Apostle – Full Walkthrough

A full walkthrough for Kamichichi’s RPG Apostle.

Quick Overview Notes

These are mostly for while I write the actual body of the guide, for people who are playing it right away.

  • There are three opportunities to take one of the girls in your team on a date throughout the game. You need to go on all three dates with the same girl in order to get their scenes and ending.
  • In order to go on a date with a girl, she needs to have her relationship meter at 6 or higher. Putting this and the above together, if you’re interested in one of the girls on your team, you need to see enough of their relationship scenes to get to 6 by the middle of Chapter 2.
  • In order to date Natsuki Miura, you need to head back by yourself rather than practice with the girls during Chapter 3.
  • In order to date Mika Kudou, you need to head to the Red Light District immediately after the “head back yourself” event and see Mika’s first event.
  • In order to date Ritsuka Kisaragi, you need to talk to her on (or shortly after?) 5/28 and 7/13, as well as two other times later. In general, just look around Exodus HQ and see if she has a heart symbol over her head that day.
  • Konoha Jinguuji is best girl if you want to win all the fights.

Chapter 1: Encounter


This part’s pretty straightforward. Once Rei wakes up, check the dresser in his room for a Band-aid, then walk out, talk to Akari, and head out the door, down the elevator, and then to the right along the street to go to school.

After a few cutscenes, you’ll get the ability to control Rei again, and should check out the left side of the room for Trouble Quest #1, delivering a love letter. The person you’re looking for is one map to the left once you get out into the hallway. Return to the girl with a Q over her head for an Energy Drink. Afterwards, head to the north and down the stairs to the ground floor of the school, where you’ll have to make a choice between either going to the Teacher’s Lounge or to the vending machines.

Teacher’s Lounge

Just watch the cutscenes and enjoy. Will get you the scene “With Mikoto in the Locker…” and, if you don’t pick the insensitive answer afterwards, you’ll get another scene near the end of the game, as well as the possibility of getting an ending with Mikoto Hiiragi.

Vending Machines

Just watch the cutscenes again, but this time there’s a fight after them. Just attacking repeatedly will get you the win, but if you were to use the “Give Up” item or just defend until you lost, you’d get the scene “Gang R-pe Behind the Gymnasium”. If you win, on the other hand, you’ll get another scene near the end of the game, as well as the possibility of getting an ending with Izumi Satou.

Opening, Continued

A lot of cutscenes punctuated with a few story battles. The outcome of these is fixed, so just win or lose or have them end early as appropriate. Near the end, you’ll get the scene “Nana’s Examination” and Akari will ask you a question. If you lie to her, your relationship with Akari will go up by one, while there’s no changes if you tell her the truth.

Once you finally get control of Rei again, leave the room you’re in and the small hallway after that, then head to the room across the way on the right and check the cabinet on the left for a Smelling Salts. Return to the main hallway and enter the central Control Room for yet more cutscenes, and then the first dungeon of the game.

Megiddo Alef

Orbs: Blue (500yen), Green (Candy), Green (Smelling Salts), Green (Antidote Herb), Blue (200yen)

Straightforward, just use basic TP-costing combat skills when possible.

  • Boss: Arwassa
  • HP: 3500 / Resistances: Flying / Weakness: Wind

Also straightforward. Keep Rei in Berserk status when possible and use Swallow Dance when you have the TP, have Akari keep everyone healed.

Opening, Conclusion

Enjoy yet more cutscenes and the scene “Satsuki Changing Clothes”. At the end, you’ll be given some basic illuminas, which are the equipment of this game.

May 19

The first actual listed day of the game! All you can do this evening is explore your new house and either have a relationship event with one of the girls (for 2 WP) or sleep (and gain 1 WP), though. Since the relationship events from this night are unique, I recommend seeing the one for your favorite girl instead of just going to sleep.

Relationship events all work mostly similarly – a cutscene during which you’re asked a question. Picking the right answer will get you +1 relationship, picking the other answer won’t.

  • Akari Kinoshita – “I think so too.”
  • Konoha Jinguuji – “You’re amazing too, Konoha!”
  • Satsuki Saijou – “Getting angry all the time will ruin your cute face”
  • Remy – I’ll drink. (Also gives the scene “Titf-ck Bl-wjob from Remy”)
  • Kenshin Takeda – “Hell yeah! Let’s do this.” (Also gives +3 attack/defense on Rei permanently.)
  • Nanashiro Nana – Give up (Also gives an illumina, Blessing of Endurance)

May 20

Say you slept well last night when Kenshin asks, for +10 max HP. Afterwards, you’ll get a lot of cutscenes. When you get the option, tell Akari to talk about her hobbies for +1 relationship with her. Introduce yourself the dumb way for an illumina, Unbreakable Spriit.

Finally, you’ll get your first opportunity to take classes. Taking a class gives you a minor stat bonus, and if you take a single class (or sleep) five or ten times, you’ll get an illumina.

Then it’s time for yet more cutscenes, before you’re dumped into your second dungeon…

Megiddo Bet

Orbs: Yellow (Ups and Downs), Blue (600yen), Green (Candy), Green (Wake-me-up), Yellow (Pickpocket), Green (Smelling Salts), Green (Hamburger), Yellow (Kind Heart)

Also straightforward, but with more side branches. You should absolutely ignore Satsuki saying not to take any side trips, though. Side trips are where loot is found! There’s one hidden passage, located here:

  • Boss: Vohu Manah / Aka Manah
  • HP: 6750+ / Resistances: Flying / Weakness: Wind
  • Steal: Word Fragment (Black)

Fairly straightforward. Starts off named Vohu Manah with 3500 HP, as soon as it’s below half it transforms into Aka Manah with 5000 HP and starts getting two attacks per turn. Make sure to keep everyone healed and just keep hitting it with Rei’s Swallow Dance and everyone else’s basic TP skills when possible.

May 21

The day starts with another school lesson. You should probably keep picking the same thing until you get the Illumina you want out of it. Afterwards, it’s time for the first free-roaming period in the game, where you can complete quests, see relationship events for various girls, bug random NPCs, and buy items. In general, whenever you’re done with a free-roaming period, you can return to Squad Six’s house to end it, and there are fortunetellers on the first map of Canaan Paradise, pictured here:

The red fortuneteller will tell you where girls in your party are for their relationship events, while the white one will tell you where to go in order to advance the main plot. (The blue one just lets you change Rei’s name.)

On this free-roam period, however, you’ll need to head north to the arcade in the second map of Canaan Paradise and save the otaku Mitsuo from some delinquents before you can return to your house. If you pick “To take them on.” you’ll end up making friends with the delinquents, which is required for a sidequest later, as well as the illumina “Delinquent”. Both of them let you proceed with the plot, though.

Afterwards, head back to Squad Six’s house and you’ll be met by Satsuki, who tells you a new tear has opened. Respond with “That’s what I was gonna say.” when you get the chance for +1 relationship with her, then head to the new area on the map and interact wtih the tear.

Chapter 1: Encounter, Continued

Megiddo Gimel

Orbs: Blue (1000yen), Yellow (Round and Round), Green (Smelling Salts), Yellow (Well-mannered), Green (Spotlight), Blue (800yen), Blue (900yen), Yellow (Scoop Scope), Yellow (Bitter Medicine)

Head up the hill and to the right first for a cave with some orbs, then back and to the left for yet another orb, before returning to the first map and heading up. Then just follow the path to your destination.

  • Boss: Vulthoom
  • HP: 8000 / Resistances: Flying / Weakness: Wind
  • Steal: Word Fragment (Black)

Can be a bit annoying since it will paralyze your party members, and neither Rei nor Satsuki is good at fixing that. Use Concentrated Milk if it happens, but otherwise just use Swallow Dance while buffed, as usual.

May 21, Continued

After a lot of cutscenes, you’ll be heading out to the harbor with Akari and Remy. As soon as you get there, there will be some more cutscenes, leading to another boss fight.

  • Boss: Netherworld Gate
  • HP: 2500 / Resistances: Flying / Weakness: Wind
  • Steal: Word Fragment (Black)

It’s pretty harmless. Afterwards, you’ll enter…

Megiddo Dalet

Orbs: Green (Smelling Salts), Yellow (I won’t make it), Yellow (Fight Picker), Green (Foot Warmer), Green (Charm of Guan Yu), Yellow (Navigation System), Yellow (Cute Florist), Blue (800yen), Green (Hamburger), Blue (600yen), Yellow (Speedster), Green (Medicinal Guidebook), Yellow (Heartbeat’s End), Yellow (I only love you)

Make sure you check inside all the smaller buildings on the first floor, as well as heading right before going up the stairs towards the second floor, as seen here:

Once you reach the second floor, it’s a bit of a maze. Make sure you grab all the orbs before reaching the Magna Adona in the lower right corner.

  • Boss: Quachil Uttaus
  • HP: 10000 / Resistances: Flying / Weakness: Wind
  • Steal: Word Fragment (Black)

It gets up to three turns per turn, so it can put out a lot of damage. Make sure everyone is healed, and do the standard bit of buffing Rei and using Swallow Dance. Note that Remy’s Piercing Shot does less damage than her basic attack, so you probably shouldn’t use that.

Afterwards, there will be a bunch of cutscenes and you’ll meet Squad One, and then chapter 1 will be done.

Chapter 2: Suspicious and Uneasy

May 25

After some cutscenes, the second free-roaming period begins. As usual, you can complete quests, see girls’ relationship events, bug random NPCs, and buy items. New this time, you can visit the church and start Trouble Quest #3 even though you won’t be able to complete it until much later in the game. In any case, when you’re done with that, speak with all of the taxi driver in the first map of Canaan Paradise, Boh in the game center (if you befriended the delinquents), and the crepe seller outside the red light district, and you’ll find out that the person you’re looking for is in the second map of the red light district. Head there, and you’ll be treated to a bunch of cutscenes, as well as the scene “Debauchery”.

Megiddo He

Orbs: Blue (1000yen), Yellow (Love and Pain), Green (Foot Warmer), Green (Charm of Tokugawa), Green (Concentrated Milk), Yellow (20 Shots), Green (Shock Injection), Green (Panacea), Yellow (Gender-free), Blue (1200yen), Yellow (Valued Spirit), Green (Smelling Salts), Blue (1200yen), Yellow (Lovely Charm), Green (Charm of Houjou), Yellow (Dirty Words), Green (Smelling Salts), Blue (1200yen), Green (Fever Killer), Yellow (Natural Airhead), Green (Molotov Cocktail), Yellow (Social Anxiety), Yellow (Overflowing Vigor), Green (Liniment), Yellow (Sacred Love)

Enjoy the party you’ll be stuck with for half of the game. Awkward and maze-like, make sure you pick up all the orbs. There’s a few obvious secrets here – one in the bottom left, with a wall you can walk through to the right of it, in the top right, with a wall you can walk through to the left of it, and in the bottom right, with a wall you can walk through to the right of it. Once you’ve collected everything, head up the stairs in the very bottom right.

  • Boss: Rlim Shaikorth
  • HP: 12500
  • Steal: Word Fragment (Red)

Straightforward, except that it doesn’t have any weaknesses. It has a low chance of paralyzing a character, so just cure it if that happens. This is the first time you’ll get to see how hilarious Konoha is, though – buffed with Rei’s Inspire, Satsuki’s Enchant Weapon, and her Beast Stance, she’ll kill this boss quite quickly.

May 27

Another school lesson to start off the day. You should probably take the same thing yet again. Afterwards, you’ll have a bunch of cutscenes and a choice between saying “I want to save everyone.” or “I want to save those close to me.” You’ll get the appropriate illumina (“I’ll save everyone” or “I’ll save my friends”) depending on which you pick, as well as the scene “In the Infirmary with Wakana…”. Once you leave the infirmary, you’ll be introduced to the crafting system in Y-Garage in Canaan Paradise, as well as the illumina “If I put this here…”

May 28

The day starts off with a cooking class, where you can pair off with Akari, Konoha, or Satsuki. Choosing the right answer during this event will give you half of a relationship heart with them, which … does nothing and isn’t even visible until you get another half.

Party Characters

Rei Yagami

The protagonist. Can be renamed.

Akari Kinoshita

The childhood friend and worst girl, stat-wise.

  • Event #1: Outside Squad Six’s house. “Of course I’m not going to peek.”
  • Event #2: Canaan Paradise crepe stand. “Eat it.”
  • Event #3: Not available until 5/25. Church graveyard. “Right.”
  • Event #4: Hope Academy cafeteria. Intervene.
  • Event #5: Squad Six’s house, second floor. “What’s wrong with that?”
  • Event #6: Outside Canaan Tower. “How kind of you.”

Satsuki Saijou

The tsundere. Kind of generically okay in combat.

  • Event #1: Squad Six’s house, third floor. “I’d never do that.”
  • Event #2: Hope Academy classroom 3-B. “Thanks.”
  • Event #3: Canaan Stadium. Don’t say anything and just buy it for her.
  • Event #4: Shopping Mall, clothes store. “I’m not giving you a bite.”
  • Event #5: Canaan Paradise red light district. “You know what I mean.”
  • Event #6: Canaan Tower observation deck. “No parent hates their children.”

Konoha Jinguuji

The musclehead and best girl, as measured by violence.

  • Event #1: Hope Academy cafeteria. “Please tell me about it eventually!”
  • Event #2: Hope Academy classroom 3-B. “That’s the spirit.”
  • Event #3: Hope Academy classroom 3-B. “We should kick them out.”
  • Event #4: Not available until X/X. Canaan Park.

Seeing Konoha’s third event unlocks the martial arts club clubroom. You can visit this multiple times on different days. Your first visit will get Rei +5 attack and defense permanently.


The mysterious and loose girl. You only start getting to use her in the story in the latter half of the game, though. She has a game-breaking combination, but you only get it at the very end of the game.

  • Event #1: Canaan Paradise convenience store. “Still, I did come at the perfect time.”
  • Event #2: Shopping Mall, bookstore. “It’s surprising, yet charming.”
  • Event #3: Exodus HQ, Section B, bottom-right room. “What are you talking about?”
  • Event #4: Not available until X/X. Canaan Park.

Kenshin Takeda

The samurai girl. Really strong, but you only start getting to use her in the story in the latter half of the game.

  • Event #1: Canaan Paradise flower store. “Well, I’ll be going now.”
  • Event #2: Squad Six house, basement dojo. “If there’s anyone who can handle it, then it’s you.” (Also gives Rei +100 maximum HP.)
  • Event #3: Canaan Paradise, second map. Get a bit closer.
  • Event #4: Exodus HQ, Section A. “Sure, got it.”
  • Event #5: Squad Six house, first floor. “It might be Remy’s.” (Also unlocks scene “Kenshin’s Fundoshi Milk Chugging”)
  • Event #6: Exodus HQ, Section B. Leave.

Nana Nanashiro

The mad scientist. Has some very useful abilities, but you only start getting to use her in the story in the latter half of the game, and she has some notable issues with how squishy she is by the end. Also the only real magic instead of physical attacker you get.

  • Event #1: Canaan Paradise black magic store. “There’s more?”
  • Event #2: Squad Six house, basement lab. “Good luck on the next one.”
  • Event #3: Canaan Paradise red-light district, second map. “Let’s try it.”
  • Event #4: Exodus HQ, Section B. Close your eyes. (Also gives Rei +100 maximum HP.)
  • Event #5: Canaan Paradise otaku store. “That’s a pretty incredible invention.”
  • Event #6: Outside Squad Six’s house. Swallow.


Basically, all the people you can sleep with who don’t join your party.

Mikoto Hiiragi

Visit the teachers’ lounge instead of the vending machine during the opening of the game, then choose “See you tomorrow” instead of talking about hamburgers. During Chapter 7, you’ll get another scene with her and her ending will be unlocked.

Izumi Satou

Visit the vending machine instead of the teachers’ lounge during the opening of the game, then save her from getting assaulted. During Chapter 7, you’ll get another scene with her and her ending will be unlocked.

Wakana Sugimoto

Her only scene is part of the story, on 5/27. Sleeping with her during free-roam is unlocked on ?/?.

Keiko, Emiko, and Sayoko

If the trio of bullied girls survives the end of Chapter 2, they’ll eventually proposition you. Keiko will be in Canaan Park starting on ?/?, a letter will be on your school desk telling you to come to the Canaan Paradise red light district starting on ?/? for Emiko if you’ve slept with Keiko, and a location named ??? will open up at Hope Academy wtih Sayoko in it starting on ?/?, if you’ve slept with both Keiko and Emiko.

Natsuki Miura

Near the start of Chapter 3, you’ll get a choice to either hang out with the girls you’re forming a band with after practice, or head back alone. If you head back alone, you’ll unlock Natsuki’s events as a possible way to end free-roaming periods instead of. If you see them at every opportunity, you’ll get her scene, unlock the ability to sleep with her during free-roam on ?/?, and be able to get her ending.

Mika Kudou

Immediately after Natsuki’s first event, head north and check out the right side of the red light district. Keep following up on this over the next few days and you’ll get a unique boss fight and her scene, as well as unlocking the ability to sleep with her during free-roam on ?/? and being able to see her ending.

Ritsuka Kisaragi

On 5/28, talk to her in the control room of Exodus HQ. On 7/13, talk to her again in the control room of Exodus HQ.

Sometime after that, talk to her again in the lounge of Exodus HQ Section A. Sometime after that, talk to her again in the small hallway with three doors on the left side of Exodus HQ Section B. When you try to leave Exodus HQ afterwards, you’ll get her scene and unlock her ending.

Nemuko Ochiai

On ?/?, visit the Black Magic Shop during free-roam and accept her proposition. This will unlock sleeping with her during free-roam.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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