The Lord of the Rings: War in the North – All Armor Sets Bonuses List

This guide describes bonuses of all armor sets in the game.

Guide to Bonuses of All Armor Sets


There are 20 armor sets in the game. 11 of them are general, i.e. they may be used by each character class: human, dwarf and elf. The other 9 are character specific, 3 for each class. These include sets available by pre-ordering the game, one set per character class.

Armor set consists of 6 parts: headpiece, shoulders, body, gloves, leggings and boots. To get the bonus you need to wear at least 2 items of the same set. The more items give you more bonuses.

Sets are given in the alphabetical order, except pre-order packs. Numbers indicate the amount of armor items needed for the described bonus.

General Sets


  • 2: +25 Armor
  • 3: +30 Health
  • 4: +80 Armor
  • 5: +50 Health
  • 6: +150 Armor


  • 2: +3 Strength
  • 3: +10 Crit Damage
  • 4: +8 Strength
  • 5: +110 Armor
  • 6: +105 Damage


  • 2: +25 Armor
  • 3: +50 Armor
  • 4: +80 Armor
  • 5: +110 Armor
  • 6: +150 Armor


  • 2: +2% Steal Health Chance
  • 3: +6 Will
  • 4: +11% Power Regeneration
  • 5: +100 Power
  • 6: +65 Health


  • 2: +25 Armor
  • 3: +6 Strength
  • 4: +56 Damage
  • 5: +110 Armor
  • 6: +85 Fire Damage


  • 2: +18 Damage
  • 3: +50 Armor
  • 4: +15 Crit Damage
  • 5: +110 Armor
  • 6: +23 Dexterity


  • 2: x2 Find more coins
  • 3: 10% Reduced store prices
  • 4: +8 Stamina
  • 5: +13 Will
  • 6: x4 Find more coins


  • 2: +3 Dexterity
  • 3: +35 Damage
  • 4: +80 Armor
  • 5: +14 Dexterity
  • 6: +105 Damage


  • 2: +3 Stamina
  • 3: +50 Armor
  • 4: +5 Reduced Damage
  • 5: +110 Armor
  • 6: +65 Health


  • 2: +5% Health Regeneration
  • 3: +6% Reflect Damage
  • 4: +15 Crit Damage
  • 5: +12 Stamina
  • 6: +150 Armor


  • 2: +3 Reduced Damage
  • 3: +3% Stun When Struck
  • 4: +80 Armor
  • 5: +11 Reflect Damage
  • 6: +8% Enemy Miss Chance

Character Specific Sets

Human (Ranger)


  • 2: +18 Damage
  • 3: +4 Dexterity
  • 4: +80 Power
  • 5: +11 Dexterity
  • 6: +105 Damage


  • 2: +5 Crit Damage
  • 3: +35 Damage
  • 4: +8 Strength
  • 5: +20 Crit Damage
  • 6: +65 Health

Arthedain guard (pre-order)

  • 2: +3 Dexterity
  • 3: +30 Power
  • 4: +5 Dexterity
  • 5: +50 Power
  • 6: +5% Bonus Experience

Dwarf (Champion)


  • 2: +3 Stamina
  • 3: +50 Armor
  • 4: +5 Reduced Damage
  • 5: +50 Health
  • 6: +20 Stamina


  • 2: +18 Damage
  • 3: +5 Strength
  • 4: +8 Dexterity
  • 5: +13 Strength
  • 6: +30 Crit Damage

Ered Mithrin (preorder)

  • 2: +3 Stamina
  • 3: +30 Power
  • 4: +5 Stamina
  • 5: +50 Power
  • 6: x4 Find more coins

Elf (Lore-master)


  • 2: +3 Will
  • 3: +40 Power
  • 4: +19% Skill Cooldown Reduction
  • 5: +12 Strength
  • 6: +16% Power Regeneration


  • 2: +3 Strength
  • 3: +30 Health
  • 4: +9 Will
  • 5: +100 Power
  • 6: +150 Armor

Grey Havens (preorder)

  • 2: +3 Will
  • 3: +30 Power
  • 4: +5 Will
  • 5: +50 Power
  • 6: +14 Reflect Damage
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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