This guide written to address the missing book of laws labour option as developers have not addressed or acknowledged the issue.
Guide to Missing Labour Laws
This is just a temporary solution.
I made tons of testing to see what makes the option to select the labour laws disappear. Apparently if you missed a certain safety check event, it will bug the book of laws. Another is that if your safety level is high early in the game, it can bug the game. One of the main reasons why the labour laws disappear is that the explosion event triggered before the Safety Check event.
The Safety Check event is the one that unlocks the labour laws, not the Explosion nor the First Strike event. I still have not found a way to unlock Safety Check after the First Strike event. Based on my assumption of degrading the work safety of the factories, I think it could potentially trigger Safety Check in games that have already progressed after the First Strike.
I have tested this method in 10 games, twice per difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard, Expert and Survival).
The following path will always ensure that Labour would stay in your game.
Note: If you have a keen eye on the screenshots and see something fishy with my resources, yes I cheated the game for the sake of testing and to figure out the best way to keep the book of laws bug free.
- You do not research anything below Level 1 of the research tree of the Generator Tab.
- Research only the Profiles Manufacture in that Tab.
Any research that enhances the safety of the Profiles Manufacture will cause the bug.
- You can sign any Administration Law.
The First Objective
The very first objective would require you to do the following:
- Research and Build the Docks.
- Start gathering resources at the Docks.
- Build and setup either a Fishing Harbour or Foragers’ Camp.
Once you finish up building the Docks and selected a resource for it, a sub-objective would be added that would ask you to build the Telegraph Station.
Triggering the Safety Check Event in the First Objective
If you haven’t finished the first objective and you have built the Profile Manufacture, employ people and then order 8 Structure Profiles. This would continuously tell them to work and eventually a guaranteed event of people getting sick would be triggered. It will then prompt you to sign a Labour Law for Improving Safety. Make sure you have not researched anything that improves the safety of the Profiles Manufacture.
Sign the Safety Procedures Law and this would guarantee that the Labour Law option for the Book of Laws would be available.
Once you have signed the Safety Procedures Law, finish the First Objective and then you can immediately start building the Shaft Structure.
Triggering the Safety Check Event in the Second Objective
The second objective will ask you to do the following:
- Build the Profiles Manufacture.
- Produce 8 Structural Profiles.
- Setup the Shaft Structure.
Build the Profiles Manufacture first, and then order the 8 structural profiles. Make sure you have not researched anything that would improve the safety of the Profiles Manufacture. While the factory is creating the profiles, the guaranteed event of people getting sick would be triggered. It will then prompt you to sign a Labour Law for Improving Safety.
Sign the Safety Procedures Law and this would guarantee that the Labour Law option for the Book of Laws would be available.
Once you have signed the Safety Procedures Law, you can now start building the Shaft Structure.
The Explosion Event
The moment your Shaft Structure reaches 60-75%, it will trigger the explosion event.
It will then prompt you of the following event:
If you followed the steps of this guide correctly, your options should be the same as above. If the first option is enabled, you will have to restart the scenario as that option causes the bug.
Choose the second option:
It will cause a drawback to your schedule but it would let you keep the Labour section. You just have to cope fast.
The First Strike
In this strike, you must then negotiate and the following options should appear:
The strike will then end. Then the event of letting you choose which side would you lean on would be triggered.
You will notice the bug here: Workers are labeled as Purpose and Engineers as Administration.
After choosing your side, you will be shown the one of that you have signed the law of a side like the ones shown above. If you press Go Back, it will return you to the Labour Laws.
That’s it. The Labour option will now stay with you for the rest of the game.
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