Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

In space, no one will hear you scream. However with a good preparation, you will not have to scream. In this guide you will learn the secrets of the Griffin Station.


Here you will find:

  • How to turn the power on.
  • How to access Pack-a-Punch.
  • Main easter egg quest’s steps.
  • Infos about equipements.
  • Achievements.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Activating the Power – Accessing Pack-a-Punch

At the beginning of your game, you will find yourself in the middle of Area 51, Groom Lake. The PaP is right behind you, and you could use it if you survive the No Man’s Land until you get the points.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Otherwise, wait a couple of seconds after the alarm sounds, then head to the teleporter. Everybody needs to stand on it in order to get to the Moon.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Don’t forget to wear the space suit.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Proceed onto the base, after 4 doors you should arrive in a cavern with the MPD. (The pyramid thing) The power lever is located in front of it, on the opposite side.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Now that the power is on, you need to open doors again to reach the outside of the base. A circular hole is located above the MPD’s cavern. This is a teleporter you can access only from above. Once all players are on it, you will be send back to Earth, with the Pack-a-Punch.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Note that it is possible with the hacking tool, to close temporarly the doors of the PaP.

Main Easter Egg Quest


  • 1 to 4 players.
  • Hacker tool equipement.
  • Wave gun.
  • Quantic Entanglement Device.
  • Gersh Device.

First Step:

Once the power is on, (see part above) head back outside the spawning room. On your right while facing the Earth, is an area with 4 computers.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Interact with them to start a memory game. The 4 terminals will glow one by one, showing you their color. Each computer will glow twice, so you can remember their colors.

Then, all 4 terminals will show you the same color. If it’s blue, you must interact with the computer that is linked with the blue color. Each time you are correct, the will glow green, before repeating the sequence, with one color added.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Do this little game 5 times. When they turn black, the step is done.

If you are doing wrong, they will turn red and the step will come back to it’s starting point.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Second Step:

Head now to the laboratories, up the stairs in the MPD room. Those labs are separated into 3 floors. On the second floor stands on a wall 4 buttons (on the left of the stairs leading to the third floor).

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

The first button to the left must be hacked for 500 points Doing so, you will have a limited time (about a minute) to hack 4 panels with shiny lights on them. There are 8 of them scattered around the three floors, but only 4 will glow.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

The possibly glowing pannels are located:

  • Three on the first floor.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

  • Two on the second floor. 

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

  • Three on the third floor.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Once done, head back to the buttons on the wall. You must activate all of them very rapidly. Making it easier if you are 4 players. If you are alone, just move from left to right while pressing action.

If done correctly, they will all glow.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Third Step:

For this step you will need patience. Three excavators might randomly activate to approach and breach the integrity of the base. One of them, the excavator Pi (π), will try to break tunnel 6. Let it do so. Take then the hacker tool and use it on the affiliated console on the spawn.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Once the excavator is pushed back, head to the tunnel which just break. You should find lying on the ground, a dark metal ball. It is a Vrill Sphere. In order to move it, you will have to knife it. Follow the ball and keep knifing it when it stops. If it is stuck on a door, simply open it.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

The ball will eventually stick on the antenna, on top of the spawn. In order to make the ball move on, you will need to shoot it down with the Wave-Gun.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Keep following the ball on the other side of the spawn. It will eventually stick again in the ceiling, in the room around Stamin-up. You will need an explosive (Ray gun / Nades …) to get it moving again.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

The step ends with the ball fitting on the MPD’s front circular plate.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Fourth Step:

A glass container should have risen on the right side of the pyramid. You will have to kill 25 zombies near it, to fill the glass cylinder with their souls.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Once done a particular sound will play, and you’ll have to interact with the lever, on the right side of the pyramid.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

The MPD will open, revealing Samantha Maxis which is trapped in the pyramid. You will also get a 90 seconds death machine, but don’t worry this was only the first part of the EE.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Fifth Step:

Teleport back to Area 51. On your right while standing on the teleporter and facing the PaP, you should see two hexagonal plates on a shelf.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Get them down with a grenade, then throw a Gersh device on them. If done correctly, they will be on the teleporter now.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Get back to the Moon, and throw a Q.E.D at the plates you just teleported with you. They will set on a machine near a computer, in a corner of the spawn.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Sixth Step:

Now you will need to find a grey cable. You can pick it up at any moment in the game no matter how far you are in the easter egg. It is commonly located in the laboratories on any floor, most likely in corners or near workbenches, beneath the desks where you can get the hacker tool, on the left of the door leading to the BioDome, or near the crates outside the labs, leading to Mule kick.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Now head back to the spawn area, and place the wire between thecomputer and the 2 plates you teleported steps ago. It is located in a corner of the spawning room.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

The player beeing Richtofen will have to place the Golden rod between the plates, then repeatedly using action in front of the computer. Keyboard sounds will be heard, then a dialog will play. The screen will glow red then green a couple of time.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

You’ll know when the step is complete, when the Golden Rod will glow purple. Pick it up.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Seventh Step:

Return to the M.P.D. You will notice that 4 tubes will have risen. Like previously, you will need to kill 25 zombies near each tube. Each one will make Samantha screams.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Once completed, place the Golden Rod in the Vril Interface (The front plate of the pyramid). Richtofen and Samantha will swap their souls, giving all perks permanently to this player.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Eight Step:

Throw a Q.E.D onto the vril sphere, in front of the pyramid. It will move, activating computers.

Head back to step 1 computers spot. You will need to do again a memory game, but this time you will have more colors to remember.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Each time you complete a memory game, a rocket will lift up, beeing ready to launch.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Once done, throw a Gersh device at the Vril Sphere, located on the close right to the computers. Dialog will follow, a countdown will start, Maxis will fires three missiles, obliterating the Earth.

Every players will receive permanent perks, and the Cryogenic Slumber Party achievement. GG!

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Also when teleporting back to Area 51, the background will have changed.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Hacker Tool

The Hacker is an equipement you can pick up. It will go in your equipement slot, replacing any eventual P.E.S you’d have.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

It can be located on multiple shelves scattered in the three floors of the laboratories. The spots are symbolized by yellow paper sheets, there are 2 spots on each floors.

  • On a shelf on your left on the first floor. 

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

  • On a shelf next to the stairs on the first floor.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

  • On a small metallic thing on the right after the stairs, on the second floor.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

  • On a blue ledge on the right before the second stairs, on the second floor.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

  • On multiple barrels, right next to Deadshot Daiquiri on the third floor.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

  • On a shelf right next to the biodome door, on the third floor.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

With the hacker tool, you can perform various actions giving different bonuses and support.

  • Hacking the Pack-a-Punch: Will gives you 1000 points the first, and will raise th barriers around PaP for a limited time. 
  • Hacking an Excavator: When an excavator is coming, one of the three consoles in the spawning room will glow. You can hack it, getting 1000 points and pushing the excavator back. 
  • Hacking a Door: Will open it for a cost of 200 points. However it takes about half a minute to do. Sligthly faster with Speed Cola 
  • Hacking a Window: Will instantly fully repair it, giving you 100 points. Hacking it more than once, will cost you 300 points 
  • Hacking another player: You will loose 500 points, giving them to the hacked player. If there is a (x2) he will get 1000 points 
  • Hacking a mystery box possible location: You will spawn temporarily the box for a spin costing 1200 points. It will also lock the point, preventing the box from coming here with any Teddy Bears of Fire Sale, for 4 round. 
  • Hacking a weapon on the mystery box: Will respin the weapon for 600 instead of 950. If you hack again this weapon, every players will be able to pick it up, and you will receive 950 points. 
  • Hacking a weapon on a wall: For 3000 points it will swap the weapon’s ammunition cost. It will be cheap to buy PaP-ed ammunition while normal ones will be expensives. 
  • Hacking a Soda perk machine: Refunds you the cost of the perk, while removing it from you. 
  • Hacking any Bonus: For 5000 points will turn into a Max Ammo 
  • Hacking a Max ammo: For 5000 points will turn into a Fire Sale 


The P.E.S is the main equipement you will wear throughout the game. It’s a space suit, mainly allowing you to survive in the ares where there is no oxygen. Otherwise, you’ll have only 15 seconds before getting downed.

The P.E.S can be found in the spawning room, and in every airlock within the Griffin station. You can pick it for free, and it will store in a different equipement slot than the Terrestrial mines. However you can’t have it and the Hacker tool at the same time.

Only drawback, it will lower every sounds, so be careful about who’s behind you. However you can choose to wear or not the helmet as you wish.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Q.E.D. Effects

The Quantum Entanglement Device is a tactical grenade only available in the mystery box on Moon.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

When thrown it will do one of many possible actions randomly.

  • Pops a frag grenade.
  • Pops a Widow’s Wine grenade.
  • Pops a Gersh device dark hole.
  • Explodes like zombie astronauts.
  • Pops a Wonder Weapon (Ray gun / Mark II / Wave Gun) which fires around it.
  • Pops a weapon (FFAR / KRM / Death and Taxes / …. ) which fires around it.
  • Revives a downed player.
  • Teleports one or more player somewhere else.
  • Gives a free perk to every players.
  • Thrown at a perk will give it to every players.
  • Makes more zombies spawn.
  • Opens / closes a near door.
  • Pack-a-Punch the weapon holded by the players.

Side Easter Egg: Samantha’s Sorrow

Common to every Zombies Chronicles maps, this easter egg will give you a Max ammo as well as a secret song.

On Moon, head to the Power switch room. In front of it stands a bunch of computers.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Four buttons are located on these computers following this:

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

You will need to enter this code on the buttons.

3 – 1 – 1 – 4 – 4 – 1 – 4 – 2 – 4 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 3

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Once done, head to the front left side of the MPD. A samantha’s dool has appeared, interact with it.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Many other dolls will appear, shoot them. Then, use action on the first doll’s location. A hand will give you your max ammo.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Side Easter Egg: Teddy Bears

Inside Griffin station, 3 teddy bears plush can be activated to trigger a secret song.
They are located:

  • Right bellow the spawning room, on a pile of crates. 

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

  • In the sas, connecting tunnel 6 and the Power room. 

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

  • In a hole int the wall, facing Stamin-up, in tunnel 11.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Side Easter Egg: Space Dog

A small easter egg on Moon remastered, allows you to spawn a dog wandering outside the map in a space suit.

Firstly, head to the laboratories first floor. You can see in a corner two dog bowls.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

You will have to perform various steps to spawn little toys around the bowls.

Go back to Area 51, once there, you must kill a Hellhound with your Wave gun.

It should have spawned a small hellhound toy near the bowls.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Then as a second step, you will have to shoot with your wave gun, the 4 teddys bears on top of the boxes representing the mystery box locations.

On the four mystery box locations, one of them will be blocked by the box. You must spin it until it moves to be able to shoot the teddy behind it.

The boxes are:

  • Inside the Biodome, near Widow’s wine. 

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

  • Outside the buildings, besides big rocks. 

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

  • Into the base, in front of the power switch.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

  • In the spawning room, near Quick-Revive.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

If done correctly, a small teddy bear would have spawned near the dog bowls. Make sure to shoot multiple times on the teddys just to be sure.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

Thirdly, you will have to shoot with your Wave gun, a bone outside the map. It is located between the bio dome and the teleporter, behind a pipe.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

If done correctly, the bone is now near the dog bowls. To continue, you will need to hack the bowls with the hacker tool.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

As a final step, you will have to kill about a dozen zombies around the bowls. The souls will fill the bowls. Once done, a particular sound will be heard and the bowls will be empty.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

From now, a dog in a space suit should be wandering the hills either near the laboratories, on your left exit the buildings, or between the teleporter and the spawn buildings.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)


Cryogenic Slumber Party

Difficulty: Easy to Hard (Depends on your Zombie skills and your coordination).

Consult the detailed guide above. 🙂

Ground Control

Difficulty: Moderate (Can take a long time).

Eventually once the power is on, an alarm will let you know that one of the three Excavator has been activated (Either Epsilon, Omicron or Pi). If you do nothing, the excavator will, after around four minutes, breach the base, depressurizing the area, and in two cases, blocking the way.

To stop the excavator, you must take the hacker tool, and use it on the concerned console in the spawn. The three are in the border of the room, and the ones linked to an active excavator will glow. The greek symbols are also on the console.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Moon (The Secrets of the Griffin Station)

The excavators might breach:

  • Bio-dome (Depressurizing it).
  • Tunnel 6 (Depressurizing and blocking the way).
  • Tunnel 11 (Depressurizing and blocking the way).

Note that by their definition, you cannot do both achievements in the same game.

Written by FreeMetal.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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