Walkthrough for Mutiny!! Game, contains solutions to puzzles and battles.
Ship Battles
I have found the best ways to complete the ship battles. Some battles allow for errors, but in many, incorrect choices result in full damage. This guide is helpful for additional playthroughs.
- Battle 1 (Tutorial): Open Fire; Hold Fast & Shoot; Open Fire; Open Fire; Open Fire.
- Battle 2 (Close Boat): Brace for Impact (five times)
- Battle 3 (Far Boat): Evade (five times)
- Battle 4 (Close and Middle Boats): Hold Fast and Shoot; Brace for Impact; Hold Fast and Shoot; Brace for Impact; Hold Fast and Shoot.
- Battle 5 (Far and Middle Boats): Swerve and Shoot; Open Fire; Swerve and Shoot; Open Fire; Swerve and Shoot.
- Bonus Battle (Fish Rescue/Three Ships): Swerve and Shoot; Hold Fast and Shoot; Hold Fast and Shoot; Swerve and Shoot; Hold Fast and Shoot.
- Battle 6 (Past Spooky Mansion/Three Ships): Hold Fast and Shoot; Swerve and Shoot; Hold Fast and Shoot; Hold Fast and Shoot; Swerve and Shoot.
- Battle 7 (Hole in the World/Three Ships): Hold Fast and Shoot; Swerve and Shoot; Swerve and Shoot; Swerve and Shoot; Hold Fast and Shoot.
Lights On
The Lights On puzzle in the cloud ruin. If your lost or having issues try resetting the puzzle with “R”.
My normal solution is below:

Light Key Puzzle
The Light Key Puzzle in the spooky mansion. This is a circuit type puzzle and few tips may help:
- All the peices can rotate keys and center included.
- While the center piece can rotate my solution leaves it in the normal position.
- The center piece in the normal orientation provides power left, top, and right only.
- The end of the Key with the “teeth” must face the power to light up.
My solution is provided below:

General Ending Tips
To get a character’s bad ending, raise the Mutiny bar until the crew is very tired and upset. To do this, fail puzzles, lose ship battles, and give wrong answers in dungeons. If characters say things are bad to Grace, keep going.
Nemui’s Route
Good Ending
- Broken Spear of Queen Illyrian: Keep it or Sell it
- Nemui’s Duties: Any Choice
- Temperature Regulating Suit: Give it to Nemui
- First Mate: Nemui
- Night Realm Lird and Lara: Either “Take them anyway” or “Go without them”
- Night Realm Crystals: Smal, Medium, Big, Small
- Talking about Lara: Amends with Lara
- Ice Ruins: We’re gonna need uh…some salt, and Bree, Groz, Alcina and Foo to drink alot of fluids.
- The old captain’s toys: It can wait
- Nemui captured by plants: Squish past it
- Who is at fault: Me
- Nemui’s blue color means: Sad
- Big Fish Rescue: Either “We’ll hit and run” or “Sorry, that’s too dangerous”
- Underwater Garden: Either “Go with Lird and Lara” or “Go with Bree and Alcina”
- Pitcher Plant: Grozdana, this is a job only you can achieve.
Normal Ending
- “Give the suit to Nemui” > If you don’t, she will not accept to be your first mate and you’ll never be able to romance her
- “Choose Nemui as your first mate”
- Either “Take them anyway” or “Go without them”
- “Small, Medium, Big, Small” to solve the mountain’s riddle
- “Press on about sex”
- “We’re gonna need uh… some salt, and Bree, Groz, Alcina and Foo to drink a lot of fluids” to solve the snow ruins’ riddle
- “Get to the cabin!”
- “Squish past it” to solve the forest’s riddle
- “Nemui”
- Any of the other options
- Either “We’ll hit and run” or “Sorry, that’s too dangerous”
- Either “Go with Lird and Lara” or “Go with Bree and Alcina”
- “Grozdana, this is a job only you can achieve” to solve the underwater garden’s riddle
Mutiny Ending
- “Big, Medium, Small, Small” to fail the mountain’s riddle
- “Start a fire” to fail the snow ruins’ riddle
- “Entice the plants” to fail the forest’s riddle
- “I don’t believe you” to fail the underwater garden’s riddle
Alcina Route
Choose Alcina as your first mate.
Good Ending
- Either “Take them anyway” or “Go without them”
- “Small, Medium, Big, Small” to solve the mountain’s riddle
- “Get involved”
- “We’re gonna need uh… some salt, and Bree, Groz, Alcina and Foo to drink a lot of fluids” to solve the snow ruins’ riddle
- “They’re both accountable”
- “Squish past it” to solve the forest’s riddle
- Either “We’ll hit and run” or “Sorry, that’s too dangerous”
- “Go with Bree and Alcina”
- “Grozdana, this is a job only you can achieve” to solve the underwater garden’s riddle
Normal Ending
- Either “Take them anyway” or “Go without them”
- “Small, Medium, Big, Small” to solve the mountain’s riddle
- “Just break them up”
- “We’re gonna need uh… some salt, and Bree, Groz, Alcina and Foo to drink a lot of fluids” to solve the snow ruins’ riddle
- “Alcina that was rude”
- “Squish past it” to solve the forest’s riddle
- Either “We’ll hit and run” or “Sorry, that’s too dangerous”
- “Go with Lird and Lara”
- “Grozdana, this is a job only you can achieve” to solve the underwater garden’s riddle
Mutiny Ending
- “Big, Medium, Small, Small” to fail the mountain’s riddle
- “Start a fire” to fail the snow ruins’ riddle
- “Entice the plants” to fail the forest’s riddle
- “I don’t believe you” to fail the underwater garden’s riddle
Lara & Lirdynrae Route
Choose Lara & Lirdynrae as your first mates.
Good Ending
- “Go without them”
- “Small, Medium, Big, Small” to solve the mountain’s riddle
- “Let it drop”
- “We’re gonna need uh… some salt, and Bree, Groz, Alcina and Foo to drink a lot of fluids” to solve the snow ruins’ riddle
- “Squish past it” to solve the forest’s riddle
- “We’ll hit and run”
- “Go with Lird and Lara”
- “Grozdana, this is a job only you can achieve” to solve the underwater garden’s riddle
Mutiny Ending
- “Big, Medium, Small, Small” to fail the mountain’s riddle
- “Start a fire” to fail the snow ruins’ riddle
- “Entice the plants” to fail the forest’s riddle
- “I don’t believe you” to fail the underwater garden’s riddle
Grozdana’s Route
Good Route
- Broken Spear of Queen Illyrian: Keep it
- Nemui’s Duties: Any Choice
- Temperature Regulating Suit: Either Give it to Nemui or Sell it
- First Mate: Grozdana
- Night Realm Lird and Lara: Either “Take them anyway” or “Go without them”
- Night Realm Crystals: Smal, Medium, Big, Small
- Groz “offering” her company: Play along
- Ice Ruins: We’re gonna need uh…some salt, and Bree, Groz, Alcina and Foo to drink alot of fluids.
- Nemui captured by plants: Squish past it
- Groz knocks on the door and runs: Go after her
- Big Fish Rescue: Either “We’ll hit and run” or “Sorry, that’s too dangerous”
- Underwater Garden: Either “Go with Lird and Lara” or “Go with Bree and Alcina”
- Pitcher Plant: Grozdana, this is a job only you can achieve.
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