Farmer’s Dynasty – Gameplay Tips and Tricks

This guide is there to help you play better. It concerns both beginners and experienced players.
If you ask yourself a question, the answer may be here.

Other Farmer’s Dynasty Guides:

Fuel Tank

You have to go to a service station, you have 2 choices:

  • Either refuel on the spot of the tractor, at the price of 1.5 €/Liter
  • Or to be delivered 1000 Liters, on the farm for the price of 1.2 €/Liter

You can order as much fuel as you need, I already have to order 2000 liters, to be quiet.

Farmer's Dynasty - Gameplay Tips and Tricks

Vehicle fuel capacity:

  • Jack Bear C Tractor – 46 Liter
  • Lindner Geotrac 134EP Tractor – 145 Liter
  • Old Pickup – 50 Liter
  • Combine Harvester – 400 Liter
  • Pickup HDS – 60 Liter 

Where to Fill the Fertilizer Spreader or the Seeder?

Buy seeds or fertilizer at the agro store, west of the farm.

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This happens automatically in your garage, in the patio, without a door ; place your semi, or your fertilizer spreader, and fill it all.

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For information, for 1 field of 2ha, you need about 750kg of fertilizer for example.

Fertilizer spreader in action.

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Seeder in action.

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Straw Bale

Once you’ve done the straw bales with the baler:

Take your forage trailer, and approach the bales on the ground.

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And get out of your tractor to manually load the bales, it makes the muscles.

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Then you will tell me, what do I do? 2 logical choices possible:

You give them to your cows, you can put them here.

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And it lands here.

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Or if the cow storage is full, you can sell your straw load:

20 straw bales = 3000 €.

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You can buy the animals at the store where you buy the cereals:

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Farmer's Dynasty - Gameplay Tips and Tricks

  • Chicken 12 € / unit (limit to 10 by your farm).
  • Cow 500 € / unit (limit to 9 by your farm).

Remember to harvest once a day, eggs and milk.

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Farmer's Dynasty - Gameplay Tips and Tricks

If you renovate the barn and the chicken coop, you will reap more eggs and milk.

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You can sell eggs and milk.

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Farmer's Dynasty - Gameplay Tips and Tricks

Don’t Forget the Attic (Loft)

To finish renovating the main building, there are two things to remember:

  • Check waxed concrete foundations.
  • Son’t forget, there is an garret above the Bedroom. 

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Farmer's Dynasty - Gameplay Tips and Tricks

We have access to the roof and the chimney.


In the greenhouse, we can grow tomatoes, here is the result:

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Before selling them, i’ll keep them.

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Once you’re married, your wife can cook them,
and make soups of tomatoes that can be bought + 15 € the box.

While waiting to find the Miss Farmer, I sold my stock of egg, milk, pumpkin, zucchini & tomato:

Eggs: 553 => 221.2 €

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Milk: 414 => 1656€

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Pumpkin: 201 => 836.16€

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Tomatoe: 640 => 486.4€

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Zucchini: 237 => 474€

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If we add everything that I just sold, I just recovered 3673.76 €

Ideas Received on the Old Tractor

The tractor does not move forward, 23 km/h max.
False, when off-road, it can reach 35-40 km/h downhill.

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The shortest way between 2 points A & B, is happening on the road.
False, we can go off-road, the open world allows us,
you just have to avoid rolling in the fields ready to harvest.
If you can not climb the slope, activate the speed regulator.

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The tractor does not fear the water!
Yes and no, up to a certain height of water, no worries, but we can drown the engine.

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Do not wait to refuel, otherwise you have to get help.
The whole thing is to arrive at a tank before the gasoline breakdown, successful mission, 1% of fuel.

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New Hardware Compatibility with the Old Tractor

The new tractor is expensive, I did not have the patience to wait for it. All new hardware is not completely compatible:

Compatible harrow.

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Seeder compatible.

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Grain trailer compatible.

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In shortcut mode, all terrain, the old tractor galley.

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Practice the new trailer, you can harvest a field at once with this trailer.

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Ballot trailer not compatible.

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Misc Tips

For missions, it’s hard to know who should give us a job.

For that, it is necessary to activate the vision of engineer on a group of person, if you find you an exclamation point on someone, it is him/her that you must see in priority.

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Scaffolding: do not forget that those with ladders, often have 2 levels, so 2 scales.

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This allows us to easily access the roof.

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I work in the field of petrochemicals, and scaffolding are expensive, so we learn to save them better.

You can only take 4 missions at a time, no more.

Farmer's Dynasty - Gameplay Tips and Tricks

For the 1rst season, it ends on September 30 and resume on April 1,
so do not buy fields in order to harvest it 1 week before the end of the season, and think about emptying the manure pit, it will be filled when you come back from winter.

Transport mission, I found a trick to go faster. Very often, it is Steve who has the famous parcel, I place a pickup at his place, and with the old pickup, I move to look for the missions, it remains only to switch to finalize the mission.

Tip to troubleshoot a tool that would get stuck on a stone or too close to a wall
you have to get close to his fixation point and open the menu, as if he wanted to eat.

Farmer's Dynasty - Gameplay Tips and Tricks

Remark about the girls’ flirt: it’s been a while since I’ve been courting Yvonne, who is west of the city, she’s a pretty redhead, when I’ve exceeded 30-40k of social points, smiley has become green. And I buy the pickup HDS, with the reduction, I fell back to 20k of social point, and the girl was no longer friend with me, back to square one.

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Farmer's Dynasty - Gameplay Tips and Tricks

Farm Vehicles

New this week, an old pickup, max speed 60 km/h.

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(to avoid in off-road mode, it is lowered)

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What’s good in the spring is the fields in bloom, here Lupine.

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I took a shortcut, the rails of railroad, I thought myself in GTA5, the train don’t made noise to warn me that it arrived!

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The old tractor looks a lot like the old John Deere 30’s tractor.

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Desired evolution, be able to pull a straw bale trailer, or fill the bucket.

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New tractor, max speed 39 km/h.

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36 km/h with cruise control.

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Working speed, 14-15 km/h.

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New color for my tractor, dark brown, like the bears.

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Farmer's Dynasty - Gameplay Tips and Tricks

Cultivator in the color of the Bear.

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Fertilizer spreader.

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Pickup HDS.

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The Rain

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My first day of rain arrived late September, well, in this game, when it rains, it is not the drizzle of Brittany, it rains like cow♥♥♥ as said.
I had a mission in the morning, I did not lift, the time that I arrived, nothing.
When it rains, the hens stay warm.

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I went to the store,
and I finally found the Chainsaw, but I have not used it yet.

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I took the fishing rod, now that the update is out, we can fish.

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I went to the pond, and I tested, it occupies.

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I fished 2 types of fish.

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I still tried to work in the rain, I chopped the bane to the hero, but had to plow this field well.
We hear the sound of raision, the wheels are stained with soil, there is an overconsumption of fuel.

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Need tractor wash.

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We can wash the tractor in the garage.

Farmer's Dynasty - Gameplay Tips and Tricks

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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