Rena Route
The first choice that kinda matters:
- … Going to the gym (Unlocks Athletic trait).
The next choice that matters:
Hanging out with Liam makes it easier to get the full route,m but isn‘t necessary. Just reject Melissa, if you go with Megan.
During lunch with Leah tell her:
- I‘m interested in someone else.
During Episode 1 reject Melissa (easier with offering non-alcoholic wine)
During the night out with Liam:
- End the night and go home.
During improv lessons do not tell Megan you love her.
And now the true route to Renas heart starts.
- Rena looks delicious
- Flirt with her
- (Remove shirt)
- Lift Rena
- Help Rena with light bulb
- Ice cream
- It‘s complicated
- Suitable name (doesn‘t really matter)
- Rena is right
- Hi ♥ (doesn‘t matter)
- You think her career is stupid?
- Fine, I‘ll walk
- You deserve better Rena
- It needs improvemet
- The kissing scene
- Help them
- Grab her waist or her ♥, whichever you prefer (I am an ♥ man)
- Tell me about yourself
- Why are you so pessimistic?
- Relationship
- Hobbies
- We aren‘t a couple
- Kiss her mouth
Now a lot of choices won‘t matter again, until we get to the trip to the lake.
- Help Rena with the cabin
- Look closer or don‘t look, it doesn‘t matter (I chose to look)
- …and I like that.
- Yes
What you do next doesn‘t matter, I go swim with Melissa, because it never leads to a possible sex scene with the route I chose.
During dinner:
- Stop her
During volleyball:
- Angela
- Pass to…
- Hedwig
- Angela
- That sounds awful
- I‘m not mad
- Rock music
- Let her continue
- Compliment Melissa
- Had anal sex (as I said, I am an ♥♥♥ man – this choice doesn‘t matter that much)
- Yes
- Let her be
- Don‘t smoke
- Dance with Rena
- Make out
You know you got the full scene if you get a another scene after the spooning (she lies on her stomach).
Another few chocies that don‘t matter.
When ♥ attacks you:
- Dodge and counter
- Tell her
- I think so
The tattoo scene is unimportant again.
When at Rena‘s:
- I was worried about you
- Make a move on Rena
- I like Rena, too
Another few choices that don‘t matter.
At Ana‘s place:
- I feel nothing for you
- Leave
When with Rena after Peter tried to ♥ Megan:
- Kiss her
During the camping trip don‘t tell Megan you love her.
At the concert:
- Confront them
- Yes…
That‘s it, you are done 🙂
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