This is a guide to (hopefully) help you find the ZAZ-I Vehicle Blueprints for Breathedge.
ZAZ-I Vehicle Blueprints Guide
This guide is created to help finding the ZAZ-1 Vehicle Blueprints a.k.a. The Space Car
1. The first blueprint can be found under the Mayo Ship in a big open area, just go straight to that area and you will eventually find the first part to scan.
The thing that you scan will look like this:
2. The second Blueprint is inside a meteorite located near the slow-turning fan where you can find the electricity/thunders all around, it is advised to wear your Electrical Engineer Suit to get through the hole inside the meteorite.
Inside it looks as follows:
3. The third part is located inside a tiny meteorite near where you get your EMP Blueprint, it is located near huge ship debris with electricity inside it.
Through another slow-turning fan.
The meteorite is rather tiny, in this picture, it is located on the right with a smoke trail.
The ZAZ-1 Manual will be on a dead astronaut’s hand (in my case, I already took it).
How do you make it? I got all the parts but it isn’t on my research table. Bugged on PS4, maybe?
Edit: Found out it has to be built on the “transport platform” in a transport module, not through the table.