A Short Hike – Achievements, Quests and Tips

This guide is designed to help you if you struggle with the overall progression.

Don’t look at this if you don’t want to get spoiled!


This guide has been designed to help you if you struggle with general progression or if you need help with some achievements requirements.

As the game only features English for now, I wanted to make this an English guide, but since this language isn’t my mother tongue, please feel free to suggest any improvement or constructive modification.

Please keep in mind that this guide is still work in progress: I plan to get it done by Sunday if possible.

General Tips

In order to avoid skipping anything, you may want to talk several times to each animal you will meet. Many of them have quests for you, and their rewards are sometimes required to help you progressing through the mountain, but they are also necessary if you want to unlock all the achievements.

Moreover, as soon as you discover a new water source, be sure to fish for a minute or two. A couple of tries should be enough to allow you to get a new entry in your journal.

Eventually, do not hesitate to explore the mountain away from the main trail, because many chests and resources are hidden around the mountain.

Story-Related Achievements

Hawk Peak

Reach the Peak of the mountain. In order to do so, the game recommends you have at least 7 golden feathers before trying to reach the top. Each one of them will increase your stamina.

The End

Once you’ve reached Hawk Peak, go back to your aunt’s cabin and interact with it. Claire will be given the possibility to take a nap. By accepting, you will trigger the end of the game and unlock this achievement. You will be able to keep on playing after the end credits.

Collection-Related Achievements

Feathers Finder

  • Find 10 golden feathers.

Feathers Forever

Get all the feathers of the game: 20 golden feathers and 2 silver feathers.

The Fish Are Biting Today

Fish and trade the 22 species listed in the fisherman’s journal.

The fisherman can be found in his boat, below the electric pylons. He will buy every new species of fish you bring him, or he will trade them for bait(s) if you have already sold him the said fish. If you bring him enough, he will give you his journal to keep track of your progression. To help you find them, the journal features a note for each fish that hasn’t been caught yet. Feel free to fish 2 or 3 times at each location to maximize your chances of catching a fish that you would not already have. Finally, you need to know that fishing with bait is faster than fishing without bait.

Events-Related Achievements

Remember This Day Forever

Successfully hit the ball 30 times in a row while playing Beachstickball.

Beachstickball is a mini-game that you’ll be able to discover juste next to the graveyard, on the beach.

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

You’ll be invited to play and send the ball back for as long as you can.

  • If you hit the ball 10 times in a row, you will get a golden feather.
  • If you hit the ball 20 times in a row, you will get some coins.
  • If you hit the ball 30 times in a row, you will get a baseball cap and you will unlock the achievement.

Parkour Master

Beat Avery twice on each of the 3 circuits.

You will meet Avery near the visitor’s center: she will challenge you to race against her.

You will be able to fly during those races, but for each one of them you will only be able to use a certain number of feathers. Avery must be beaten twice on each circuit before giving you access to the next course. Be warned: if you win, she will remember the way you raced and will be more efficient during your next race.

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

Race 1

Start: Near the visitor center

Finish: Mountain top

Maximum feathers: 9

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

Race 2

Start: Royal Ridge

Finish: Lighthouse

Maximum feathers: 3

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

Race 3

Start: Close to the graveyard, a little bit higher on the left.

Finish: Abandoned building

Maximum feathers: 5


Try the famous local specialty, “Strawberries and Toast”.

In the visitor center, a sign indicates that it is possible to taste this specialty by coming to this place at 5PM. Be sure to read that sign.

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

You must then either wait for 5PM or adjust your system clock accordingly, then talk to the animal that sells feathers and provincial park hat. Ask him if you can taste this specialty, but he will be out of strawberries. Insist and take the toast anyway. Select it in your inventory: Claire will eat it and you will unlock the achievement.


A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips
A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

Young bird

Meeting point: First beach next to the aunt’s cabin.

Quest 1: Bring her 15 seashells.

Tip: Seashells are spread all over the mountain and your surroundings. You can find way more than just 15 and you should be able to gather them through your normal progression.
Reward: None.

Quest 2: Deliver a Necklace to the Ranger May

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

Tip: Talk to your aunt, by the fireplace near her cabin.

Reward: Golden feather (even if it wasn’t meant to be a reward).

Teaching Wolf

Meeting point: First beach next to the aunt’s cabin.

Interest: Teaches Claire how to use a compass.

Reward: Compass.

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips
A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

Building Frog

Meeting point: Sid Beach

Quest 1: Trade a Toy Shovel with him.

Tip: You can find several Toy Shovels around the mountain. The nearest one is located on a sand patch next to Shirley’s Point, just follow the main path to the left and you should find it quickly.

Reward: Shovel

Quest 2: Watch his slow ascension.

Tip: Come back to talk with him from time to time: his sandcastle would have evolved.

If you come back 2 times, it will stop evolving and you will get a reward.

Reward: Golden Feather.

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

Climbing Squirrel and Rhino

Meeting point: Sid Beach

Interest: Teach Claire how to climb.

Reward: None

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

Painting Raccoon 

Meeting point: Southwest peninsula.

Quest: Help him finding inspiration for his paintings.

Tip: Each time you will meet him, be sure to talk to him several times. At the end of each discussion, he will try to find inspiration elsewhere. After meeting him, he will move to the lighthouse, then he will set his easel above a waterfall, then near the graveyard, then on Outlook Point and his last inspiration source will be the visitor’s center.

Reward: Golden feather.

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

Stretching Rabbit

Meeting point:

Quest: Find her headband.

Tip: Talk to the turtle (Taylor) to get his own headband.

Reward: Running shoes.

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

Running Turtle (Taylor)

Meeting point: White Beach trail (running along).

Quest: Bring him his headband back.

Reward: Red headband.

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

Worried Goat

Meeting point: Near the 2 caravans near the Visitor Center.

Quest: Find his watch.

Tip: The watch is held by the tough bird at the entrance of Hawk Peak trail. Give him 400 coins and he’ll thank you by giving you the watch.

Reward: Silver feather.

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

Camping Cat

Meeting point: Illegal camping spot (blue tent) near White Beach Trail.

Quest: Find his camping licence.

Tip: The licence has been eaten by a fish: cath a few ones in Meteor Lake and you’ll get his licence.

Reward: Fishing baits.

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

Fishing Hippopotamus (Bill)

Meeting point: Meteor Lake.

Interest: Teaches Claire how to fish.

Reward: Fishing rod.

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

Sailing Pelican

Meeting point: Boat, located near the electric pylons.

Quest: Will buy any fish you bring him. He will trade you any fish you already shown him for fishing baits.

Reward: Bring him enough fish and he will give you his journal. Bring him each single species listed inside and he will give you the golden fishing rod and you will unlock the “The Fish Are Biting Today” achievement.

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

Tough Bird

Meeting point: Entrance of the Hawk Peak trail.

Interest: Sells golden feathers (100 coins each).

Tip: By talking with him, you’ll learn that he does sell feathers because he needs 400 coins for his tuition fees. If you give him those 400 coins, he will lower his price (40 coins for a feather) and give you the mouse’s watch.

Reward: Mouse’s watch.

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

Chilling Deer

Meeting point: Little island, north-east from the fisherman’s boat.

Quest: Pick up all the waste on the island.

Tip: While talking with him, he will offer you to buy a hat like the one he wears. You will be able to buy it for 100 coins or more, depending on the choice you will make during your conversation.

Reward: None

Treasure Maps

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

In Her Shadow

Map location: In a chest located on the deck of the fisherman’s boat

Treasure location: Dig at the tip of the lighthouse shadow

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

The Treasure of Sid Beach

Map location: The dog gives it to you if you talk to him while he is standing on Outlook Point.

Treasure location: Sid Beach, left of the climbing wall, between the two stones.

A Short Hike - Achievements, Quests and Tips

The King’s Throne

Map location: In a chest located near the abandoned building.

Treasure location: Dig on the grass top of a rock platform on Royal Ridge.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. I’ve met Avery at Royal Ridge, starting a new game didn’t change anything, the first race is still to the lighthouse.

  2. Thank you!
    I want to say thanks to you and the players under the message board: D!!
    (I’m sorry because it’s machine translation, it’s not very smooth.)

  3. I can easily reach the top and have many (too many) feathers. But friend Fox cannot, he asked find another way, but I don’t know, how to beat this quest, he only says one line.

  4. My man, great guide. Only two things! The Hawks Peak run only seems to be available when you climbed it first. Probably an update. And the quest for the fox is missing. The one who takes your photo at the peak also only available after you climbed the peak.

  5. >Avery must be beaten twice on each circuit before giving you access to the next course.

    Not sure if this is true. You only need to win once and then find the new location to do the next race. You may need to win twice to get the “medal” for each race though…

  6. Oh there’s another treasure map since the boat update: A Stormy View, the treasure map can be found inside a blue house ruin on the orange island, and the tip to find the treasure is to use the telescope at the start point of parkour race 3

  7. A Quest that i find that is not in this guide, there is a fox that can’t climb to the pick because a bridge is break in the last zone, but once you have climb to to the top of the mountain, you can share 6 of your feather to help him, after he reach the top of the mountain, go there to and he give back your feather and there is a little cinematic, end of the quest.

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