Farmer’s Dynasty – Basic Guide for Beginners

This guide includes some basic tips and info for new players.


I have recently started playing Farmers Dynasty, and have almost finished my first year. I thought I would write this guide to help other new players get started using the things I have learned so far. I am clearly not an expert on the game, nor do I profess to be. What I am is a fairly new player who has had to learn the basics of starting out with a guide of this type.

As I play on a PC and not a console I will indicate PC controls when I mention them, though I try to make the description (hopefully) generic enough so console users can figure out what to do.

Games of this type can get rather repetitive and you keep doing the same tasks over and over, but that sort of what a farmer’s life is. Hopefully you can find enough different things to do, and perhaps use helpers to take care of some of these tasks. Hopefully the developers will add new things to do to provide even more diversity to the game which it seems they have been trying to do.

With that said, welcome to your farm and new life as a farmer!

Starting a New Game

The first thing you may want to do when creating your first game is to check the options and make adjustments to the settings as desired. One thing you may want to do select is the currency used – Euros or US dollars. You may also want to set crosshair to always be on. You should also look a the controls to familiarize yourself with them.

When you first enter the game you will be at your farm which you apparently inherited from your grandfather. The farm is very run down and will need some repairs. Fortunately someone is there to greet you and explain all this to you and this leads you into your first quest.

The Basics

If you open your inventory (press TAB on PC) you will see on the right hand side some information with the date and time as well as the number of Social Points (SP) and the amount of money you have. SP are earned by doing quests for people. SP are used for two things. You can use them to get discounts on new farm equipment, but even more importantly you need a minimum of 55,000 SP before you can hire a helper to work on your fields. It is a good idea to always have at least that much SP. You should have at least that much by the time you have finished the first couple of quests and have fully repaired your farm. See the sections on Helpers and New Farm Equipment for more information.

The left hand side shows what is in your inventory. The center section is where you can select your current tool. The options are free hand, scaffolding, repair and, if you have building materials, fix. Scaffolding is used to reach places you can’t reach from the ground, such as a roof or upper parts of a building, to make repairs. Scaffolding can have stairs or be plain – it seems dependent on where you place them. You will need the one with stairs in order to get to the top of the scaffold. This is probably also a good time to mention that there is no fall damage so don’t worry about falling off a scaffold or roof. More on repairs below.

The game requires you to keep fed and rested. If you get too hungry or too tired you won’t be able to work as well, and eventually you won’t be able to do anything.


Open your inventory (press TAB on PC) and you will see you have a little bit of food: a couple of apples and tomatoes and some canned goods. If you hover the cursor over them you will see how much hunger it restores. Note that raw foods don’t give as much as the canned goods, so it is highly recommended you use the kitchen in your house to can them, by going into the kitchen to the stove, and activating it. Apples can be turned into applesauce, and tomatoes into soup. Milk can be turned into condensed milk, which also restores more hunger than plain milk. You will see there are also other things you can make as well if you have the stuff for it. The foods on the left are level 1 foods, which are all you can make right now. The right hand side are level 2 foods, but you will need to find and buy the cooking recipes for those. If you eventually get married (yes you can get married in this game) you wife will be able to cook even better meals.

To get more raw foods to cook, the easiest one to start is to collect apples. Fortunately there are a bunch of apple trees behind your greenhouse. You can collect apples when they are ripe (red). As you travel around the map you will find other groups of apple trees which you can also collect from. Green apples are not yet ripe and cannot be collected until they ripen. The apples will eventually grow back. Currently there is no penalty for eating the same food over and over again, so you can easily keep yourself fed with just applesauce (don’t forget to cook the apples in your kitchen).

You can also grow vegetables in your greenhouse and there are some tomato seeds already in there that you can plant. The plants take about 1 month of game time to grow. There are also other type of vegetables you can grow and you can buy seeds at the agricultural center. You should probably wait until you have earned a bit of money before buying more seeds.

Other sources of food are eggs from chickens (as well as ducks and geese), and milk from cows. The livestock is also purchased from the agricultural center. Chickens are fairly inexpensive and will give a few eggs each per day. If you can the eggs in your kitchen you can sell them for more than enough to cover the cost of the chickens. There is a shop just to the east of your farm that will buy eggs or canned eggs (you will meet him on one of the early quests).

You may also occasionally find wild mushrooms growing as you wander around. These can be eaten as is (not much food value), sold or used in level 2 cooking. There are even some wild strawberries (doesn’t seem to be any recipes for them currently). Neither of these give much food value and don’t sell for much.

One other method of getting food is by fishing. You can buy a fishing pole at the shop to your east. As with all raw food it has more value when cooked.


You have a bed on the second floor of your house where you can sleep. It is the only bed that has a comforter on it. You will sleep until early the next morning. There is also an option to sleep for a week if you wish to make time go by faster.


The first quest will have you doing repairs to buildings on your farm. You don’t have to repair all the buildings right away, but you will want to do it eventually for the Social Points (SP).

To repair something you will need to select Repair from the inventory screen (press TAB on PC). Simply point at a damaged section or item and the game will tell you to press [LMB] or left mouse button (on the PC, different on controller). Hold it until it is fully repaired (there are little circles that fill as it is repaired). Make sure you fully repair one section before going to the next, or you will lose any progress made on the previous section. to help you identify what needs to be repaired you can use Engineers Sight (hold [RMB] or right mouse button on PC) and things needing repair will glow red. Some things needing repair may be inside buildings, such as cow stalls, floors, and support beams. On some buildings, particularly houses and sometimes green houses. the foundations may need repair. The growing tables in greenhouses typically need repairing as well.

At some point you will be told to fix or upgrade the metal on your greenhouse, and you are provided with an apparently unlimited supply of metal sheets on your farm near the greenhouse. You may as well use the metal to fix all the parts of your greenhouse and the silo. The wooden doors on your barn, storage building and garage can also be upgraded to metal if you wish, and the cow stalls can be upgrade to metal as well. The doors of the chicken coop cannot. You can also upgrade all your metal fencing too if you wish, and even gutters on the house and the “teeter-totter” in your little playground, but this is merely cosmetic. There are other materials you can buy at the building supply center but you will have to wait until you can afford to buy the truck when you have the money for it (you cannot use your old pickup) as that is the only way to get the supplies back to your farm.

Continue doing these early quests as they will get you some old used farm equipment enabling you to start your farming career. This old machinery isn’t great but we will need it until we earn enough money to buy new equipment.

More Quests

There are a number of other quests which become available, typically there are some new quests each day. These will award you some SP and money on completion. Doing these quests are important as they are the main way you get more SP, and the extra money is also nice.

There are several different types of quests:

  • Plow a field – plow the indicated field until you get the completion notice (may not need to be 100% plowed).
  • Transport – you are asked to pick up a package for someone and return it to the quest giver.
  • Fix a building – fix one or more buildings for someone.
  • Deliver goods – Someone wants you to bring them some food item, e.g. 20 tomatoes, or cans of spicy pumpkin soup.

Farm Equipment

At the start of the game the only farm equipment you have is your grandfather’s old cultivator. Fortunately the early quests will get you some old equipment you can use until you can afford to buy new machines. The first ones you will be able to get are a tractor and a plow. As you keep doing these quests you will eventually get a full set of equipment you need for all your farming needs. While the old equipment isn’t as efficient as newer machines, it will have to do until you can afford to buy better. While you can drive cross-country with your machines be careful not to get yourself stuck somewhere, or you will have to call a tow-truck to pull you out and it is a little expensive. Also avoid driving through other people’s fields as this will cause you to lose SP.

Your farm comes with 2 fields which are already planted with wheat and canola. In order to harvest these you will need to do the quest for the old harvester, which will also get you a grain header and a corn header. The corn header is the one with the 3 big prongs on the front. You won’t need the corn header right away, as you don’t have any corn planted right now, so you can take your time bringing it home whenever you like. Headers go on the front of the harvester. All the other equipment is hitched to the back of the tractor.

You will also want the grain trailer so you can take the harvested crops to market. The old mill in the far southwest part of the map will pay more for your wheat and barley (close to double) so it is well worth the time it takes to drive there.

The hay baler will be needed to collect and bale the hay left behind when you harvest your wheat and the hay wagon is used to haul the bales to the market to sell. You can also store some in the cow barn, though you start out with some hay already in there which should cover you for the first year at least.

Finally there are quests to get a fertilizer and a manure spreader and a seeder.

Farming Basics

Farming is basically preparing your fields, planting, then harvesting.

Preparation involve plowing, cultivating, then fertilizing (both commercial fertilizer and manure for best results).

To plow you need to hitch the plow to the back of your tractor. Slowly back the tractor to the front of the plow and when you are in the right spot you get an option to hitch the plow. Raise the plow so you aren’t dragging it and move to where you want to start plowing, lower the plow and start moving forward. You can use cruise control to make it a little easier. You should follow a pattern. One method is to just turn around at the end of each row and go back the opposite direction. Don’t forget to raise and lower your plow as necessary.

Another method is to go down one edge, then go to the middle of the field before going back the other direction. This has the advantage of not having to back up as you typically have to do in the previous method. As you plow you will notice the soil changes color. Continue plowing until you have done the whole field. Holding [RMB] while looking at a field will show you the percentage of the field that has been plowed (or cultivated, fertilized, seeded, etc.).

Cultivating is basically the same process only using the cultivator attached instead of the plow. Cultivating breaks up the clods of dirt to get the field ready for sowing.

Fertilizer and manure will increase the yield you get from your crop and is a good idea. You do start with some manure already on your farm, but it isn’t enough you do both your fields. If you have cows in your barn they will produce some manure but they don’t produce a lot or very quickly. You will probably have to buy more manure at the agricultural market as well as fertilizer. It will be delivered automatically to your farm. You load manure into the spreader by pulling it under the manure fill pipe at the end of the cow barn – it will fill automatically when you are in the right spot. to fill the fertilizer spreader pull it up to the end of the garage on the side near the silo.

You may wish to consider buying Fert-ex which does the job of fertilizer and manure in one step, or consider hiring a helper to apply Fert-ex for you. See the section on Helpers for more information.

Sowing requires you to load seeds which you again buy at the agriculture shop. Winter begins right after September ends and Spring begins April 1. You don’t actually have a Winter to play – the calendar just advances right to Spring and skips Winter. You want to pay attention to the date when you plant. Certain crops can be planted in the Fall and will survive the Winter – the game mentions wheat and canola as being two of them, and further states that you will get better yields planting them before Winter. Some players have reported planting other crops in the Fall and having them survive the Winter, but as the game is still currently in development things may change (you may wish to search the Steam forums to see if you can find current information on crops).

To harvest your crops you use the harvester with the appropriate header attached. The corn header is for harvesting corn, the grain header is for all other crops. Since you have wheat and canola already planted you would use the grain header. The harvester can only hold a certain amount of grain before it becomes full and starts dropping any newly harvested grain on the ground which is lost. You will get a message if this happens, or you can press [RMB] while looking at the harvester to see how full it is currently. When it is full or nearly full you will want to empty it into your grain wagon or a silo (the upper floor of the garage apparently also works as a silo, something your grandfather set up).

The harvester, grain wagon and silo can only hold one type of crop at a time. If you try to add a different crop when there is already something in them you will lose the new crops. Also if you drive the harvester too fast you won’t collect all the crop (you will get a warning message). Using cruise control is recommended as it will move you at just the right speed.

Do not harvest your crops when it is raining or you will get a lower yield.

To unload the harvester into the grain wagon pull up next to it and move the chute over the center of the wagon. make sure you are properly positioned before unloading the crop into the wagon or it will drop on the ground and be lost. Note that the wagon can only store a limited amount of grain (about 3 harvester loads). You can check how full the wagon is by using [RMB] while looking at the wagon. When your wagon is full you can pull it to the market to sell it. You will get much better prices for wheat and barley if you bring it to the old mill (close to double) so it is worth the trip. Locate the grate next to the silo at the market or mill. It will look like the one next to your farm’s silo. pull the wagon over the grate and raise it to unload. The front of the wagon will lift up and the grain will empty out the back. You will automatically receive payment as the grain unloads. Make sure you are positioned over the grate of the grain will be dropped on the ground and lost.

Caution: Be careful not to accidentally raise the wagon and drop your grain on the ground and waste it. PC users may want to consider remapping the raise control to a different key you are less likely to hit by accident which is easy to do because of it’s proximity to the movement keys.

You will need to repeat this process several times to fully harvest your fields. The newer harvester and headers are more efficient and also hold more. The new grain wagon also holds more. The old tractor can pull the new grain wagon, so that is one new piece of machinery that you may want to put on the top of your list of equipment to buy.

When harvesting grass type grains like wheat the harvester will also drop hay behind it as you go along. To collect this you need to hitch the hay baler to your tractor and go over your field to collect and bale the piles of hay on the ground. The bale will drop on the ground behind the baler. You have to manually pick up these bales and put them on the hay trailer. Hay bales can also put put on the second floor of the cow barn to provide food for your cows. To do this you go to the center of the second floor and drop the bale (have to be looking up a little, not directly at the floor).

You won’t see piles of hay bales in the barn. Instead it is added to the food amount stored in the barn and you get a message telling you this. Since your barn already has more than enough food for your cows until your next harvest you may wish to sell the bales for some extra money your first season. To sell the bales go to the market and look for the little outside awning with bales of hay. Drive up next to it and you get the option to sell them.


Your truck and tractor need fuel to run, and you want to be careful not to run out or you will have to call the tow truck to refuel you. You start out with some fuel already at your farm, in the center bay of your garage. To refuel your vehicles drive inside or just close enough to get a prompt. This will fill the tank of your vehicle (assuming you have enough fuel to do so).

You can buy more fuel by driving your truck or tractor to one of the gas stations you see on the map. pull up next to the pumps and you will be prompter to refuel. You can fill up your vehicle directly (more expensive) or buy “wholesale” and have it delivered to your farm (much cheaper). Note this only works if you go to the station in a vehicle – you cannot do it on foot.

Note that at this time the harvester doesn’t seem to require fuel, but this may well change in the future.


At the agricultural market you can purchase some livestock for your farm, as well as feed for them. You start out with a decent amount of chicken and cow feed which is more than enough to get you through the first season. Harvesting grass type crops like wheat will produce a lot of hay, and it will easily provide far more hay than you will need to feed your cows.

You can buy cows for your barn (currently a limit of 9?) which will produce milk each day. They also produce manure but very slowly. To mile a cow go up to them and the game will prompt you (press [E] on the PC to start, then press [E] a few times until milking is complete). There is a nice little animation of you milking the cow. {Yes the cows have horns – commercial ranchers generally cut off the horns on their cows to reduce the chance of injury to the other cows or workers.}

You can buy chickens (currently a limit of 20) which will produce a few eggs each per day. You collect the eggs from the nesting boxes inside the coop. If it is a rainy day then they will typically be sitting on the eggs but you can still collect them.

The milk and eggs should be “cooked” in your kitchen as the end product sells for much higher prices.

You can also buy 1 rooster. While hens don’t need a rooster to produce eggs, having one gives a small chance that eggs left in the coop may be fertilized and hatch into a baby chick. If you already have the maximum number of chickens in your coop these extra chicks are automatically sold for you and added to your funds.

There are some other animals you can buy. There are ducks and geese, which have a small chance of laying eggs each day. You cannot cook these eggs like the chicken eggs, but they do sell for more than the raw chicken eggs. Ducks and geese also do not require you to provide food for them, as they apparently get what food they need from the pond near your farm.

There are also pigeons you can buy, but they currently do not provide any benefit.

Finally you can buy a cat, which as they game will tell you at some point is needed to keep mice from eating good in your pantry. While your cat apparently keeps himself fed mostly from these mice, he will want you to feed him a fish about once a week. You will generally find him either in the little gazebo on your farm, or on a window ledge outside your house (garage side). There may be other places where he can be found.

There is also a stray dog you can befriend, that you will find near the bus station near your farm. If you feed him one sausage each day for four days (bought from the nearby shop) he will grow to trust you and come stay at your farm. There is currently benefit to having a dog other than companionship.

Buying chickens early is a good investment as they are pretty cheap, and you will more than make up the cost the first time you gather, cook, and sell the cooked eggs.

Cows take a lot more investment, and the money you recoup from selling condensed milk isn’t much. The main reason for having cows is to produce manure, but may not produce it fast enough to make enough to use on your fields, especially if you buy more fields.


A greenhouse is where you can grow vegetables such as tomatoes, pumpkins, peppers, etc. There is a rack inside the greenhouse which holds seeds, and you start out with a few tomato seeds to get you started. It is a good idea to get these planted fairly soon after starting a new game as it take a month until they ripen are ready to harvest. You can buy more seeds at the agricultural market (same place you buy your other seeds and livestock). Near the door on the inside is a control panel you use to maintain the moisture level in the greenhouse. You want to keep it in the comfort zone, as letting your plants get too dry is not good. On rainy days it tends to get a bit too wet inside (perhaps that is why there are vent windows you can open) – unclear on exactly what effect this all has.

Before you sell any vegetable it is worth cooking/canning them in your kitchen to get the best price. You should probably get in the habit of checking the greenhouse each day to check the moisture level and see if any plants are ripe. Yield supposedly goes down if you don’t gather them when they are ripe.


As long as you have at least 55,000 Social Points you can hire a helper to perform a task in one of your fields. This does not use up the SP but does cost some money, depending on the task and the size of the field. They can perform any of the tasks you would normally do, except spread manure apparently (guess no amount of SP will make someone put up with the smell LOL). You may want to just have Fert-ex applied to your fields which is supposed to act like fertilizer and manure both.

To hire a helper, open the map and select one of your fields ([LMB] on PC) then choose the task you want to hire them for – the price they charge is listed). You will have to leave the map screen and wait a short time (about 10 seconds?) before you can hire another helper.

Helpers bring their own equipment and materials, so when you factor in the cost of materials it doesn’t seem as expensive. Also if you plan to buy more fields you may find you have to hire helpers just to keep up with your fields. Plus it saves you from doing tasks you don’t enjoy doing. Their equipment is always the new equipment, so they may also be more efficient at some tasks.

You may, for example, want to plow and cultivate the field yourself, then hire a helper to apply Fert-ex and maybe sow seeds (make sure it is the right season to plant). If you want you can even hire a helper to harvest and sell the crops for you.

Fast Travel

While you can walk or drive around the map, there are a couple of other ways to travel long distances much faster. If you open the map and click on one of your vehicles you will instantly travel to your vehicle. Some players will, once they get new machine, place their old vehicles in strategic places to take advantage of this.

If you should find yourself stuck someplace you cannot get out of (for example you exit a vehicle and find yourself inside you silo or a building you cannot exit), you can fast travel to one of your vehicles.

There are also a number of bus stations as indicated on the map. Simply go to a nearby station, and enter it then select the station you to which wish to travel. This can be quite handy to quickly get to quest locations or to markets.

Repairing Equipment

While your equipment doesn’t degrade with use, you do have the option to repair and effectively upgrade your old equipment. You do this by driving it up to the center section of your garage just like you were refueling and you will get an option to repair and repaint. In some cases this will upgrade the equipment to be better (though still not as good as new equipment). For example, repairing the grain wagon will increase the amount of grain it can hold. You also get to select the color you want the equipment painted. Once repaired you can go whenever you like and repaint that same piece again for free.

Buying New Equipment

You can buy new equipment by going to one of the equipment shops. All the machinery is outside and you can look at them to see the prices which are quite high. By spending SP you can get a significant discount on a piece of equipment, but this SP is deducted from your total SP. You should make sure you always have at least 55,000 SP left if you want to be able to hire a helper.

New equipment is much better than the old equipment you get from the quests. For example, a new grain wagon will hold a lot more grain, and new harvester will be more efficient at harvesting crops giving better yields.There is also a truck with a small crane which you will need when you go buy building supplies as you will use the crane to load the pallet of supplies onto the bed of the truck.

Not all of the new equipment is compatible with the old. For example, the new tractor cannot attach some of the old equipment, e.g. the old plow. The old tractor can pull a new grain wagon though, and this can make hauling grain to market much faster as it will take fewer trips.

Just for your information, the new plow is only slightly wider than the old one, but is able to rotate the blades. In real farming you generally want the furrows created by the plow to all go to the same side. With a modern plow you would rotate the blades before plowing in the opposite direction so the furrows will go the same way as the last row. The game doesn’t really care which way the furrows go, so it isn’t necessary to worry about it.

Farm Upgrades

At the start of the game you will have a supply of metal sheets which you can use to upgrade (fix) some things on your farm building. You really need to wait until you you can buy the new truck with a crane to buy other building supplies. It is possible to go to the building supply store and buy one pallet of some supplies and then pick up one workload worth of supplies from the pallet that appears on the loading dock outside, but the pallet will be gone the next time you return so it isn’t very efficient or cost effective.

A lot of these upgrades are cosmetic, but the game tells you that upgrading your livestock buildings will make them produce more (unclear if this is currently implemented). Upgrading the roof of your house to solar panels is supposed to give you some SP, but you don’t actually need them to produce power which apparently is free and unlimited (too bad that wasn’t true in real life).

However, when you have the money to spare you may want to do some upgrades to make your buildings look nice or more suited to your tastes, and it is something else to do later in the game.

Adding More Fields, Silos and Greenhouses

If you have the money you can buy additional fields, silos and greenhouses. You do this from the map screen. You can only plant, store and grow in those that you own. Theoretically you could harvest other fields, but that would be stealing and would cost you a lot of Social Points. If you buy a lot of additional fields you probably need to hire helpers for at least some of the tasks as there are a limited number of hours a day that you can work the fields. You also need to keep in mind that you need to bring your equipment to each field to work them.

If you were to buy up all the fields on the map you won’t get any more plowing quests, but that is only something you could do late game and not relevant to this guide.

Additional silos is only really useful if you really want to store a lot of grain, but probably not that useful.

You could buy more greenhouses to enable you to grow more vegetables, but this may not be very cost effective. It also means you have more greenhouses to visit regularly.

Summary and Some Key Things to Remember

The life of a farmer isn’t an easy one. There is always a lot of work to do, and not enough hours in the day. Most players have probably never worked on a real farm, but this game seems to do a fairly good job of simulating it, and hopefully increases our awareness of just how hard a life it is and the benefits we get from it.

  • Just to reiterate a few tips mentioned in the guide for reference and hopefully keep you from forgetting.
  • Don’t eat or sell raw apples, vegetable, milk or eggs. Always process them in your kitchen to get the highest food value and sales price.
  • Keep an eye on your fuel level in your vehicles and fuel storage on your farm. Try not to run out of fuel to save the cost of hiring the tow truck.
  • Don’t harvest crops when it’s raining – you will get lower yields.
  • Don’t let your harvester or wagon get over full – you will lose the excess.
  • Don’t try to mix grains in your harvester, grain wagon or silo – they can only hold one type at a time.
  • Don’t drive though other people’s fields if they have harvestable crops or you will lose SP.
  • Sell wheat and barley at the old mill for better prices.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. About the this part! “It is possible to go to the building supply store and buy one pallet of some supplies and then pick up one workload worth of supplies from the pallet that appears on the loading dock outside, but the pallet will be gone the next time you return so it isn’t very efficient or cost effective.”

    The pallet will be gone only after you use all 100 materials from the pallet! You seem to remotely use materials…

  2. on every field in the middle of it you can put scarecrows.costs 150 coins and gives 250 social points.each.also make all your roofs with solar 6 pm everyday you get some money and social points.

  3. Good and useful instructions. Just such a tip for those who want a nice farm and do not have a crane delivery. Old pick – up brought to the material store. Then save yourself on a lawn mower and bring it to your farm. And you have a useful teleport. You buy the material, take it on the ramp with the E key and teleport to your mower over the map. You edit until the material is used up and then pick up another. It is even more efficient than going for 9 pallets of material that you don’t even need and you need to bring it back, unload it on the ramp to sell it.

  4. Another note;
    The harvester does indeed use fuel, but at a very low rate. It can also be fueled at the home fuel point by driving the harvester parallel to the shed (with the doors closed). Then you can receive the prompt to re-fuel (along with repair, paint, & wash options).

  5. The calendar year is from April 1 to September 30. I had a full Greenhouse of plants on September 30 and the next morning it was April 1 and ALL the Greenhouse plants were gone. All i had left were empty plant tables.
    The cows don’t eat enough straw and they don’t produce enough manuer.
    Weeds grow too fast.

    • what i do is move my pickup truck there at the building materials warehouse,and let a tractor home.enter the store,fill the ramp with what i need,then press E to get one item then fast move on map to the tractor.and repeat.then when i’m done,just get back the pickup truck

  6. Hitch the bale wagon to the bale press, that is quite challenging, as you have to reverse with the hitched bale press, but it is well worth the effort.
    What really pisses me off in this game: Go a distance of 1km with 23 kph speed. Should take 3 minutes, but takes 6 minutes in real time. That is not so terrible, but it is 2 hours in gametime…
    That brings your actual speed down to 0,5 kph!!!

  7. Thank you for clear and concise instructions! I’ve put a few hours into the game and I really like it so far. I learned quite a lot from this post – good stuff.

  8. Why do you say you must load the bales by hand, maybe they added the autoload option later. I fill my barn as much as possible and sell the remainder. With 2 trailers , you can auto load 78 bales..

  9. i only have 25000 social point. don+t know how to get more. want to hire some one to my field

  10. >> Just for your information, the new plow is only slightly wider than the old one, but is able to rotate the blades.

    New plough is not just little wider. Gecko Strong do not steer while plowing as it was doing wing ols one.

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