There are two methods how to unlock all squads and pilots in Into the Breach.
Method #1
- Browse to: UsersUserNameDocumentsMy GamesInto The Breach.
- Open the folder labeled with your profile name.
- Open profile.lua using Notepad ++.
- Copy and paste the following text over line 9 and 11, respectively.
[“squads”] = {true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, },
[“pilots”] = {“Pilot_Original”, “Pilot_Soldier”, “Pilot_Youth”, “Pilot_Warrior”, “Pilot_Aquatic”, “Pilot_Medic”, “Pilot_Hotshot”, “Pilot_Genius”, “Pilot_Miner”, “Pilot_Recycler”, “Pilot_Assassin”, “Pilot_Leader”, “Pilot_Repairman”, “Pilot_Mantis”, “Pilot_Rock”, “Pilot_Zoltan”, },
- Save and exit the file.
- Start the game and all pilots and squads will be available.
Method #2
Also, you can use the “~” key to open the console in-game, “help” shows several cheats, including “rich” which can be fun to mess around with mechs once you’ve beaten the game a few times, or if you need practice with a specific mech combo, but want to buy the extra move and HP.
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