels, then climb up to the top to knock out the LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then use it to move the dish up and to the right. Turn the rotary handle that appears on the left to align the satellites.

2. You are now in control of Captain America, Thor, and White Tiger. Head all the way to the right and cut through the vines by the gate to reveal a generator. Charge it up to open the gate, then hop in the lawnmower and ride it over the glowing plants to reveal dig spots. Dig up LEGO pieces, then build them into a wheel. Hop inside to power up part of the generator. Head back left, then use the super strength handle to tear away the barrier. Hop up the walls and grab the pole to align the bounce pads, then dig up LEGO pieces. Build them into a shield panel, then use it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a wind turbine, powering up the rest of the generator. Once the generator is fully powered, pull the lever.

3. You are now in control of She-Hulk, Spider-Gwen, and Rocket Raccoon. Defeat the enemies that attack Doctor Strange until the beam is full. If you are struggling, you can use the technology panel in the lower left corner to call in a Quinjet strike.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Ant-Man

After The Road to Knowhere

You are in control of Star-Lord, Iron Man (Mk 47), and Spider-Man. Fly up to Knowhere, then destroy the glowing rubble on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then use it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a gravity booster, then use it to reveal the equipment. Repair it, then step into the light to continue the story.

On Board the Sword – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Kang Minion
  • Boss: Korvac
  • Starting Characters: Star-Lord, Spider-Man, Iron Man (Mk 47)
  • True Believer: 70,000

1. Destroy the gold objects to the left of the door to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a gravity booster, then use it to repair the door, then step on the button to open it. Continue along the path, then head up to the left ledge. Use the grapple point to reveal a gravity booster, then use it to power the blue wire. Drop back down and cut through the gold wall to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a robotic arm, powering up the yellow wire. This will open the door on the left ledge. Head inside and step on the teleporter to reach a new room. Inside, destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then use it and press the left arrow. This will reveal a ladder down to the area. Teleport back, then drop down and climb down the ladder. Destroy the glowing boxes to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a robot, blocking the tiles on the right. Teleport back to the technology panel and press the arrow on the right, then return to the tiles and push the box into the slot, powering the red wire. Once all three generators are charged, destroy the gold object to open the door on the right ledge. Head inside, then use the technology panel to reveal grapple points. Use them to open the monorail line, then hop into the train car.

2. Time to face Korvac. Shoot at him to damage him, then avoid his attacks. Take out his health to defeat him, ending the level.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Iron Man (Mk 47)
  • Korvac

After On Board the Sword

You are in control of Captain America and Doctor Strange. Fly up to the top of Kang’s Citadel, then shoot down the waves of drones that appear. Fly to the markers and destroy the shield generators, then fly up to the marker. Step into the light to finish the story.

Out of Time – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Kang Minion
  • Boss: Kang
  • Starting Characters: Star-Lord, Captain Marvel, Captain America, Doctor Strange
  • True Believer: 95,000

1. Head to the right and destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a gravity booster, then use it to lower the walls. Hop up, then step on the button to reveal a shield switch. Use it to reveal a rune panel. Use it to remove the wall, then create a portal. Travel through it, then use the technology panel to move the cannon into place. Hop in and use it to destroy the lift door, revealing a gold wall. Cut through it, then hop onto the lift.

2. Time to face Kang. This fight is actually pretty simple. Simply hit him until he retreats, then follow the button prompts to avoid the portal attacks. Eventually, Kang will freeze time. Switch to Doctor Strange, then turn time forwards.

3. Cut through the gold wall, then destroy the glowing boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the tiles, the push the block to the edge of the tiles to reveal a technology panel. Use it to align the sensors, then climb the ladder and hop into the sensors as Captain America. Follow the button prompts to end the level.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Kang
  • Ravonna
  • Terminatrix

Panic! at the Picnic – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Mind Controlled Civilian
  • Boss: M.O.D.O.K.
  • Starting Characters: Squirrel Girl, Koi Boi, Chimpunk Hunk
  • True Believer: 35,000

1. Time to clean up this party. Destroy the silver statue to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a wire, then use the technology panel to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them into wind chimes. Dig up some LEGO pieces from the dig spot, then build them into a fountain. This will open up the hut to the left, so destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a super strength handle, then use it to ring the bell. Head to the left and swim underwater, then destroy the glowing objects and shatter the glass to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a wire, then use the technology panel to raise up the cage. Use the technology panel on land to move the cage, then repair the hot dog stand to reactivate the technology panel. Use it to capture the turtle. Complete all five tasks to reveal M.O.D.O.K. Build the LEGO pieces near him into a nut launcher, then hop in and shoot him up. Once more LEGO pieces appear, build them into a technology panel, then use it to weaken M.O.D.O.K.’s shield. Build the nut launcher again, then continue shooting him. Repeat this process until he is defeated.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Koi Boi

Defying Conventions – Story Mode

  • Starting Characters: Howard the Duck, Forbush Man
  • True Believer: 65,000

1. Destroy the silver vending machines on the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then use it to open the doors. Head into the main room, then head to the left and destroy the silver object to knock over the Hulkbuster armor. Destroy it and the other objects on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a railing and a panel, revealing Iron Duck. Destroy the gold speakers to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a speaker and wire, then grab the pole that appears to power it up, allowing you to reach the upper ledge. Destroy the glowing object to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a rotary handle. Turn it to move the Captain America poster, then destroy it to reveal a pole socket. Use Iron Duck to reach the railing on the left, then throw a pole into the socket. Destroy the glowing Black Widow poster to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ramp, allowing you to reach the pole. Swing across the gap, then use the technology panel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a videogame demo, then use it to complete the level.

Dude, Where’s My Dragon? – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Skeleton
  • Starting Characters: King Arthur Pendragon, Merlin
  • True Believer: 40,000

1. Destroy the objects on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a clock, then continue to the right through the traps. Use magic on the clock to open the door on the right, allowing you to continue. Destroy the glowing dragon to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rune panel, then use it to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them into a chair, then push it into the slot on the left. Bounce on it to reach the ledge, then cut through the vines. Use magic on the skeleton to reveal LEGO pieces on the ground. Drop down and build them into another chair and tiles, then push the chair into the socket on the right. Bounce on it to reach the upper ledge, then swing on the poles. Destroy the gold panel on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a jester’s hat, then use magic on it. Destroy the gold panel on the right to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them into a lute, then use magic on it to get the robot to dance. Destroy the generator on its back to end the level.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Morgan Le Fay

Oscorp Escapade – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Hazmat Scientist
  • Boss: Lizard
  • Starting Characters: Carnage, Venom
  • True Believer: 40,000

1. Destroy the bed to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a duck, then use the grapple point to bust out of your cell. Head over to the scientist and follow the button prompts, then press the button by Venom’s cell to free him. Head to the right, then watch the first set of lasers. When they shut off, hop behind them, then smash the cracked block to reveal an opening. Head inside and to the right, then smash through the barrier. Continue to the right and use the grapple point to shut off the flamethrower. Press the button on the right ledge, then press the button on the ground twice to open the crate on the left. Step on the buttons to get a disguise, then head to the left. Step on the button, then defeat the enemies. Time to fight Lizard. Smack him until his health is depleted, then head left and pull the lever to shut off the lasers. Continue to the left, then destroy the glowing object to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a super strength handle, then use it to open the door. Jump down the gap to end the level.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Carnage
  • Venom
  • Ultimate Venom

Simulation Situation – Story Mode

  • Starting Characters: Agent Coulson, Quake
  • True Believer: 70,000

1. Head to the right and cut through the gold panel to reveal a computer. Destroy it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then use it to close the Hydra tabs, then select the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo. Shatter the glass wall, then hop up the wall and swing on the poles to reveal Lola. Hop in and shoot the targets that appear. After the ride ends, head through the door on the left to end the level.

Dance Off, Bro – Story Mode

  • Starting Characters: Star-Lord, Captain America, Spider-Man, Groot (Small)
  • True Believer: 30,000

1. Use the technology panel on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a shield panel, then use it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a drum set, then continue down the ship. Destroy the glowing containers to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into grapple points, then use them to reveal targets. Shoot them to align the circuits to reveal food, then step on the button to head down a level. Use the Groot panel to destroy the boxes, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into railings, then grab them to reveal a gravity booster. Use it to reveal a technology panel, then use it to complete the slider puzzle. Complete all three tasks to complete the level.

Hank-Ger Management – Story Mode

  • Starting Characters: Wonder Man, Hulk, A-Bomb
  • Added Characters: Ant-Man (Classic)
  • True Believer: 55,000

1. Destroy the gold Avenger’s logo on the left to reveal a cracked block, then smash it to reveal super strength handles. Use them to shut off the shields around the left laser, then head to the right. Thunderclap to put out the fires, then destroy the glowing terminals to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then use it to align the wires, revealing super strength handles. Use them to shut off the shields around the right laser. Destroy both lasers to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an arc reactor, lowering the shield. Destroy the gold cage to add Ant-Man (Classic) to your party. Head through the vent on the left, then the center vent, then the right vent. Destroy the gold object that appears, then use the fuse box to end the level.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Yellowjacket

Toe-To-Totem – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Cowboy
  • Starting Characters: Rawhide Kid, Red Wolf
  • True Believer: 15,000

1. Destroy the silver boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a mechanical bull, then ride it to reach the upper balcony. Destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then use it. Destroy the silver totem pole on the left, then follow the trail to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into trumpets, then press the button to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, then use it to reach the poles. Swing on them to put out the fires on the stairs, then climb up. Use the grapple point to reveal LEGO pieces on the ground. Build them into a water cannon, then hop in and use it to spray water on the stage, ending this level.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Living Totem

Spook-tacular Parade Saga – Story Mode

  • Starting Characters: Morbius, Living Mummy, Man-Thing
  • True Believer: 90,000 

1. Head up the stairs and use the super strength handle to knock down the boxes. Destroy them, then use the grapple point on the statues to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into the center part of the float, then head left. Use mind control on the Hydra soldier, then hop into the forklift to crash it through the barrier. Destroy the forklift to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into part of the float, then build them LEGO pieces into a grapple point. Use it to reveal more LEGO pieces, then build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to create the left part of the float. Head to the right and use mind control on the Hydra soldier in the booth, then pull the lever to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then use it to create a rope, then climb up the rope and ladders to reach the ledge of the building. Grab the railing at the end of the scaffolding to lower the rest of the tiles, then push the box off the edge to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an air compressor, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into the right part of the float. Complete the float to end the level.

Poole Party – Story Mode

  • Enemies: Squid Kids
  • Starting Characters: Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Ms. Marvel, Howard the Duck
  • True Believer: 45,000 

1. Head down the stairs and destroy the silver object to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to reveal a technology panel. Use it to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a Ms. Marvel panel. Use it to break into the hut. Use the fuse box inside to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to close the pool, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a super strength handle, then use it. Destroy the silver object to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a tub, then build the other LEGO pieces that appear into a slingshot. Use the grapple points to end the level.

Unlocked Characters:

  • Gwenpool
  • Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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