More M&B2: Bannerlord Guides:
- Cheats (Console Commands).
- How to Make Gold (Fast Method).
- First Mission: Investigate Neretzes’s Folly.
- How to Win Tablut Gambling Every Time.
- Basic Manual Directional Blocking Guide.
- Silk Road / Trading and Goods Guide.
- Companion Location List.
- How to Form a Kingdom.
- Smithing System Guide.
- Early Money Making.
- Trading Tips.
This is a guide for Bannerlord’s Main Questline.
Guide to Main Questline
Act One: The Search
Neretze’s Folly
This is the first quest in Bannerlord’s Main Questline, unlocked after finishing the hideout quest at the beginning of the game. You will have to travel the continent of Calradia in search of 10 nobles who possess knowledge of a great battle that took place many years ago. Each noble has their own story to tell.
The nobles you need to find, in no particular order, are:
- Lucon
- Mesui
- Caladog
- Derthert
- Ingalther
- Unqid
- Tais
- Adram
- Garios
- Hurunag
Once you have talked to all of the nobles about the battle, Act Two will unlock.
Act Two: The Banner
Meet with Istianaand meet with Arzagos
Once you have unlocked Act Two, you will be given these two quests. You will have to travel to the residences of Istiana in Epicrotea and Arzagos in Marunath. Istiana and Arzagos will both talk to you about the banner and the empire. Istiana will ask you to rebuild the banner and use it to save the empire, while Arzagos will ask you to rebuild the banner and use it to destroy the empire. Talking to either of them will unlock the quest below.
Assemble The Dragon Banner
With one piece already in your possession, this quest involves finding the remaining 2 pieces to rebuild the banner. The remaining 2 pieces can be found in hideouts not far from Epicrotea and Marunath, which Istiana and Arzagos will mark for you on your map after you say you will support their causes.
After collecting all 3 pieces, you must return to Istiana and/or Arzagos.
If you inform Istiana that you have collected all 3 pieces, she will tell you that you must support an existing imperial faction or create a new faction that is imperial in culture. If you inform Arzagos that you have collected all 3 pieces, he will tell you that you must support an existing non-imperial faction or create a new faction that is non-imperial in culture.
Choosing to create a new imperial or non-imperial faction will complete the quest and unlock Act Three. If you choose to join an existing imperial or non-imperial faction, you must present the banner to the faction’s leader to complete the quest and unlock Act Three.
Act Three: The Empire
Unify The Empire
You are given this quest if you decide to reunite the empire. According to the quest, your faction must capture 2/3rds (66%) of all settlements (towns, castles, villages) that are imperial in culture. It must be noted that the specified requirement does not seem to be correct at the moment, and that the quest can be completed with less than 2/3rds. Completing this quest will unlock Act Four.
Destroy The Empire (Speculated)
You are given this quest if you decide to reunite the empire. According to the quest, your faction must capture 2/3rds (66%) of all settlements (towns, castles, villages) that are imperial in culture. It must be noted that the specified requirement does not seem to be correct at the moment, and that the quest can be completed with less than 2/3rds. Completing this quest will unlock Act Four.
Istiana’s Conspiracy (Speculated)
You are given this quest if you decide to destroy the empire. A “conspiracy” bar will progressively fill as time passes. This quest will remain active even after you have completed Destroy The Empire.
Arzagos’s Conspiracy
You are given this quest if you decide to reunite the empire. A “conspiracy” progression bar will fill while the quest as time passes. This quest will remain active even after you have completed Unify The Empire.
Stop Conspiracy
You are given this quest after you decide to reunite or destroy the empire. You have a limited amount of time to complete this quest before it is cancelled/failed. It also seems that this quest can reappear after it has been cancelled/failed while Istiana’s Conspiracy/Arzagos’s Conspiracy is active (Speculated: Travel to the city where Istiana/Arzagos resides to stop conspiracy, perhaps by slaying them in their home. If this is what is supposed to happen, it appears it is not yet implemented).
Conspiracy Uprising (Speculated)
It is currently speculated that, should you fail to unify/destroy the empire before the conspiracy bar fills, that a great new challenge/obstacle will arise, perhaps in the form of an army or an enemy alliance.
Act Four: The Alliance
Defeat the anti-imperial alliance
Upon completing Act Three, all remaining non-imperial factions will unite in an alliance against your imperial faction. You must wage war against them in normal fashion, defeating their forces and capturing their settlements, until the “war progress” progression bar has been filled. There is a separate “war progress” progression bar for each enemy faction. Upon defeating every faction of the enemy alliance, you will complete this quest and unlock Act Five.
Defeat the imperial alliance (speculated)
Upon completing Act Three, all remaining imperial factions will unite in an alliance against your non-imperial faction. You must wage war against them in normal fashion, defeating their forces and capturing their settlements, until the “war progress” progression bar has been filled. There is a separate “war progress” progression bar for each enemy faction. Upon defeating every faction of the enemy alliance, you will complete this quest and unlock Act Five.
It must be noted that Arzagos’s Conspiracy/Istiana’s Conspiracy quests seem to remain active even after Act Four has been unlocked, assuming you have not completed Stop Conspiracy.
Act Five: Epilogue
Congrats! You have completed Bannerlord’s Main Storyline! If you chose to reunite the empire, all remaining imperial factions will join your imperial faction (Speculated: If you chose to destroy the empire, all remaining non-imperial factions will join your non-imperial faction.). What happens from here is up to you!
It must be noted that Arzagos’s Conspiracy/Istiana’s Conspiracy quests seem to remain active even after Act Five has been unlocked, assuming you have not completed Stop Conspiracy.
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