Total War: Three Kingdoms – Unit Abilities

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Unit Abilities

Many units and characters have innate abilities which grant specific skills and inform their tactical usage in battle. These abilities are noted in the description panel to the left of the screen when the unit is selected.


  • Units with the impetuous trait may choose to charge at nearby enemy units without orders.


  • Units with the unbreakable trait do not lose morale and cannot be routed.


  • Units with the raider trait are destructive by nature. When stood idle in a siege battle or town and resource battle, they will hurl burning firebrands at nearby buildings.


  • A spear or pike unit which stands still while facing an enemy charge will count as braced. Braced units will maintain a defensive line better when charged, with fewer individuals getting knocked back and displaced by the impact.

Charge reflection VS mounted

  • When braced, spear and pike units gain the charge reflection VS mounted ability. This reflects a cavalry or mounted character’s impact damage back onto itself, provided they charge the braced unit in the front.


  • A unit with the disciplined trait will not suffer a morale penalty if the character leading its retinue falls in battle. Disciplined troops will also recover morale more swiftly after routing.


  • Units with the encourage trait enhance the morale of nearby friendly units.

Fire while moving

  • The unit may fire projectiles while moving.

Fire backward

  • The unit may fire projectiles in any direction.

Guerrilla deployment

  • The unit may be initially deployed deeper into the battlefield, outside the usual green deployment zone, and into the white deployment zone which becomes visible when the guerrilla unit is selected.

Hide in forest

  • Units with this trait who enter woodlands will disappear from enemy view until they exit the forest.

Immune to scare/terror

  • Units with this trait will suffer no morale penalties from proximity to units with the scare or terror effects.

Immune to fatigue

  • The unit will never suffer from the effects of fatigue.

Run amok

  • The unit may become uncontrollable and attack any nearby enemy unit.

Resistant to heat

  • The unit takes longer to suffer from the fatigue effects caused by desert environments.


  • Units with the scare trait will reduce the morale of nearby enemy units.


  • Units with the Terror trait will significantly reduce the morale of nearby enemy units.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 8044 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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