Here is a guide to help you figure out what to do to have good characters on your party. What stats should I care about? What weapons should I pick? What classes are the best? Buckle up for some overall tips on how to have good characters and enjoy your time in the Deadfire Archipelago!
Other POE 2 Guides:
- Efficient Ship-to-Ship Combat Guide.
- Ships (Comparision).
- Bonus In-game Pets.
This guide will tell you all about your characters and how to get better at making good characters.
We will cover stats, races, culture, classes, sub-classes and multiclass mechanics. If you want to only see information on a specific topic you can navigate through this guide to get to the part you are most interested in.
This guide is NOT made to tell you “what is the best combo in the game”. Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire offers huge freedom in character creation while also having a strong emphasis on role-play. Play the game the way you want it and have fun that way, don’t let people tell you this or that is stronger. The purpose of the guide is to help you better understand the possibilities offered by character customization to make characters more effective at what YOU want them to do.
Attributes (Stats) – Explanations
Attributes is a system affecting the effectiveness of your actions in combat but also during other specific situations such as dialogs, scripted events etc. I will refer Attributes as Stats for more convenience throughout this guide as it is the most commonly used term accross all games in general.
There is 6 different Stats in Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire. Each point above 10 counts as a bonus while each point below 10 in a Stat becomes a penalty. For example 8 Perception makes the character lose 2 pt. in Accuracy and 4 pt. in Reflex while 11 Perception makes the character gains 1 pt. in Accuracy and 2 pt. in Reflex. During character creation you can freely change Stat points to suit your playstyle. Each character starts by default with 10 points in each Stat being the baseline and then has 15 points to spend wherever they want. Additional Stat points are being given by the chosen Race and Culture choices but this has no big impact on character building as each class gives the same amount of points in total and those points can be modified at will. The lowest a Stat can be put by default is 3 points and the highest is 18. This limit can be put up to 22 (and down to 2) thanks to Race and Culture bonuses aligned accordingly. Lastly, gear worn by your characters or different effects provided by Spells can giveadditional bonuses to those Stats.
Here are the six stats and their effect in combat per bonus point distributed:
- Might: +3% Damage and Healing dealt by the character, +2 Fortitude
- Constitution: +5% Health, +2 Fortitude
- Dexterity: +3% Action Speed, +2 Reflex
- Perception: +1 Accuracy, +2 Reflex
- Intellect: +10% Area of Effect of all abilities, +5% Duration for all used Abilities, +2 Will
- Resolve: -3% Incoming Hostile Effect Duration, +1 Deflection, +2 Will
A few interesting things are worth noting about Stats.
All Stats have an impact on every single class and subclass. There is no split between physical and magical damage or such thing so every class is using the same Stats for the same effects making it very easy to transfer ideas from one character to another and such.
The 6 Stats are defensively split in 3 categories affecting Fortitude, Reflex and Will. Each Stat giving +2 in one of those three type of defense while only Resolve gives Deflection (and only half of the amount per point invested). It is good to be wary of this point to avoid having too much of a penalty in a specific defense type. In order to do so try to always have as much positive points in a Stat sharing the same type of defense as another Stat having negative points. For example if you want your character to have 7 points in Intellect it can be good to have at least 13 points in Resolve to avoid having a diminished Will defense.
Might, Dexterity, Perception and Intellect mostly affect the effectiveness of your actions while Constitution and Resolve help you surviving battles longer.
Attributes (Stats) – Which One is the Best for my Character?
Ha this legendary question: What Stat do you recommend for my build?
It is true that in many games this question has a definitive answer but it’s a lot more complicated than that in Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire. The reason is that, as said above, all Stats affect your character in one way or another and none of them are useless or weaker than another one.
Let’s take a few examples to illustrate this.
Example 1: The fantasy of the Tank
Tanks are characters that are meant to soak up as much damage as possible in order to protect their team. They tend to try to reduce incoming damage or avoid them entirely while covering their allies whenever possible.
So you would think that the easy answer for our legendary question would be: Constitution and Resolve only for Tanks, so they never take damage!. This is partially true, yes those two Stats make for Tank characters to survive longer but is it truly the only way they interact with the battlefield to cover their teammates?
Let’s say our Tank is a pure Fighter with no subclass to make the example as easy to understand as possible. Fighters get by default the passive called “Constant Recovery” allowing them to recover 5 Health points per 3 seconds for 45 seconds at the start of each fight. Now if you take into account what the other Stats do you realise that Might improves the effect of Constant Recovery allowing the Fighter to regenerate more Health points per 3 seconds while Intellect helps to make the effect last longer than 45 seconds at the start of each fight.
In the meantime Dexterity would help our dear Fighter to act faster in order to be more often ready to react to bad events and cover the team for really bad situations.
Lastly Perception may sound like an offensive-only Stat but it helps with the Accuracy of your character. More Accuracy means more chances to hit enemies or to crit and less change to graze or miss. Maybe you want your Tank to often Knock Down enemies and you prefer it if it lasts longer. Well a critical Knock Down lasts longer than a regular one so maybe Perception is a Stat you want for your Fighter.
Example 2: The Fantasy of the Caster
Casters are characters that spend most of their time casting spells either to damage enemies or control the battlefield. They often tend to fight from a distance but can be seen on the frontline to use short-range abilities as well.
For this example we will take a Wizard specialized in heavy damage. Might sounds directly like a go-to option to optimize our damage output right? It increases damage by 3% per point spent going up to +30% damage without any gear or buffs. Sounds like a no-brainer decision. Well not really.
Once again the Accuary problem rises. If your Wizard hits like a truck but misses its targets most of the time you are in for a casino session for every fight and will have to prey at all time that you wizard is in luck with the dice.
Then there is the question of the type of abilities your Wizard will use. If he uses many abilities targeting an area (like a fireball) or having a duration (such as a burning effect over time) your Wizard may need to invest in Intellect. On top of that all bonus area of effect is counted as a safe-zone for spells and does no damage to allies no matter the ability used which is particularly useful in big fights.
Lastly what about Dexterity? You may enjoy that your Wizard hits hard but what if it takes him or her a really long time to cast any spell and even longer to recover from casting it afterwards? Dexterity can alleviate this problem and reduce both casting time and recovery time allowing your Wizard to be a lot more reactive and adapt quicker to the situation which can make all the difference.
Example 3: The Fantasy of the Healer
Let’s get this one quickly out of the way now that you start to get the idea. Your Healer will benefit heavily from Might to make his healing stronger for sure.
Intellect will make all his abilities targeting an area bigger allowing to cover more ground when necessary both offensively and defensively.
Dexterity allows your Healer to react faster to save an ally in a pickle or remove an enemy from the battlefield.
Constitution and Resolve can be very useful as well as healers can sometimes be on the front-line depending on their build and may need extra survivability to avoid being bullied.
And depending on how much you need your Healer to participate to the combat you may want to improve your Perception to make sure your Healer doesn’t miss his targets all the time or hit like a wet noodle because of Grazes.
Attributes (Stats) – Conclusion
I hope you understand the importance of thinking carefully about the purpose of your character in battle. There is not a single definitive solution for each Class, Race or any customization option in the game. The biggest recommendation I can always give you is to start with what sounds appealing to you and build your character around it.
You want to have illusions of yourself and blind your enemies all day while a giant bear of yours eat the enemies from behind? Well just do that but make sure you take Stats that make sense for this particular concept. For example here I would recommend to get a high Resolve to improve your Deflection while keeping a decent amount of Might, Dexterity and Perception to keep pressure on your target. Constitution is also important while Intellect may not be vital for your Illusionist-Bear-fantasy if you don’t plan on playing with effects based on time or area of effect.
Race and Culture
I will repeat myself but I can only recommend you to role the character which appeals the most to you. Want to be pretty and furry? Or you rather be a super tall blue girl? Just do as you want and have fun with it. Overall Race and Culture choices don’t have a significant impact on combats but instead are more important for dialogs. For information sake I will still list below the bonuses given by each Race and Culture. As for Subrace the descriptions in game are also very self explanatory and even if some are better suited for some builds I don’t want you to start a “this subrace is best” war so let’s just forget that it has any effect on gameplay for this guide, it’s only minor anyway.
Below are listed all the Races and the Stat bonus(es) they give:
- Aumaua: +2 Might
- Dwarf: +2 Might, -1 Constitution, -1 Dexterity
- Elf: +1 Dexterity, +1 Perception
- Godlike: +1 Dexterity, +1 Intellect
- Human: +1 Might, +1 Resolve
- Orlan: -1 Might, +2 Perception, +1 Resolve
As you can see all Races give a total of +2 points with the Dwarves and Orlans having two stats balancing each other out by giving +1/-1 to two different stats on top of the usual +2.
Below are listed all the Cultures and the Stat bonus(es) they give:
- Aedyr: +1 Resolve
- Deadfire Archipelago: +1 Dexterity
- Ixamitl Plains: +1 Resolve
- Old Vailia: +1 Intellect
- Rauatai: +1 Constitution
- The Living Lands: +1 Might
- The White that Wends: +1 Perception
Very simple here, each Culture gives a +1 in a different Stat with Resolve being represented twice (there is 7 Cultures for 6 Attributes).
Classes: Basics of the System
The Class system has evolved since the first Pillars of Eternity game and gained in depth. These upcoming sections will help you better understand how all of this work in order to help you better make choices to find your own playstyle and enjoy the game. The Class you choose mostly affect combat but can also from time to time have an impact on dialogs or scripted events. It is highly recommended you make your decisions about Classes based on what appeals the most to you in terms of combat but also of Lore. For example Priests have their themes heavily influenced by the gods of Eora.
There is 3 main components about classes:
- 11 Classes to choose from
- Each class has several subclasses to choose from to further specialize with 9 classes allowing to also not pick a subclass
- Classes can be chosen on their own or combined by two to form a Multiclass.
Each of those aspects will be covered seperately in the sections below.
The game features an impressive number of 11 Classes to choose from. Each Class has a unique identity both in terms of background and combat. It is worth noting that as always with the character customization, classes allow for a very wide customization and no two characters of the same class will play the same. Each class has their limitations but they can all offer varied playstyles.
A very important aspect of Classes is that no weapon type or armor type is bound to any class and each of them can effectively be used by all Classes one way or another. Yes you can have an effective Wizard with a sword and shield in a heavy armor or a Paladin in Light armor with a bow if that’s your thing.
Let’s dive into the list of classes together. To avoid repetition with the information in game I will give you my personal take on each Class and what can generally be expected from it. I can’t stress enough that each class is not meant to only fill one role as many RPGs tend to do but instead give many options for customization even within a single Class.
The Barbarian is fairly straightforward. Mostly oriented towards dealing a lot of damage recklessly the Barbarian tends to sacrifice survivability to deal even more damage. The ressource of the Barbarian is Rage and all his abilities use it. Rage is refreshed at the end of a battle by default. The Barbarian can boost his own action speed in varied ways and take benefit from killing enemies in rapid succession. His base passive allows him to deals 33% of his base Weapon Damage on all enemies around his target. This passive only works in melee so keep that in mind.
Ranged Barbarians can also work thanks to the numerous bonuses on damage and the fact that almost all abilities and effects work on any type of weapon including ranged ones. Sniper builds can for example be made thanks to the Blood Thirst passive or the Crushing Blow ability.
Barbarians can be offensive Tanks thanks to their passive effects and abilities combining defensive effects but also offensive area of effects surrounding the Barbarian. The idea being “Hit me if you want I will give it back to you and all your friends”.
Lastly an important part of the Barbarian is based around Critical Hits so try to make the most use out of it and to maximize your Critical Chance and Critical Damage to make good use of your Barbarian.
The Chanter is the artistically gifted one of the group and combine Phrases, Chants and Invocations to do his job on the battlefield.
The Chanter constantly pronounces Phrases in combat in the background. Phrases give effects around the Chanter and have an Incantation period and a Lingering period. The idea is that the effect of a Phrase lasts a few seconds after it is finished being used so you can effectively stack several effects at once. Chants effects can be varied and range from healing allies to lowering enemies defenses, summoning a skeleton and so on. Chants are assembled as a Song which is simply how you want your Chants to be combined together. For example you can have your chants A, B and C to be assembled like: A – B – C – A – B – C… Or you can have A – A – B – A – A – B… The idea is that Chants are effects that keeps being repeated in the background and have an impact around the Chanter everytime.
For each Chant finished the Chanter gains a Phrase which can be stacked and serve as the Ressource to use abilities.
The abilities of the Chanter are called Invocations and used the accumulated Phrases. The stronger the Invocation the more Phrases are required so the longer you have to wait (as each Phrase is generated by a Chant which takes a few seconds to be finished).
The general gameplay of the class is very rhytmic as your Ressources comes at a fixed pace so you know exactly when you will be able to cast your abilities. On top of that the Chanter is one of the very few Classes who can cast an infinite amount of abilities in a combat since he can generate Phrases constantly for the entire duration of the battle.
Chanters can be used in varied ways mostly dependant on the subclass chosen with the option of having no subclass giving more flexibility at the cost of less specialization. The main take on the class is that it gains effectiveness from being in crowds. If you want to affect enemies you want your Chanter to be able to target crowds of enemies. If you want to support the team you want your Chanter to be surrouned by allies to affect them all.
It is also worth noting that the Chanter is the class best suited for a summoning role as he has access to a very big list of Summons which can be cast very often and reliably since the Chanter’s ressource can be generated constantly.
The Cipher has a strong emphasis on mental abilities and can use them to crush your enemies by killing them quickly or disabling them entirely.
They key aspect of the Cipher is his hybrid nature. The Cipher uses Focus to cast spells which is generated by dealing damage with weapons. On top of that all Ciphers have the Soul Whip effect which increases the damage of their weapons significantly.
The idea of the Cipher is to either build up as much as possible Focus to then dish out a barrage of spells or instead chain spells and weapon attacks together one after the other to put pressure on the enemy.
Both melee and ranged Ciphers can work as they don’t rely on either to use their effects at full potential and they are a good option if you enjoy both using weapons and using mental-based spells.
The Fighter is pretty standard but very good at what he does. Fighters are heavily based around weapon usage and are the best to get the most potential out of them.
They can fill two main type of roles being the tank or damage dealer. As a tank they have good abilities to control the battlefield and in particular knock down the enemies while having passive self regeneration. As damage dealer they make use of varied attacks and potent passives to maximize their damage output. They use Discipline as ressource for all their abilities which is refilled at the end of each fight.
Fighters can be used at any range as they can maximize the damage of any type of weapons including ranged ones.
Don’t underestimate all the bonuses given by the Fighter when you consider Mutliclass as it can improve any other Class significantly when the right bonuses are picked, even the Classes focused on magic.
The Druid is the class most based on the use of nature.
Druids can use spells to either deal damage, control enemies or heal and protect allies. Druids’ spells tend to have several effects at once and to make the best use of their spells it is recommended to clearly identify what those effects are. All damaging abilities also apply an effect on the targets, the controlling spells often have specific conditions to apply them and finally healing spells are mostly based on healing over time and increasing the durability of the team rather than giving emergency heal. Lastly Druid Spells can be used only a limited amount of times per Power Level of spells. For example all spells of Power Level 1 are sharing the same ressource pool and can be used altogether twice, same for the Power Level 2 and so on.
The last key feature of Druids is their ability to Spiritshift. By default Druids can spiritshift once per combat for a base duration of 15 seconds. Each Druid can choose a specific spiritshift form during character creation and can never change it. Each form has its own perks and they are all except but one based on melee combat. You can use spiritshifting as an offensive tool and even make it the main part of your Druid (in particular with the Shifter subclass who can shift in all forms during each battle) or you can use the forms defensively to fight back when enemies are threatening you.
Many roles can be filled by Druids thanks to their very varied toolkit. You can have a ranged or melee Druid. A tank Druid, a healer Druid, a damage oriented Druid. It’s really up to you.
The Monk is the fast-hitting one of the team.
Monks use two different Ressources to use their abilities being Mortification and Wounds. Mortification is the standard Ressource being refilled at the end of each fight while Wounds is generated by default by taking hits (a subclass makes it so Wounds are generated by dealing damage instead, similarly to the Cipher’s Focus). Each ability makes use either of Mortification or Wounds so be careful when you pick your abilities to know from which Ressource they will pull from.
Monks thanks to the ability Swift Strike can have very high action speed more easily than other Classes and can fill several roles effectively.
They can be very oriented on the offensive and focus heavily on damage. They also can focus on disabling enemies via interrupting effects and such to make sure enemies don’t attack your party. And they can also fill a tank role where they soak up damage and retaliate with a flurry of abilities with all the Wounds generated from the damage.
Monks also have native bonuses to damage, accuracy and penetration when fighting with bare hands making them potentially deadly even without any weapon equipped. It is possible to have a Monk equipped with weapons and perform well though so don’t worry if fighting without weapons is not your thing.
Paladins are just like Fighters very close to the typical class fantasy their name evoke.
They can protect their comrades, heal the party and dish out big burst of damage on their enemies depending on their preferences or what is required from the situation. What makes them unique is their ability to help out the team significantly with varied boosts and effects while keeping good damaging options mainly with their key ability Flames of Devotion.
Each Paladin’s subclass gives a bonus to a certain aspect of the Paladin’s kit and specialize him a bit more.
They use Zeal as Ressource which refills automatically at the end of each fight.
The two key components of Paladin’s positionning are his auras and the fact that Ley on Hands (the basic healing ability of the Palading) are both based on proximity with allies. Auras give potent boosts to allies around the Paladin at all time as long as they stay in range and Lay on Hands can save an ally in need of quick healing.
As for every other classes Palading can effectively fight from any range with any type of weapon. Their main damaging attack Flames of Devotion can be used with any type of weapon. The position on the battlefield of your Paladin will depend mostly on the needs of your team: whether you want your frontline or your backline to be mostly helped by the potential heals and boost of the Paladin.
The Priest shares a lot of points with Paladins but have an approach slightly more based on magic rather than physical attacks.
Every Priest is bound to choose a subclass based on which god they worship. This has an effect on what spells the Priest will automatically learn giving a slight orientation to the type of Priest you want to play.
Priests can use spells a certain amount of times per Power Level so all spells within the same Power Level share the same pool of Ressource. This is especially crucial for Priests as they have very different spells within the same pools being either healing oriented, support/disabling oriented or damage oriented. Being careful of what the levels are of each pool of ressource is very important for Priest to avoid situations where a key spell could kill an important target or save an ally in need.
Though they are typically looked upon as healing machines, Priests can be very good at dealing damage. The particularity of Priests no matter what strategy they employ is that they tend to be always very close to the action whether it is to heal allies or damage enemies. Very few Priests spells work from a distance and most of them are an area of effect around the Priest himself.
For this reason the choice of weapon is very important for Priests and depends on where you want their effects to be most of the time. Do you often need to heal and damage in the frontline or instead to stay afar to kill enemies while covering the ranged characters of the team?
Rangers are the pet Class of the game more than anything and really heavily focus on their pet.
Rangers use Bond as ressource which refills automatically at the end of each fight.
They can pick a companion pet during character creation which will never change, each companion having his own perks. The companion and his pets are strongly attached making them requiring each other alive to succeed. If the pet dies in combat the Ranger suffers signifcant Accuracy penalty on top of other stats while if the Ranger himself dies the pet dies instantly from grief (I know it’s sad). The Ghost Heart subclass removes that penatly but also makes the pet being a temporary summon costing Bond to be used in battle.
The very unique aspect of the Ranger is that he has very few abilities and passives based on the Ranger himself. Instead most of the Ranger’s power comes from his pet. Remember that during character creation as it may be boring for some people to play a pure Ranger without Multiclass because of the limited amount of abilities the Ranger can use on his own.
Rangers are mostly centered on damaging though the pet can provide additional tanking for the team as it adds a target for the enemies to attack in combat. They have a few crowd control effects serving to slow down the enemies movement to protect the team and better killed targets. Lastly their signature Marked Prey ability gives an Accuracy bonus for the entire team against the targeted enemy making Rangers good at helping the team to burst down targets one at a time.
The weapon choice is as always all yours. Rangers can work well both in melee or range. The subclass Sharpshooter puts the emphasis on long-range combat while the Stalker tends to force the Ranger to fight up-close next to his companion to get varied bonuses.
The Ranger is not just a Ranger, it’s him and his companion. You really pick the whole duo if you pick the Ranger.
The Rogue is a single target focused Class which mostly revolves around removing their target one way or another.
They use Guile as ressources for their abilities which refills automatically at the end of each fight.
Rogues tend to have three types of strategies available to them. They can move around the battlefield extremly easily to choose where they want to be and what they want to do. They can also disable enemies with varied afflictions to slow them, blind them and so on. And finally they can dish out a lot of damage in very short period of times to eleminate their targets for good.
Every Rogue gets benefit from attacking Flanked or Bloodied target and they can also have a substantial damage boost if attacking an enemy from Stealth or Invisiblity when the target is at less than 2 meters of range (this works with ranged weapons as long as the distance is respected).
They can fill the role of damage dealer, aggressive tanks or disablers or mix and match all of these to suit your playstyle.
As for weapons as always they can use anything. Just be careful about Primary Attacks and Full Attacks abilities. The latter deals damage with both weapons while Primary ones deal damage with only the main hand weapon when you dual wield. If you want to use mostly Primary Attacks abilities it’s best not to dual wield while if you want to mostly use Full Attacks it’s more effective to dual wield.
The Wizard is your magic-centric Class by excellence. They rely on their Spells to do the job and can either decimate the enemies, disable them or attract them to protect the team.
Their Spells are limited in use per encounter based on their Power Level. Spells from the same Power Level can be used only twice per encounter so be careful of which Spells you plan to use because they may share a similar pool of ressource.
The particularity of Wizards is their use of grimoires which grant them two additional spells to use per Power Level even if they haven’t learned them. Their use are still limited by their Ressource pool like usual but they can have a plethora of different spells thanks to the combination of their grimoire and natural knowledge.
Wizards know spells of 5 different schools with each school based on a different concept. Their subclass put a heavy focus on one school so try to identify which Spells you prefer and see if they belong to the same type of school to potentially maximize your impact in combat.
Wizards can effectively be on your team to kill and disable enemies but they are also good at soaking up damage thanks to their varied Enchants and Illusions among other spells. Remember that no class is limited to any weapon or armor type so you can have a heavy armor Wizard casting clones of himself to confuse enemies and avoid their attacks.
As always weapon choice will be based on your preference. Wizards spells are of many range types and type of effects so it’s up to you to choose what you prefer the most. Just try to have a few range spells even if you are melee focused and vice versa have melee spells even if you are range oriented in case of emergency.
Multiclass: Should I Multiclass or Not? Benefits and Penalties
A Multiclass is a combination of 2 of the 11 Classes in the game. There is in total 55 combinations possible on top of the 11 Soloclass choices and all of them can pull their weight one way or another.
When your character is a Multiclass it has Ressources from both of its Classes at the same time and plays like both of the classes at once. This means that a Monk/Cipher for example has three Ressources being Mortification, Wounds and Focus. Each ressource is still used for abilities of its own class and there is no crossover possible in that regard. Some passive effects present in several Class progression tree can be picked once and are counted on both trees if chosen.
So what are the benefits of playing as Multiclass and what are the penalties if there is any?
The first key factor of Multiclass comes from how it evolves over the course of the game compared to a Soloclass. A Soloclass character gains an ability point to spend at each level up to choose a new spell (or upgrade) or a passive. Every other level (starting from level 3) a Soloclass gains a Power Level making all his abilities a bit better and unlocking a new set of abilities to use.
The main difference when it comes to Multiclass is that they gain a Power Level every 3 levels instead of 2 which has three consequences:
- They have access to new abilities later than Soloclass in terms of level.
- Their abilities are weaker in comparison to those of Soloclass because they gain less Power Level in total by the end of the game
- They can’t access to the abilities and Spells tied to the Power Levels 8 and 9 (this is because max level is 20 and they gain a Power Level only every 3 levels).
The drawbacks from playing a Multiclass are obvious from this list, the same abilities they use are weaker than the versions used by Soloclass, they never gain access to the latest ones and also get them some levels after Soloclasses do.
So what are the benefits from playing a Multiclass?
- To begin with they have ressource pools from two different classes meaning that they effectively can use more abilities overall in combat than Soloclass. This heavily depend on the combinations chosen but this is always true to some degree.
- They can be more diversified in their strategies as each Classe can give very unique tactics.
- Multiclasses have access to more complex builds and potentially stronger ones too. If you combine bonuses and spells going in the same direction from two Classes you are likely to have a strong effect on the battle compared to a Soloclass.
Lastly an important point to point out is that Soloclass is easier to grasp and to play than Multiclass as the choices are more limited. This way it is much harder to make a character useless to the team (still very possible to do though there is no freewin card either). It can be recommended for new players to start with Soloclass and eventually play with Multiclasses on another playthrough or with other characters.
Just keep in mind what each Class can do and cannot do and whether you would like to combine them or not. For example a Ranger and a Wizard as Soloclass have very different feeling. The Wizard has access to a very big amount of spells while the Ranger has a rather simple approach to battles and doesn’t require too much management to be effective. Some players may prefer the complexity of the Solo Wizard or instead the straightforward aspect of the Solo Ranger.
As always, your preference is what matters the most here.
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