Detailed maps, dinopedia, cooking, refinement, fuel handling, etc.
Chapter #1: Introduction
The following guide will be a collection of detailed maps and graphics cheat sheets elaborating various aspects and mechanics of the game for beginners only!
Chapter #2: Official Maps
The Island
The Center
Scorched Earth
Chapter #3: Character
The following list has in my believes the most essential engrams you may need to experience the game as a whole. The following engrams will let you build different bases [no fancy add-ons]. They will let you explore any part of the map and it has a minimum amount of weapons necessary for taming.
However, it does not include any Scorched Earth DLC engrams. I consider this DLC as designed for advanced players. The following list does not include any saddles, PVP, and decorative engrams
Not listed engrams are considered as supplementary and optional.
- Remaining EP Points at level 84: 40 EP
- Remaining EP Points at level 100: 1000 EP
Platform Saddles
The platform saddle is a special saddle for the dinosaur and the alternative to the normal saddle. You can place structures on top of the platform saddle and thus build mobile bases, siege structures or use to transport large amounts of materials.
For instance, if you are willing to buy all three saddles + platforms for those Dinos then you will be left with remaining EP Points at level 100: 680 EP. However, remember that these are just supplementary options and perhaps you may choose otherwise.
Chapter #4: Dinopedia
Taming Basics
Carnivores are creatures that eat meat.
Carrion-Feeders are creatures that eat dead and rotting flesh (although some also hunt live prey).
Herbivores are creatures that do not eat meat.
Omnivores are creatures that eat both berries and meat.
Piscivores are creatures that eat fish only.
Alpha creatures, bosses, event creatures are untamable. All creatures found in both the swamp cave and the snow cave are untamable as well.
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