Warframe – Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)

The locations of the 8 partnership fragments found in the updated Jupiter tileset.

Other Warframe Guides:

Short Intro

I decided to make this guide after spending hours running around the tileset trying to find these Fragments, so you don’t have to! Make sure to bring your codex scanner, and be prepared to spend a lot of time getting some of these rooms to spawn.

Fragment 1/8

I only encountered this room once, so I’d say it’s a pretty rare room. You can tell this is it by big glass tubes on one side. The fragment is located outside the room, and you can reach it with some parkour from a nearby balcony.

Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)
Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)
Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)
Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)

Fragment 2/8

This tile always appears in sabotage missions. To get to the Fragment simply parkour around the wall and you will find it.

Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)
Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)
Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)
Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)

(Sorry for the damage indicators, too many Corpus spawns).

Fragment 3/8

Very common extraction tile. Simply climb up the wall and onto the weird Corpus contraption to get your fragment.

Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)
Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)
Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)

Fragment 4/8

This is a tile that frequently appears in capture and extermination missions. The fragment can be found near the bottom of the tile, in a “socket”.

Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)
Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)
Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)

Fragment 5/8

This tileset usually has the Ropalolyst shooting you as it flies away. This is a semi-rare tile to get in my experience. Found in a capture mission.

Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)
Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)
Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)

Fragment 6/8

This is a relatively common tile. The Fragment is located high up near a fan.

Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)
Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)
Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)

Fragment 7/8

This is a very common tile, at least in capture and sabotage. The Fragment is located up, near the ceiling of the room next to one of the pillars.

Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)
Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)
Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)

Fragment 8/8

Another common tile. The Fragment is located at the bottom of it, behind and under an antenna you can “stand” on.

Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)
Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)
Warframe - Partnership Fragment Locations (Gas City)


This might take you a long time, or you might get all of them in a few runs. Such is the nature of RNG. Be patient! It took me hours until I even saw one of the rooms that had a fragment in it. (it was 5/8, if you’re wondering). I primarily did sabotage and capture missions. And very few (as in, 2-3 runs) of extermination and rescue.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. finally got them all. 1/8 was the hardest to get, as expected. the difference gap in rarity between 1/8 and all the rest of them collectively is like the difference between Primed Vigor and junk common mods like Melee Prowess

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