Other Flinthook Guides:
- All Bosses and How to Defeat Them + Endings.
- All Black Market Upgrades and How to Unlock Them.
- How to Find the Secret Dev Room.
- What are Bounties?
- Ship Types.
Some Tips
Speed Tips
For the achievements that require you to quickly clear a Bounty, an extremely helpful Perk to equip is the Sawft Perk; this will speed up all combat in the game as it lowers all enemy health by 20%, including bosses! This is especially nice for Bad Billy Bullseye as you have to wait a certain amount of time before the bubble will appear to allow you to damage Big Wool again. Crit chance increasing perks can also speed up combat a great deal, and Perks that boost your overall speed and maneuverability can also be very helpful for quick raids. Knowing your Variants can help you to avoid ships with extra waves in Battle Rooms (specifically Platoon on Board and Battalion on Board), but most Variants won’t tack on too much extra time to a raid. The only other tip I can really offer is that most of the time (but not always), the rooms that branch off the most tend to point you in the right direction. In other words, if you have just landed on a ship and ran to the nearest room, check to see how many rooms it branches into. You can save a bit of time by avoiding entering and exiting a bunch of unnecessary rooms.
Score Tips
For the achievements that require you to get a high score, it is very helpful to travel to the Nomad’s Land and the Ghost Ships (where applicable). Both the Nomad’s Land and Ghost Ships do not increase your Ghost Gem count, but they do count as an extra ship explored which is worth 2,500 points alone. Exploring as many rooms as possible on each ship is also advised, as there is no reason to rush. The time penalty is extremely forgiving, as you only lose 1 point per 2 seconds of gameplay. Personally, the only Bounty I absolutely needed to go to Nomad’s Land for in order to get the highest score achievement was Bad Billy Bullseye; I just visited the Ghost Ship on the other bounties and managed to get their highest score achievements, though there’s certainly no reason to avoid it.
As far as perks go, anything that increases the amount of money and relics you find can help a great deal. Furthermore, equipping the Bulwark Perk is extremely helpful for getting to Nomad’s Land, as it grants a free shield at the start of each ship. The Bulwark Perk even stacks, if you’ve managed to find both! Finally, there is a bit of an exploit with Pufferfish and Combos that you can abuse if you have a lot of patience but simply can’t get your score high enough for one of the achievements. If you equip the Double Combo Perk and find a room with the Pufferfish enemy in it, you can build up your combo indefinitely by shooting them, waiting for them to return to normal, and repeating this process again and again. I’ve also found that equipping a Hailshot Perk can speed this process up a bit, as each hit boosts your combo by 2. At the end of a run, your max combo will be multiplied by 10 and added to your score, so if you get a combo of 3,000, you’ll have 30,000 added to your final score! It really does take a while, though.
Flinthook Achievements
Star Sailor
Description: You’ve reached Level 10!
Unlock: Reach level 10.
Quarter Master
Description: You’ve reached Level 25!
Unlock: Reach level 25.
Space Captain
Description: You’ve reached Level 50!
Unlock: Reach level 50.
Description: You’ve vanquished 100 ships!
Unlock: Complete a total of 100 ships.
Black Eye
Description: You’ve beaten Bad Billy Bullseye!
Unlock: Complete a full Bad Billy Bullseye run.
Description: You’ve scored 18000 against Bad Billy Bullseye!
Unlock: Complete a Bad Billy Bullseye run with a score of 18,000 or higher.
Description: You’ve scored 22000 against Bad Billy Bullseye!
Unlock: Complete a Bad Billy Bullseye run with a score of 22,000 or higher.
Silver Bullseye
Description: You’ve beaten Bad Billy Bullseye within 16 minutes!
Unlock: Complete a Goldfeathers run in under 16 minutes.
Golden Bullseye
Description: You’ve beaten Bad Billy Bullseye within 13 minutes!
Unlock: Complete a Goldfeathers run in under 13 minutes.
Plucked Goldfeathers
Description: You’ve beaten Admiral Goldfeathers!
Unlock: Complete a full Goldfeathers run.
Description: You’ve scored 19000 against Admiral Goldfeathers!
Unlock: Complete a Goldfeathers run with a score of 19,000 or higher.
Fast Plucker
Description: You’ve scored 24000 against Admiral Goldfeathers!
Unlock: Complete a Goldfeathers run with a score of 24,000 or higher.
Silver Goldfeathers
Description: You’ve beaten Goldfeathers within 19 minutes!
Unlock: Complete a Goldfeathers run in under 19 minutes.
Golden Goldfeathers
Description: You’ve beaten Goldfeathers within 15 minutes!
Unlock: Complete a Goldfeathers run in under 15 minutes.
Liquified Von Guu
Description: You’ve beaten Baron Von Guu!
Unlock: Complete a full Baron Von Guu run.
Broken Glass
Description: You’ve scored 30000 against Baron Von Guu!
Unlock: Achieve a score of 30,000 on a complete Baron Von Guu run to obtain this achievement.
Description: You’ve scored 35000 against Baron Von Guu!
Unlock: Achieve a score of 35,000 on a complete Baron Von Guu run to obtain this achievement.
Silver Von Guu
Description: You’ve beaten Baron Von Guu within 25 minutes!
Unlock: Complete a Baron Von Guu run in under 25 minutes.
Golden Von Guu
Description: You’ve beaten Baron Von Guu within 20 minutes!
Unlock: Complete a Baron Von Guu run in under 20 minutes.
Fall of Gwarlock
Description: You’ve defeated Gwarlock. But maybe there’s a better way?
Unlock: Complete a full Gwarlock run without having defeated all of the Ghost Ship bosses.
Fiat Lux!
Description: You’ve saved Gwarlock! The Lighthouse is lit once more. Peace returns to the cosmos!
Unlock: Complete a full Gwarlock run after defeating all of the Ghost Ship bosses (Tusky Grimble, Horace Vorace, and the Dueling Deaths) and witness the true ending.
Description: You’ve scored 55000 against Gwarlock!
Unlock: Achieve a score of 55,000 on a complete Gwarlock run to obtain this achievement.
Oh Snap
Description: You’ve scored 65000 against Gwarlock!
Unlock: Achieve a score of 65,000 on a complete Gwarlock run to obtain this achievement.
Silver Gwarlock
Description: You’ve beaten Gwarlock within 65 minutes!
Unlock: Complete a Gwarlock run in under 65 minutes.
Golden Gwarlock
Description: You’ve beaten Gwarlock within 50 minutes!
Unlock: Complete a Gwarlock run in under 50 minutes.
Rex Fractus
Description: You’ve defeated every Rex versions of the bounties!
Unlock: Purchase each main story Bounty’s Hardcore mode from the Black Market (a total of 140 Black Market Coins) and then complete a full run of each Bounty in Hardcore Mode.
Relic Fanatic
Description: You’ve collected all the ancient relics!
Unlock: Find every relic in Flinthook. Since you can obtain Relic duplicates, this requires running a large number of Relic Shop Variant ships. Alternatively, if you equip two Pirate’s Wish Perks, you can do full runs while grinding out Black Market Coins and opening as many chests as you come across as having this Perk equipped (twice, even) greatly increases the chance of finding Relics from chests. Regardless of how you go about it, it will still be likely to take many hours as at least one of the Relics has a very, very low chance to be found.
Description: You’ve collected all of the galaxy’s Lore!
Unlock: Find every piece of Lore in Flinthook. Since you can obtain Lore duplicates, this requires running a large number of Librarius Variant ships. The fastest way to do this is run any bounty, repeatedly check for Librarius ships until one appears, grab the Lore, and then exit to the menu to repeat the process.
Perk Collector
Description: You’ve collected all the Perks!
Unlock: Collect one of all of the permanent Perk types. I ended up getting this achievement a little before reaching level 100, while also getting the rare, extra Booster pack from chests and Space Shells.
Black Reward
Description: You’ve collected all Black Market Items!
Unlock: Purchase all items from the Black Market. Quite possibly the most time consuming achievement, as you will need roughly 850 Black Market Coins. I ended up running Bad Billy Bullseye many times as it grants an average of about 9 or 10 of these coins per run while being the shortest of all runs. Also, after getting all of the Perks, you will begin to receive an extra Black Market Coin per duplicate Perks obtained from Booster Packs. It doesn’t speed the grind up too much, but any little bit helps.
Bronze Infinite Raid
Description: You’ve scored 10000 in Infinite Raid!
Unlock: Achieve a score of 10,000 in Infinite Raid to obtain this achievement.
Silver Infinite Raid
Description: You’ve scored 20000 in Infinite Raid!
Unlock: Achieve a score of 20,000 in Infinite Raid to obtain this achievement.
Golden Infinite Raid
Description: You’ve scored 30000 in Infinite Raid!
Unlock: Achieve a score of 30,000 in Infinite Raid to obtain this achievement.
Rumbled Grimble
Description: You’ve beaten Tusky Grimble, who no longer haunts Goldfeathers.
Unlock: Obtain three curses while running Goldfeather’s bounty and enter the Ghost Ship. Defeat this Ghost Ship’s boss, Tusky Grimble, in order to obtain this achievement.
Stuffed Glutton
Description: You’ve beaten Vorace Horace, who no longer haunts Von Guu!
Unlock: Obtain three curses while running Baron Von Guu’s bounty and enter the Ghost Ship. Defeat this Ghost Ship’s boss, Vorace Horace, in order to obtain this achievement.
Dueling Deaths Unbound
Description: You’ve freed the Dueling Deaths from their curse! Gwarlock shall never control them!
Unlock: Obtain three curses while running Gwarlock’s bounty and enter the Ghost Ship. Defeat this Ghost Ship’s boss, The Dueling Deaths, in order to obtain this achievement.
Platinum Pirate
Description: Arr! You’ve obtained all of the achievements!
Unlock: Obtain all other achievements.
Written by Zarentron 3.
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