Step #1: Download the R18 Patch
Download the official VenusBlood Frontier patch by this link:
- Official Website (This requires logging in)
This patch adds back cut content from the “All Ages” version of the game.
Step #2: Install the R18 Patch
Extract the 2 files “extra.xp3” and “extra2.xp3” into the installation directory that contains “VBFI.exe”.
When you start the game, the version information present on the bottom left of the screen should have “EN-R” appended to the end of it. If that is the case, then the patch has been applied successfully. Please do not rename the file, delete it or move it to another folder.
Warning: Removing this patch runs the risk of breaking your save files, so please refrain from messing with the patch file.
doesn’t work
Fixed ^_^