Ghost of a Tale – Duinlan and Hythe’s Urns (Location Guide)

Here’s a guide to find all 10 urns for the “Vessels of the Gilded Warrior” quest, which contain the remains of Duinlan and Hythe.


The game world lets you move around freely. You can go to places in different ways, and you can find the urns in any order. This guide lists them in a random order.

#1 (Duinlan) – At the archway with skulls that leads to the platform room

  • From the start of the Catacombs go straight down through the pressure plate gates and all the way to the end of the hallway.
  • Turn left at the skeleton lying on some ripped, red cloth.
  • Turn left at the next crossing, to the path which descends downwards.
  • Turn left again and look behind the rocks immediately on the left, in front of the archway with skulls in it.

#2 (Duinlan) – On one of the platforms inside platform room

  • From the urn #1 go through the archway with skulls until you reach the large room with platforms. You can jump from platform to platfrom here, but it’s very tricky and requires some precision, so make sure you save the game before attempting this. 
  • The urn is on the platform with some skeletal remains. 
  • Continue jumping forwards until you reach the end of the platform room and ascend the stairs. 

#3 (Hythe) – In the corner of one of the loculi/shelves with skeletal remains

  • From the start of the Catacombs go straight down through the pressure plate gates and all the way to the end of the hallway. 
  • Turn left at the skeleton lying on some ripped, red cloth. 
  • Go straight at the next crossing. 
  • Just ahead, before the room with 2 worms, will be a skeleton on the ground. You can find the urn right next to him. 

#4 (Hythe) – Past the room with 2 worms, across the red paw banner

  • From #3 keep going ahead through the room with 2 worms in it. 
  • Outside of the room on the other side you will find a Red Claw flag and a casket. The urn is right across them. 

#5 (Duinlan) – At the entrance to The Great Hall, behind rocks

  • Go to The Great Hall where you can find a ladder that drops down. 
  • The urn is just at the entrance of The Great Hall, behind some rocks on the left, above the ladder the leads down. 

#6 (Hythe) – In the room that has descending stairs with Death Tongue mushrooms

  • From the beginning of the Catacombs go right just before the pressure plate gaes, through the narrow passage and into the room that has the stairs with Death Tongue mushrooms. Ignore the stairs and go towards the other exit. 
  • The urn is opposite of the archway that leads out of the room, tucked behind some rocks. 

#7 (Duinlan) – Given by Duinlan when speaking with her

  • This is the one that Duinlan gives you in The Great Hall when you speak with her for the first time and the quest starts. 

#8 (Duinlan) – In the Lower Hall, after speaking with magpie

  • You can only access this urn once you have spoken with the magpie again in The Great Hall, during the main quest. 
  • Once you descend to the Lower Hall, using the blue flame chandelier, and cross the drawbridge, drop down the ladder that leads to the large, round hall with 3 spiders. There should also be a barrel here, where you can save. 
  • The urn is located in some rubble just outside of the entrance to the large hall with 3 spiders. 


Again, these can be done in any order. The numbering is random.

#9 (Hythe) – Inside the large chapel with worm, on the shore

  • This one is located on the Shore, inside the larger chapel with 1 worm. 
  • Once you get right of the worm, the urn is right behind it in some rubble. 

#10 (Hythe) – In the cave that connects Northern Slopes with Harbour

  • Go to the Northern Slopes and the cave that connects that area with the Harbour. 
  • As you walk down to the Harbour you will reach an open cliff to your left. 
  • From the cliff you should be able to see the urn as shown in the picture. It is safe to drop down from the cliff on the platform below, from where you can reach the urn. 

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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