Will To Live Online – Gameplay Tips and Tricks

This guide will include some tips and tricks, i have learned exploring the game (Will to Live).

The Classes

In the start of the game you will be able to chose different professions (classes). Choosing them will change the way, of the skills.

So if you are the Miner, you will be able to level up, your max weight, damage of shotgun and more loot from mining.

Then if you choose the Mercenary, you will have skills like: increase stamina, speed of the weapon (don’t really know what speed it changes) assault riffle damage and accuracy, grenade damage and accuracy, and ability to wear middle tear armor.

The Hunter character has a disadvantage: their inventory space is reduced by 10%. However, they deal increased damage with pistols and rifles. They also have resistance to environmental hazards. Medical kits are 10% more effective for them, and they collect 10% more parts from defeated mutants.

The last but not least, we got engineer. As engineer sadly you lose 10% of max weight same as hunter, but he deals a lot more damage with smg’s and explosive. He can get 10% more xp then other classes and get 10% more healing from medkits.

The Start

After you made your character, you will probably start doing quests, and that’s good. You should do quests, to learn some basics of game, but after level 3, you should buy shotgun and go to “MTE”.

In there you can find small watchers and normal watchers. The small ones gonna be invisible, every time you look at them, but then they will make sound witch will let you know they close to you so if you are careful you will get them without getting damaged.

Large Watcher enemies require two shots to the front to defeat, or one shot to the face. Defeating a standard Watcher grants 100 experience points. Collect their claws; they have low weight and can be sold for a profit. As you gain levels, you can acquire armor, which will protect you from pistol damage from other players.

So after you get armor I recommend to do quests, so game could teach you more stuff.

The Best Way for Money and XP at Higher Level

  • So if you reading this you are probably level 6+ at this point.
  • And you be like (the armor does cost a lot and same with guns).
  • Well to be honest there is an easy way to farm money, all you have to do is
  • to buy you’r self some: Antiradpills, Medkits and some vodka.
  • Then you can start going towards bunker.

Bunker is located in a desert, K9-3. But i would recommend you to go, to the “miners” first. Its a safezone closer to desert. So if you die you can spawn back there and you wont need to go all way back to it. The mine is located at E7-2.

So then you get close to desert, you want to make sure your stamina is full. And walk slowly towards bunker, at the point you start getting radiation, you will want to take a sip of vodka and run as fast as you can, then the radiation starts damaging you a lot, that’s the moment you want to drink the pill. I usually drink it at radiation effect 4-6. You don’t want to stop till you get into actual safezone.

Upon entering the bunker, remain in the safe zone until the radiation levels decrease. Then, locate an area with blue slimes. These slimes drop items worth 100 in-game currency and 50 tokens. Each slime can drop between 0 and 6 items, meaning you can potentially acquire up to 300 currency from a single slime. They can be defeated with 1-6 shotgun rounds, but they inflict significant damage, so maintain distance.

If you explore the bunker, you will find medkits, radpills, ammo, vodka, cyder…. (stuff you need to get back from bunker). So if you get stuck there don’t panic and try to explore the bunker for loot.


Hello there fella’s today i will teach you abit about blacksmith. Using Blacksmith recepts you will be able to make armor plates witch you can atach to your armor for more protection. To make armor plates you need diffrent type of bar’s (ets metal, steel bars).

To get those bars, first will need to get level 1 Blacksmithing recept. Witch you can get at miners outpost for 1.000 gold from the trader there.

You can get the 2nd one there to for 1.500 gold, it will alow you to craft metal plates for armor.

  • To craft bars you will need a furnace.
  • To craft plates you will need a pressing machine, you can find one at miners safezone.



If you gonna travel around the world, you will surely atleast gonna meet few of them. People are scared of them and try to stay away as far as possible, but truth is most of them aren’t even that dangerous. But first of all you should know that kinda anomalies are there. By the way (I don’t know how people usually call them).

The wind one.

This anomaly will kick you up the sky, and deal a lot of damage, but then you will reach level 8+
you should be able to survive it.

The toxin one.

This anomaly will deal you poison affect if you come close, or run trough it. Its not gonna deal a lot of damage, if you wont stay to long by it. And actually you can evade the effect of it by holding “alt”. 

The feature witch lets you to hold breath.

The gas one.

If you were walking trew “MTE” or “Bunker” You surely met it, and its same as toxin one, only difference is that its gonna do less damage then toxin one, and you can evade the poison it deal’s
by holding “alt”.

The teleport one.

Its not allways dangerous, actually you may use it for your use, since sometimes they teleport closer to your destiny. But it has risk teleporting you in sky, witch gonna probably make you die.
But its not hard to spot it, and its rare to get killed by one.

The fire one.

At some point while i was traveling, i heard really bad sound, witch was made by anomaly, it moves around map, its barely visible, but u will surely hear it. I havent tryed going into one so i don’t know alot of details about that. But it apperantly does hella damage.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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