CarX Drift Racing Online – Tuning Guide

Complete explanation of what each and every individual setting in the tuning menu is.


When it comes to the wheel setup you’ve got a few factors to think about.

CarX speaking we’ve got Rim diameter, Tyre width, & Tyre PSI

Rim Diameter is pretty simple. Smaller wheel means less rotation to complete a spin and less weight as the smaller wheel is simply smaller.

CarX Drift Racing Online - Tuning Guide
CarX Drift Racing Online - Tuning Guide

Tyre Width is simple. More Tire means more grip but too much tire is also losing grip.
At most running is 325 is okay. My usual setup is 285 front depending on the car were speaking of.
Most if not all cars make enough power to spin 285 or 325 rear tyres with the drift tune.
If your front is significantly wider than the rear you might experience some understeer.

CarX Drift Racing Online - Tuning Guide
CarX Drift Racing Online - Tuning Guide

Tyre Pressure (PSI) basically is less psi more grip since there is more tire contact and the tires are more flexable. Higher PSI makes the tire stiff and have a less contact patch.


Alright, were dealing with Spring Size, Spring Rate, Shock Absorber, Toe IN/OUT, Camber, Caster, Ackerman, Steering Angle and Front/Rear Stablizers.

Spring Size is how Short or Tall your spring is. The Taller the Spring, the higher the ride height.
Smaller Springs give you a lower stance. This is all to YOUR preference.

CarX Drift Racing Online - Tuning Guide
CarX Drift Racing Online - Tuning Guide

Spring Rate is how Soft or Stiff your Coil Spring is, This will also affect your ride height. Stiffer Springs Softer Spring Rate will allow more mechanical grip since the springs will be working with the road, but stiffer spring rate rewards with more precise handling and fast reaction. Softer Springs give a more slow and predictable feeling.

Shock Absorbers that are stiff allow the car to be more stable on acceleration and fast direction change. Soft Shock Absorbers eliminates understeer but makes the car feel sluggish.

Toe IN & OUT is how much your wheel is pointed inward or outward static/The Horizontal angle of the wheel. Toe out makes the wheel point outward as if it turned right on a right turn. Toe In is vice versa, the wheel is pointed inward as if turning left on a left turn

Toe IN

CarX Drift Racing Online - Tuning Guide


CarX Drift Racing Online - Tuning Guide

Camber is the vertical angle of the wheel. Negative Value results in the top of the wheel sunk in. Positive Value results in the top of the wheel poking outward.

CarX Drift Racing Online - Tuning Guide
CarX Drift Racing Online - Tuning Guide

Caster is how forward or backward your wheel position is. A Higher Caster Value would result in the wheel being toward the front of the wheel arch. A lower Caster Value would result in the wheel being further back toward the rear of the wheel arch. CarX I dont believe that applies. Its affects your mechanical camber as your turning the wheel. You want your leading tire to be completely flat at full lock.

CarX Drift Racing Online - Tuning Guide

Ackerman Angle is how far/close your pivot point is from the hub position. Lower value will result in your leading tire having a more turning radius than your leading tire.

0% Ackerman

CarX Drift Racing Online - Tuning Guide

100% Ackerman

CarX Drift Racing Online - Tuning Guide

Steering Angle is how far your wheel can turn before lock. Higher value results in having more angle when drifting. Low Value results in less angle.

64 Degrees

CarX Drift Racing Online - Tuning Guide

40 Degrees

CarX Drift Racing Online - Tuning Guide

Front / Rear Stablizers basically tie your front end together depending on how much body roll you want. A stiffer Anti-Roll Bar setting results in less body roll, a more responsive car in turns and also less weight transfer. Softer or NO Anti Roll Bar results in more body roll, less responsiveness and more weight transfer.


We got Engine Tune-up, Max Torque, Rev Limiter, Turbo, and Turbo PSI.

  • Engine Tune up basically just adding power to the engine. 
  • Max Torque effects the rotational momentum when its at its highest. 
  • Rev Limiter is raising or lowering when your engine redlines. 
  • Turbo is simply deciding if you want a turbo or not. 
  • Turbo Pressure is how much Pounds Per Square Inch were forcing into the intake from exhaust gasses.


Braking Torque & Axle Distribution

  • Braking Torque is how much braking force is applied when you press the brakes. 
  • Axle Distribution is where you want your braking force applied. Higher value results in more force through the front brakes.


Differential Lock & Gear Ratio

  • Differential Lock is how much torque is applied before the differential locks and applies equal force to both tires. Higher values means less torque is needed to lock boths wheels. Lower values requires much more torque to lock both wheels.
  • Gear Ratio is how long or short each gear is. Higher values result in shorter gears. Lower values result in much longer gears.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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