A guide to get Hisami’s Perfect and Bad Endings. Also it contains info how to obtain “What if…?” and “Equivalent Exchange” achievements.
Guide to Both Endings for Hisami
Introduction (Important)
This guide is based on how I got achievements – I am not sure if it’s the only way or not, but it surely was an easy and fast way.
I am almost completely sure that:
- Before you get Hisami’s ending, you must first finish the game at least once!
- Then after starting the game from the beginning, you will get Hisami’s intro, and from now on you can go after Hisami.
- This guide contains spoilers.
- You have been warned.
About Hisami Kondo
Hisami isn’t a character you can meet up or give gifts to. So? You don’t have to play minigames – U can skip it in options, so the game will go faster.
Perfect Ending
It can be done very fast:
- Don’t agree to “Happy Ending” and refuse sex if given the chance.
- Don’t meet with anyone (don’t “go out”) and don’t shower anyone with gifts.
- Don’t invite anyone to the Boss’ party.
- When Hisami’s “missing” and you are worried for him at the Spa, no matter which character you choose for your massage session, make sure you talk about Hisami, sympathize with him, think about him, say how you like him, etc.
- Be patient and follow these rules until the moment when Kovit gets shot while protecting you.
Now! After that “almost got kidnapped, but Kovit got shot” stuff, and after you’ve been “taken” to the Hospital, you should see Hisami having doubts -> picture below.
You must chose:
- “Have I been wrong the whole time?”
And now all you need to do is read it all till the end.
Bad Ending – Equivalent Exchange
It can be done very fast:
- Don’t agree to “Happy Ending” and refuse sex if given the chance.
- Don’t meet with anyone (don’t “go out”) and don’t shower anyone with gifts.
- Don’t invite anyone to the Boss’ party.
- When Hisami’s “missing” and you are worried for him at the Spa, no matter which character you choose for your massage session, make sure you talk about Hisami, sympathize with him, think about him, say how you like him, etc.
- Be patient and follow these rules until the moment when Kovit gets shot while protecting you.
Now! After that “almost got kidnapped, but Kovit got shot” stuff, and after you’ve been “taken” to the Hospital, you should see Hisami having doubts -> picture below.
You must chose:
- “No, don’t get distracted?”
And play quietly till the end for the last few days (just sleep in yer apartment).
On the 64th day, you will get the Bad Ending with Hisami.
I know I myself managed to get his good and bad ending by having HE with the other characters. Though I skipped the dates and I had no one at the party. And like you said I was concerned for hime when asked. But you can still have the Happy Endings at the SPA if you want 😉
In case anyone ran into the same issue I did – you have to specifically hit New Game after completing it for the first time for the game to unlock this route; there will be a little intro at the beginning from Ka-chan telling you what you’ve unlocked.
You can’t just load a save from the first run, for example, and follow the guide because the game won’t acknowledge that you’ve unlocked this route. Hopes this helps others!
Huh, while achieve-hunting, I tried for a non-perfect Oki route. I had ignored everyone else as suggested (so I could use the same save from day 40 for Hisami). But then I got to red-heart with Oki, did four of the five dates, met up with him at the beach, and took him to Boss’s party. (And spoke not a jot about Hisami during my last massage).
Lo, this still netted me the Hisami bad-end.
Hello! I need help with an ending of Hisami’s route.
I’ve been following this guide to try and get the good ending, but for some reason when I get to the ending none of the options of “No, don’t get distracted?” or “Have I been wrong the whole time?”
The name of the ending that I always get is “Lost Cause”, I really need help please! 🙁
No there isn’t. I’m trying to collect all the photos and I think that was it for Hisami.