Spiral Clicker – Basic Guide for Beginners

This guideline includes how to get the 27 girls and CGs, how to level up for new comers, farming pearls without in-game cheat, level up without cheat.

Beginners Guide


There are two methods of getting girls fast, a normal way and a way of using in-game cheat. The cheat method will be shown in bottom.

The willpower and the mouse power are the most important parameters in this game.

When you upgrade a level of girl or mouse power, you will need willpower. Willpower comes from the spiral and from girls with time.

The mouse power determines how fast you can break the girl’s mind.

Spiral power is the damage caused by the spinning of the spiral which is not quite useful and source of willpower from the beginning. If you stop clicking, the spiral will do no damage and no gain of willpower unless you change the setting of spiral to titnosis (auto-attack of spiral).

Since the mouse power and the spiral power are expensive after level 145 (in terms of trillions), only upgrade the mouse power is enough (in farming pearls).

Girls and CGs


You can get 27 girls in current version.

There are mainly three ways to get girls.

  1. Get 25000 lock in school section and click all the message (14 girls).
  2. Get 5000 lock in city section and click all the message (1 hidden girl).
  3. Use pearls to summon girls (10 girls). Total of 275 is needed.

Helen can be get after obtain 6 girls.

  1. Drift the girls list to right most.
  2. Click on the semi-transparent Helen.
  3. Break her mind.

  • After getting 25000 lock in school section, you get Clara. You can see there is a girl at the top left hand corner and an arrow at top right hand corner after getting Clara. Click the girl to get Leena and open elves’ kingdom. Click the arrow to enter city section.
  • Hideal (Elves’ kingdom ruler) can be get after defeated the kingdom (4 guardians).


  • Currently, when the girl level reaches about 180, you can get all outfit and cg from the leveling.
  • Get 25000 school lock and click all the message will open all CGs in school.
  • Get 3000 city lock and click all the message will open all CGs in city.
  • Beach will unlock when the total level is 5000~6000.
  • Get 20000 Beach lock to unlock all CGs related to beach.
  • Defeat the elves’ kingdom will open all CGs related to the kingdom.
  • There are some CGs related to festivals including Easter, Halloween and Christmas. Adjust the date of your computer to April 10th, October 20th, December 13th respectively and turn on the game will give you 6CGs related to festivals.

25000 lock in school is not an easy task, since at 24XXX the school girls may have a mind barrier of 112 million (100 level of mouse power is needed).

5000 lock in city section is even harder, mind barrier of hundreds of billion needs to be broke (175 level of mouse power is needed).

20000 lock in beach is hard too, mind barrier of hundreds of billion needs to be broke (175 level of mouse power is needed).

A fast way to upgrade the mouse power and the girls become important.

Basic of Level Up Girls

There are two methods of girl upgrade, press button in profile and using library manager.

Upgrade by pressing button in profile will have mind break at every 10 levels at the first time. At the same level of each character, there is only one mind break at the first time (including level up by library manager). You can get extra level bonus depend on your speed of breaking mind after finished mind break. The extra level bonus from 1 to 5. Same level bonus of same character can only be obtained once (including reset).

Upgrade from pressing button in profile will increase cost of next level and the cost of library manager dramatically.

Upgrade by library manager is to set a character be the manger to upgrade other girls. The max student level limit is approximately 2/3 of the manager. Upgrade by library manager will not increase any cost of upgrade. The cost of manager depends on two factors, 1. difference between the manager and student, 2. the cost of upgrade 1 level. The cost of manager is greatly affected by factor 2.

In order to upgrade girls smoothly, only upgrade one girl and upgrade other with library manager.

Also, there is a double willpower income when girl level reaches 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500. Therefore, leveling girls to 500 level is a good choice for grinding pearls. You can use a level 750 character to level up all other girls to 500 fast by using library.

Upgrading the willpower also has a level bonus of 25, which are 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175 and 200. The power will be double at those levels.

How to Level Up for New Comers 

Player who has reset of pearl can skip it!

For new comers (do not have reset):

  1. It would be good to earn 5 pearls (reset with at least 1000 total level) to unlock level up by library manager.
  2. Get 5000 at section of school and level up Helen to 120 level to unlock reset from Helen.
  3. Upgrade mouse power to 175 (100 level for 25000 lock in school section).
  4. Normally you will not have enough willpower to upgrade mouse power. You can upgrade Janis to 750 level to get enough willpower.

First, get 1000 in section of school as soon as possible. The barrier is 911K for the 1000. Increase the level of Erika, Sally, Tammy, crystal, Amber to 20 to unlock their passive skill. The effect of skill depends on the outfit they have.

After you get Janis, upgrade her level and mouse power as soon as possible. 100 level of mouse power is enough for the section of school getting 25000. However, it is not enough for complete achievement: break 1000 girls in the school section. It also is not enough for the 5000 of city section and 20000 in beach.

If you finish breaking before 35s (counting start from 38s), you get a 5X. Normally, all character will have 5 level bonus but Janis has 10 level. You may find that when breaking Janis’s mind, the bonus level of finish break is double. It makes Janis can upgrade without using any of willpower if you can break it before 35s. However, same level of break mind bonus can only be obtained once. If you want to farm some pearls, do not reach more than 2000 level of Janis which upgrade cost increases to billion.

If it is hard to break the mind barrier, you can upgrade Helen to level 20. A head of Helen will be appeared during mind breaking, click it and the girl will break. If you do not have enough willpower to upgrade, you can set Janis as favorite and press the button at the top right hand corner. After that, click on Janis.

After reaching 750 level of Janis and 100 level of mouse power you can increase the school section to 5000, which unlock reset, and 25000, which unlock last girl in school and open the elves’ kingdom. Reset can give you pearls and each pearl will increase 1% of willpower income. After reset, all level of girls, mouse power and spiral power become 1.

[Total levels/100 pearls] will be earn after reset if total level is larger than 1000. Farming some pearl is good for obtaining willpower.

Farming Pearls without Cheat

This is a slower method comparing to the one using in-game cheat.

Requirement of farming pearls

  1. Janis must be level 750 or more before reset.
  2. Library is unlocked by 5 pearls (after first reset).
  3. Buy all the stuff in the shop (45pearls) (can farm after second reset).
  4. Get 5000 in school section to unlock reset.

Just upgrade Janis to 750 level and the mouse power to 100~125 level since the willpower income of Janis is highest among those girls. With the stuff in shop and plenty number of pearls Janis can be upgrade to 750 without waiting /just clicking the favorite of Janis for a few times.

Then set Janis as the manager of library and upgrade Erika, Amber, Tammy, Crystal and Sally to at least 525 level (in order to have the passive skills). It is faster to upgrade girls with library manager at the first time.

After girls reach 525, the total level should be 11*525 + 750 = 6525. Reset it will have 65 pearls.

  • After reset, upgrade Janis to 750 level by pressing +25 button in main screen or in profile. If you do not have enough willpower, you can set Janis as favorite and click on her.
  • After having 750 level Janis, upgrade other girls (except those summoned from other world) to 525 level in profile (use 25+ button) from Erika to the left.
  • And finally upgrade Helen and reset to get pearls (for example 86 pearls for 15 girls upgraded to 525 level).

Repeat this step until you have enough pearls (at least 780 [5 + 275 + 500]).

Level Up without Cheat

The method of level up is simple. First level up Janis to 750 in order to have enough willpower to upgrade others. Then using library manager to upgrade the summoned girls with low cost. When 10 summoned girls reach 500 level, there should be enough willpower to upgrade mouse power to 150 level or higher. The higher the mouse power, the faster the upgrade speed. Since the summon girls are too expensive to upgrade from profile, it would be wise to use library manager to upgrade them.

  1. After reset, first upgrade Janis to 750 level in order to upgrade those girls summoned from other worlds and girls without upgrade using library manager method (mouse power level should be at least 100, 125 is better). Other girls can upgrade to 525 level by using +25 if they are upgraded previously.
  2. With 10 of summoned girls reach level 525, upgrade the mouse power level to 150.
  3. Erika should be able to upgrade to 2250 level (or 3000 level).
  4. Then set Erika as library manager to upgrade from the 10th to 1st summoned girl to 1500 level.
  5. When 10 summoned girls are 1500 level, 175 mouse power level may be reached which will give you 3 billion of a single hit.
  • If willpower is not enough to upgrade to 175 mouse power level, read the followings.
  • Upgrade levels of Erika to 4500 so that you can use library manager to upgrade the 10th summoned girls to 3000.
  • At 3000 level of 10th summoned girl, she can generate 0.5T after full of bar (1minute). Click on her in the favorite, each click will increase 2 seconds, in order to gain willpower fast.
  • Willpower will be 0.5T X (1 + [number of pearls]%).

Wait for the enough of willpower to upgrade the mouse power to 175 level.

When mouse power reaches 175 level, almost all of girls can be break with reasonable numbers of hit. You can try to

  • Get 25000 lock in school section and click all the building with message icon.
  • (Hard) Get 5000 lock in the city section and click all the building with message icon (hidden character Jessica).
  • (Hard) Get 20000 lock in the beach section and click the building to have the CGs.

When you get 15 girls from school [including Helen] (get 30000 in school), you can go to elves’ kingdom. Earn at least 500 pearls for easy fight of guardian.

High Level Upgrade with Cheat

There are two methods of leveling. The first one is take good use of library manager. Since most of 6000 level girls will have a cost a quadrillion (Q) to upgrade (if updated by pressing +25), it would be hard to have a very high level of girls, say 100,000 level. there is a method to slightly increase the maximum limit of girl level. This method can be used repeatedly.

  • Press W + N + P to obtain enough willpower to upgrade the mouse power to 240.
  • Upgrade a character, who have lowest cost, as high as having cost of quadrillion.
  • Set her as library manager to upgrade second lowest cost girl (except Janis).
  • Set second lowest cost girl as library manager and upgrade the third lowest cost girl.

Repeat the step until you feel the level is enough. Finally, set the highest level girl as library manager and upgrade all girls except Janis to the 2/3 level of the highest one.

The second method is to use the specialty of Janis. Since Janis has a double bonus after mind break, it makes her free to upgrade if you can break her fast enough (it might be a bug though). However, this method can be used only once. After reset it is hard to reach the high level of Janis.

  • Press W + N + P serval times to obtain enough willpower to upgrade the mouse power to 240.
  • Level up Janis as high as you want.
  • Set Janis as library manager to level the girls you want.

Get Girls and CGs with Cheat

The fastest way to get girls is using the cheat. Pressing W + N + P will give you 5Q willpower and you can upgrade the mouse power to 399 billion (about 225 level of mouse power).

When mouse power reaches 225 level, almost all of girls can be break with one hit. You can easily

  • Get 25000 lock in school section and click all the building with message icon (should have 15 girls including Helen).
  • Try to break 1000 girls in the school section to complete the achievement.
  • Get 5000 lock in the city section and click all the building with message icon (hidden character Jessica).
  • Get 20000 lock in the beach section and click the building to have the CGs. (getting total level of 5000~6000 will open beach section.)

When you get 15 girls from school [including Helen] (get 25000 lock in school), you can go to elves’ kingdom. Earn at least 500 pearls for easy fight of guardian.

Farming Pearls with Cheat


  1. Library is unlocked by 5 pearls.
  2. Obtain 10 girls from summon (275 pearls) (optional).
  3. Buy all the stuff in the shop (45pearls).

Press W + N + P to obtain 5Q willpower. Upgrade the mouse power to 170~175 level with multiple times of W + N + P. Upgrade Janis (can be any character except Janis) to 750 level at the main screen or profile. Then using library manager to upgrade every girl to 525 level and reset.

Noted that Janis level should not be higher than 5000 since the cost of it will be 1 Quadrillion to upgrade 1 level if you want to use Janis to level up a very high level. It is hard to obtain Quadrillion in normal game play if you

The pearl should be (750 + 525*n)/100 (level 750 Erika and level 525 of others), where n is number of girls. Pearls should be between 65 and 144 at each round. After first time of upgrade, all character except those summoned from other world can be upgrade by pressing button in profile of +25 level. Having a round of 65 is fast.

Noted that pressing reset button multiple times may cause some glitches such as rapid increase of willpower in terms of Quintillion and multiple increase of pearls.


This is the end of this guideline. Thank you for your watch.


Table of girls’ information

Information of mouse power

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3752 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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