Welcome to the Game II – Achievement Guide & Helpful Tips

This guide aims to help you get all the achievements, and helpful tips so that you don’t die all the time, while hopefully beating the game.
There will be spoilers in this guide, but none specify the ending(s).
This game is literally 95% RNG, which is one of the primary reasons as to why this game is extraordinarily difficult.

Other Welcome to the Game 2 Guides:


There are 26 achievements in the game. I will arrange them as such: Easy, Medium, Hard, and Difficult. There will be helpful tips in the Difficult section of this guide.

Easy Achievements


Finish the tutorial.


Hang up on all calls from Adam.

Knowledge is Power

Read all 8 tutorial documents on the computer.

Welcome to the Game II - Achievement Guide & Helpful Tips

I don’t node

Lose the lowest level nodeHexer. It should be pretty obvious which one is the lowest level nodeHexer. Once you see it, just let the timer end without doing anything.


Visit Adam’s Twitter and his Youtube while in the A.N.N. browser. You can find the links to them in the bookmarks.

Welcome to the Game II - Achievement Guide & Helpful Tips

Stack Overload

Lose the lowest level stack pusher. This one’s also obvious as to which one is considered the lowest level. Again, once you see it, just let the timer end without doing anything.

Goldfish Memory

Lose the lowest level memDefrager. This one is also obvious. Don’t even read the letters that come up, just lose.

Lore Junky

Read all the notes, sticky notes, letters, papers, and/or articles on the bulletin board next to your computer.

Welcome to the Game II - Achievement Guide & Helpful Tips

Then, go to the small, round table near the balcony door, and read the picture on it.

Welcome to the Game II - Achievement Guide & Helpful Tips

Lastly, walk/run all the way to the lobby, and read all the notes on the bulletin board next to the mailbox near the front entrance.

Welcome to the Game II - Achievement Guide & Helpful Tips

Medium Achievements

Double Up

This one’s actually simple, but I put it as medium as it would require you to start using VPNs in order to get your DOS coins and/or buying backdoors and successfully blocking any of the puzzles except Zone Wall. Order two or more packages from the Shadow Market. Then, walk/run to the alleyway through the front entrance of the lobby, and wait for the dead drop. You’ll know that there’s two or more packages in the dead drop if you see two of the numbered boxes.

Welcome to the Game II - Achievement Guide & Helpful Tips

Night Vision

At times, the power will shut off. And sometimes, you’re a moron for not picking up the flashlight in the beginning, thus you can’t see anything at all. When the power shuts off, make your way to the desk next to your bed, and pick up the flashlight.

Hold The Door

When entering the alleyway, there’s a chance that you’ll hear a laugh or footsteps. If you do, walk backwards to the room on the side. Enter the room. Hold still next to the door, and wait for the Breather to attempt to break into the room. Normally, you’re supposed to only hold the door shut when the door pushes in. However, if you want this achievement. Hold the door shut when the door is not being pushed in, and you will fail, which will give you the achievement.

Buy four VPNs, and place them wherever you like. Once they’re all active, you should get this achievement.

Butter Fingers

Lose the Zone Wall. 20 Times. In a row. That should be pretty easy, but I chose this achievement as medium because there’s no telling whether you’ll live for 20 hacks to get you.

Hard Achievements

Digital Consumer

Buy one of every item on the zeroDay Market. Self-explanatory.

Shipping Handler

Buy one of every item on the Shadow Market. I actually consider this achievement to be a bit harder, because you face. The Breather as a threat every time you enter the alleyway. Self-explanatory.

Shopping Spree

Once you achieve Digital Consumer and Shipping Handler, you should be able to gain this one as well.


Have all 4 motion sensors active and own the blue whisper.

Doll Maker’s Pet

Click on the Doll Maker site in Deep Wiki I. There, you’ll see a lady on the screen with the words “enter” near the bottom. It doesn’t matter how long you’re on the website. The moment you click the link, the Doll Maker side-mission starts.

Welcome to the Game II - Achievement Guide & Helpful Tips

Shortly after, you’ll begin to hear a music box-esque tune coming from the outside of your door. Look through your door’s peephole, and you’ll be greeted by the Doll Maker. The power will shut down, so you’ll need to turn the power back on.

Welcome to the Game II - Achievement Guide & Helpful Tips

Walking back to your door will trigger a more intimate introduction to the Doll Maker. He asks you to find a woman in the same apartment who is younger than 30, so that he may add her to his doll collection.

Welcome to the Game II - Achievement Guide & Helpful Tips

You will need the LOLPY disc in order to access the list of tenants and their respective room numbers. Once buying the LOLPY disc, insert it in the tower below the monitor at the lobby’s reception desk.

For some reason, every time I try to order the LOLPY disc, the Breather is waiting for me. So, when you enter the alley way, be very cautious of the Breather. He will probably spawn.

Welcome to the Game II - Achievement Guide & Helpful Tips

A marker will be placed at your door, which you’ll need to pick up, and place that marker on the door of a woman who’s young. You may need to perform this side-mission several times, as the Doll Maker desires for multiple women to add to his collection.

Welcome to the Game II - Achievement Guide & Helpful Tips

Possible tenants that can be tagged include: Larissa Clay, Clare Holloway, Lilian Tyler, Alice Shaw, Hallie Nicholson, Ashlynn Rangel, Emma Everett, Janiah Osborn, and Ayana Armstrong.

The room numbers are randomly generated except several tenants’ like Clint’s room number 803.

It might take a while for the Doll Maker to put the marker back on your door to continue his side quest. Maybe like 30 minutes in real time.

This side mission can take the whole time from 10PM to 4AM, so I recommend not surfing the web at all, and just focusing on this side mission to avoid threats and to get the achievement.

One thing to take note. If you place the marker on the wrong door, you don’t die. The Doll Maker places the marker back on your door and laughs. You only die if you don’t place a marker on a door in time or you get too many incorrect markers placed on the door.

You will know if you placed the marker on the right door. Outside your door, you will hear footsteps and a girl screaming for help.


  • Hack all the WiFi networks. 
  • The way I approached this was to not surf the web at all to avoid Lucas and maybe the Breather. However, you will still need to deal with the other threats and occassional power outages. 
  • Exception to this rule is to visit DeDo, the Hacker portal site. Chances are when you attempt connect, you’ll get a hack. Or pretty much any of the fake websites. 
  • You’re going to need all the dongle upgrades, and all the skyBREAK upgrades. 
  • Pray to RNGesus that you get hacked a lot for extra backdoor action. 
  • Look at Miscellaneous Information for info about all the WiFi addresses. 
  • I am unsure about some of the values in that list.

Difficult Achievements & Helpful Tips

The 1%

Beat the game.

The Professional

  • Beat the game, without buying anything. 
  • You will be following some tips from Helpful Tips. 
  • For Lucas, you will need to be dependent on your hearing to hear his lockpicking. 
  • Before Lucas leaves, only turn off the lights near your bed and the one near your closet, and then hide in the closet. 
  • After Lucas leaves, turn back those lights on immediately, and then go back to business. 
  • For Noir, make sure to leave your lights turned on in your room. Be wary of outside spawns. 
  • Ignore Doll Maker. 
  • For Breather, go inside the room, and listen for his breathing. Hold the door when he pushes the door in. 
  • You will need to depend on the already given WiFis for this whole game. Pray to RNGesus that you don’t get raided by the Police. Worship RNGesus. 
  • You only have one free VPN.

Who’s that lady?

  • During the ending, press D.

Steel Trap

Beat the highest level memDefrager. This is kind of meta, but what I’d recommend is to write down the letter/number combination in order on a piece of paper or type it in a note notepad. Or, you know, memorize it.

Welcome to the Game II - Achievement Guide & Helpful Tips

Hardest: 6 (13 to 16)-letter/number combinations

I would recommend a high resolution for this achievement.

Hookup Master

In my opinion, nodeHexer is the hardest mini-game. It’s kind of like that one piping game where you connect all the pipes in certain rotations for the water to go through without leakage.

In nodeHexer, your aim is to start at a randomly generated beginning, and then make your way by hooking up nodes to the outlined nodes.

When you hook up with an outlined node, you have to connect to the opposite node. Alpha is the opposite of Beta, and vice versa.

The more outlined nodes you connect, the faster the timer runs out. In the harder nodeHexer mini-games, the outlined nodes are more spread apart making it even more difficult for you since you have to connect them all.

Hardest: 12 tagged nodes?

Click Master

You have to click when the green line is in the red-dot-zone. Easier said than done. My bad habit of clicking away to get to the second hack mini-game has destroyed me. There are zone walls that have 5 rows or 6 rows, maybe 7 rows, and the red-dot-zone only contains 2 dots, making some zone walls ridiculously hard. Or maybe, you know, I’m really bad. Also, you have to block 20 of them. 20. Chances are, you’re going to die by the police or Lucas before you can even block 20 zone walls in a row.

Welcome to the Game II - Achievement Guide & Helpful Tips

8 rows, only 1 red dot?

Popper Pro

Beat the highest level stack pusher. Use the plus sign looking block to gain access to the stacks, that you push to the central block. I don’t really feel like explaining the mini-game, because it’s not too difficult to understand it. Just look at the tutorial that Adam provides for you.

Hardest: 15 stacks?

Helpful Tips

  • Your goal is to find 8 hashes through Deep Wiki I, II, and III. You will also need 250 DOS coins ready in order to finalize the Noir Tunnel, which will grant you the ending scene. 
  • The window opens randomly. 
  • The power goes out randomly, or is triggered by the Doll Maker/Police/Lucas, etc. 
  • Start DOS coin farming with VPNs in green positions. It’s best if you have the maximum amount of VPNs for maximum potential generation of DOS coins. 
  • Upgrade your dongle so that you don’t need to keep moving it. 
  • In the beginning, backdoors are a great way to make money when getting hacked. 
  • It should already be obvious, but WEP WiFis are trash, WPA WiFis are better, and WPA2 WiFis are the best. 
  • Key searching can take forever. Use the source code option to your advantage. 
  • The Key Cue costs 375 DOS coins, which is outrageously expensive. It’s one of the most overpowered items in the game, though. 
  • All of these pages are fake links: BathRoom Cams, Black Market, Burned At The Stake, Cheap Surgery, Chosen Awake, Corpses For Sell, Cotton Road, DEEPDOTWEB, DeDo, Dream Place, F*ck You!, Family Drug Shop, Flame, Father Donald, Flesh Trade, GAME CAT, Hackers4Hire, Hail Satan, Happy Family, Hot Burners, Illuminati, Legion, Passports R US, Roses Destruction, SKYWEB, Secure Drop, Snuff Portal, Tango Down, The 8th Sin, and The Butcher. 
  • I’m not sure if this is true or not, but apparently, there’s a chance that you can get hacked when you try to visit the fake links. 
  • Some websites are only available at certain times. 
  • Avoid the Doll Maker website. Click only if you have no more websites to check. 
  • Make it a habit to lock your door. 
  • The more keys you discover, the more of a threat the enemies become. 
  • The more you upgrade your VPN, the less of a chance you’ll be hacked. 
  • Later in the game, you will want to upgrade your VPN, because you don’t want to get hacked end-game as you might miss audio cues. 
  • I’m not sure if turning your mic off or on makes the game more difficult or not. I’m pretty sure the game does check whether you have a microphone or not, regardless. 
  • If you’re a streamer, make sure to turn off nudity. And be wary that some passwords to the WiFi address contain extremely profane language.


Lucas or The Hitman

Welcome to the Game II - Achievement Guide & Helpful Tips

  • When you discover two webpages with a key, Lucas will start to spawn. To elaborate,
    you don’t need to find the actual hash to trigger Lucas. For example, you would think you only found one key, but if Lucas spawned, that means you missed a key on a website that you looked over. 
  • This also implies that if you don’t surf the web or discover any keys, Lucas won’t spawn. 
  • If you hear the door being lockpicked, that’s Lucas’ audio cue. 
  • Using motion sensors/audio alerts can help you determine Lucas’ arrival. 
  • If you can’t hear Lucas’ footsteps, that most likely means that you took too long to hide or he’s baiting you to leave. 
  • Try not to peek at all when hiding, and do not walk when running to hide. You must run, and you have to be fast. 
  • When you hear the audio cue, do not peek at the door as that will trigger an imminent insta-death for you. 
  • If you leave the lights turned on, you’ll be punished for wasting time. Turn off the lights, then hide. When Lucas leaves, quickly turn all the lights back on. If the lights were turned off for too long, you’ll be killed by the Noir. 
  • There’s a chance the power will go out while Lucas is still visiting your room. Be wary of the Noir when this happens. 
  • Using the Blue Whisper with the motion sensors is a great way of knowing whether Lucas has entered your room or not when you are outside of your room. 
  • Lucas can kill you on floor 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 10. He can also kill you when you’re on the lobby computer and at the main door. Have two motion sensors near your door, and at the stairway. 
  • Every now and then, you might encounter Lucas in the stairwell or any other area other than your apartment room. I’m still experimenting why this is happening. 

The Breather

Welcome to the Game II - Achievement Guide & Helpful Tips

  • I personally hate the Breather the most. He always scares me, and I hate it. 
  • Two audio cues in the lobby. Breathing once you exit the stairwell. Walking when near the front door. 
  • Four audio cues when entering alleyway. Laughter, knocking on the dumpster, footsteps, and a phone ringtone. 
  • Beating the Breather is possible. If you hear laughing noises or footsteps when entering the alleyway, quickly run to the room and open the door. When inside, wait for the Breather to walk by (you will hear his footsteps), and when the Breather comes to the door, he will try to break inside. There are two sounds that he’ll do. 
  • He’ll inhale and exhale slowly. 
  • The other sound is that he’ll inhale and exhale faster. 
  • You need to hold the door the moment the door pushes in. 
  • During the Breather event, do not look at him through the window. 
  • If you cannot pick up the package or open the door, you are instantly dead. I’m still trying to see if this is avoidable. 
  • You’ll know you’re done when after all that tension, you hear him walking away. Wait 30 seconds after that, and then go to pick up your package. 
  • If you don’t surf the web (no keys discovered), the Breather might not spawn. However, I have had runs where I faced the breather even without surfing the web. 

The Police

Welcome to the Game II - Achievement Guide & Helpful Tips

  • This is how the police track you, as far as I know. It’s 100% RNG. Each WiFi has a specific tracking/detection rate. The WEP WiFi detection rates are the highest, the WPA WiFi detection rates are lower, and the WPA2 WiFi detection rates are the lowest. Disconnecting may help in reducing the probability of a police raid. Switching WiFis is inefficient if you’re switching between WEP WiFis. If you switch from three WEP WiFis, and all of them have high detection rates, the chances of you being swatted are very high. If you switch from three WPA2 WiFis, the chances of you being swatted are drastically lower. Why do you think Adam said there’s a WiFi that makes you pretty much undetectable? 
  • SnuffBox and PHATCLOUD5 are very good WiFis. You can just switch between those two, and you’ll be pretty much safe from the Police. 
  • You do not need to move your WiFi dongle. Only when you’re looking for other WiFi addresses. 
  • The Police Scanner does a lot to help you detect if the police are in pursuit of your vicinity. If they are, simply disconnect from that WiFi. Then, you can either switch to another WiFi address or keep connecting to that same WiFi address.

The Noir

Welcome to the Game II - Achievement Guide & Helpful Tips

  • Apparently, if you turn off the lights for too long ( two minutes ), and then turn the lights back on. The Noir will be waiting for you to go on your computer. Once you leave the monitor, you’ll be killed by the Noir. 
  • The more keys you discover, the more aggressive the Noir become. They will spawn in more areas more frequently. If you turn off your lights in your room in attempt to shorten Lucas’ visit, there’s a chance that when you come out of hiding (depending on how many keys you have), the Noir will attack you in the dark. 
  • You must have all your lights turned on to reduce the chance of the Noir from spawning in your room. The Noir spawning outside your window, hallway, or door is very random, but will become more frequent when you discover more keys. 
  • It turns out the more keys you discover, the higher of a chance the Noir will spawn anywhere, no matter what. Turning off your lights increases that chance. If your lights are turned on, there’s still a chance that the Noir can spawn next to you or in your room. 
  • As far as I know, the Noir can spawn on you, especially when you least expect it. You could be walking down a hallway, and suddenly a Noir kills you.

Possible Strategies

One big problem about this game is the RNG, meaning that speedruns for this game can be stressful.

Strategy #1

  • In the beginning, you should have a free VPN, skyBREAK, and a backdoor. 
  • You want to get a lot of money (with VPNs), but this time — surf the web. 
  • One way to get more hacks is to spam refresh on a fake link or a site page. Then, you want to reconnect to a free wifi to cancel the loading bar, making this a spam exploit to make money faster. This exploit may be patched soon. 
  • This strategy introduces the threats earlier on, and makes the game more difficult earlier. 
  • However, you might get really lucky and find all the eight hashes relatively fast. 
  • You will have to face all threats, if you plan on surfing and buying products alongside each other. 
  • This is the most common strategy amongst players.

Strategy #2

  • In the beginning, you should have a free VPN, skyBREAK, and a backdoor. 
  • When placing dongle at balcony, try to place it fast and then walk back into your apartment. 
  • When turning on back the power, try running to turn it on, then run back before the maintenance door closes. 
  • Closing ANN, and then re-opening is faster on slower WiFis to go back to Home. 
  • One way to get more hacks is to spam refresh on a fake link or a site page. Then, you want to reconnect to a free wifi to cancel the loading bar, making this a spam exploit to make money faster. This exploit may be patched soon. 
  • Get a lot of money (keep buying more VPNs), and do not surf the web at all, except the fake links to initiate hacks. RNG is impactful in this game, so it’s better to be safe than sorry. 
  • If you don’t surf the web at all, Lucas and the Breather will not spawn. However, always stay cautious when entering the alleyway. 
  • I recommend these WiFis in order (* requires dongle upgrade): doody, SuddenLink990, DevShareTwo, NetflxnChillByMyself, Ethical_Hacker, MaximumBlack, TellMyWifiLoveHer, PHATCLOUD5, SnuffBox, * Big Dave Network, * Hidden Network, * DOSNET. 
  • I mentioned their maximum injection numbers in Miscellaneous Information. 
  • If you want, you can try going for the higher upgrades, but those will take more time. 
  • You will then need to go for the Key Cue. 
  • The reason why we are trying to get the Key Cue and the other upgrades before surfing the web is to obtain the necessary products to beat the game. The Noir will still spawn, and the Police will still be a threat. 
  • Once you have the Key Cue and other devices like the Motion Sensor for Lucas, or the Police Scanner for the Police, you can then start to surf through the web starting with Deep Wiki I. 
  • The Key Cue does not detect Wiki links. 
  • Deep Wiki III is always obtained from The Rule of Three. 
  • Here is the list of the fake websites: BathRoom Cams, Black Market, Burned At The Stake, Cheap Surgery, Chosen Awake, Corpses For Sell, Cotton Road, DEEPDOTWEB, DeDo, Dream Place, F*ck You!, Family Drug Shop, Flame, Father Donald, Flesh Trade, GAME CAT, Hackers4Hire, Hail Satan, Happy Family, Hot Burners, Illuminati, Legion, Passports R US, Roses Destruction, SKYWEB, Secure Drop, Snuff Portal, Tango Down, The 8th Sin, and The Butcher. 
  • You want to ignore all of these websites, as they waste your time. 
  • Doll Maker site should be your last resort. Do not visit this site until you have visited all other available sites. 
  • There are sites that are only available at certain times. There’s another guide that specifies those times. Check it out. 
  • You will be rushing through all of these websites with SnuffBox (or possibly DOSNET/Big Dave Network/DrAdelDink). If you have DOSNET, you won’t need to worry about the Police at all. 
  • You do not need to switch your dongle. You may need to switch your WiFis, but it’s not necessary once you reach SnuffBox or DOSNET. 
  • Another reason why you ignore the web in the beginning is so that you can get all the packages from the alleyway without having to worry about the Breather. 
  • After you get the necessary products, you won’t need to visit the alleyway again. 
  • You will only need to worry about Lucas, the Noir, and the Police. In my opinion, the Noir are your highest threat, as the more keys you discover, the more aggressive they become. Lucas is avoidable, as long as you have motion sensors in Floor 8 Hallway, Stairway, and possibly the Lobby. 
  • This may not be the most viable speedrun, but it’s definitely a good way to beat this game.

Strategy #3

  • This method is a common “speedrunning” tactic. However, in this game, saving is in intervals of 20 minutes. And things won’t be the same for every save file after. This method might actually be more punishing than you think. Regardless, if someone were to use this method for a “speedrun”, I wouldn’t really call it a “speedrun” as that person could have modified the game’s save files in order to better suit that run; in other words, this kind of method could be fixed so that the player beats the game under a desired time. 
  • There are glitches in this game like the door glitch, in which you can go from floor 8 to floor 1 in a matter of seconds. However, this glitch is very inconsistent, making this either a time waster or a miracle.

“The Professional” Strategy

  • You only have one free VPN, and you can’t buy anything, so your best bet is to find that sweet spot of 4.3 DOS Coins per 108 seconds, if not, better. 
  • You will have to face all threats. 
  • I’m not too sure how to “speed run” this achievement run, as it requires a lot of god-like RNG to even pull off.

“Doll Maker’s Pet” Strategy

  • Your goal is to make 135 DOS coins as fast as you can. I’ve been able to reach 150+ DOS coins with the refresh exploit at 10:30 PM. The 135 DOS coins will be needed in order to buy the LOLPY disc. 
  • Be wary of the Breather. For some reason, every run I’ve tried to go for the Doll Maker’s Pet always leads to the Breather spawning after I buy the LOLPY disc. So I’m assuming that his spawnrate also has to do with the amount of money you have or because of certain products that you bought. 
  • Follow my Doll Maker’s achievement guide in Hard Achievements.

“Infiltrator” Strategy

  • Your goal is to keep scanning, probing, injecting, and cracking. 
  • You want to upgrade skyBREAK to WPA2, and the WiFi dongle to level 3 as this allows you to access the other WiFis necessary to hack all of the WiFi addresses. 
  • I’m not too sure how to access Hidden Network or DonaldsWiFi yet. I’m really doubtful of people that have achieved this achievement.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3756 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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