We Were Here Too – Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide

This guide will help you to unlock the alternative ending of the game and achievement: Another Way…

Find All Levers

If you want to end the game with a different ending you must find all 12 levers playing the whole game. You can’t start this level where you missed levers and activate them. You have to play the whole game from the beginning. Make sure if you die the levers on current level are switched on.

Playing as Lord

1. In the first room on the right site of the exit door you have to look down and behind the bars you will see red symbols. Your partner set a suitable combination of this symbols and pull the lever and door behind will open.

We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide
We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide
We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide

2. After complete candles puzzle. To the left site of the big room. Before this shrine in the middle or something. In the downstairs door.

We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide
We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide

3. In the tunnel after cube (dice) puzzle.

We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide

4. In the room with stained glasses, on the opposite of the mini castle.

We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide

Playing as Peasant

1. When you see spiral staircase turn left and you see the lever.

We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide
We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide

2. After entering the throne room turn left and you will see lever.

We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide
We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide

3. After entering the room with stained glass windows and small castle in the middle turn left and you will see the door.

We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide
We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide
We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide

4. When entering the level with the maze before you start go straight to the door.

We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide
We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide


1.Firstly you have to go upstairs by elevator and memorize the symbols before the exit gate. Then you need to set symbols where your partner was imprisoned and the door will open behind you.

We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide
We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide

2. You have to go on elevator in “0 floor”.

We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide

3. In “1 floor” above elevator is lever. You have to go on elevator when it goes up.

We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide
We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide

4. When you take the elevator to the top before the gate you will see last lever.

We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide
We Were Here Too - Alternative Ending / Achievement Guide

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. In the first room on the right site of the exit door you have to look down and behind the bars you will see red symbols

  2. The 1st Together lever that is supposed to be accessible after passing the incinerator is bugged for me, the door will not unlock for it.

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