This is literally just the list of Gate Codes for those of you who love this game but are frusterated by puzzles. Believe me, it took me a long time to figure this out i’m not bright by any means. It’s sad to see so many people give up on the final stretch of the game and not face the real last boss and see the ending, so I’m here to help you out.
Remember, if you want to try your hand at the puzzles themselves, do not look at this guide as it’s just a list of the codes outright so you don’t have to do a single thing.
Table of Contents
Gate Codes
«1st Gates»
- Menoetius: AbCT*bCTA
- Coeus: CTAb*bTCT
- Lelantos: CAbA*AbCA
- Styx: bTAC*CATb
- Cronus: TCAb*CAbT
«2nd Gates»
- Menoetius: ATbA*CbAb
- Coeus: bTCA*ACTb
- Lelantos: TACT*AbTb
- Styx: TCTA*AbTC
- Cronus: bTbA*ACTA
«Gate of Kings»
I hope this is helpful. Good luck to you!
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