More Resident Evil 3 Guides:
- 100% Achievements Guide.
- All 20 Mr. Charlie Locations.
- All Safe Codes and Locker Combinations.
- How to Download and Play with Mods.
- The S.T.A.R.S. Training Guide.
- Knife Tips.
This guide will give you the speedrun route in a text based bulleted format.
Resident Evil 3: Remake Speedrun Guide
Basic Info before Speedrunning
It is highly recommended that you beat the game first, then farm some points to buy the infinite rocket launcher.
This weapon makes speedrunning insanely easy. It makes every enemy a joke. If you want to make your speedrun as EASY as possible, I recommend buying all of the inventory upgrades, getting all of the stat boosting items, and also unlocking the bolt cutters and lock pick. The stat boosting items will make you almost unkillable and the the bolt cutters and lock pick will shave a few seconds off the run, but not much. These are just a small help though. The infinite rocket launcher is what makes speedrunning ridiculously easy. You also take no damage from the rocket launcher. So if you are surrounded, you can simply shoot a rocket at your feet and kill everything around you.
With that all said, this game is pretty linear as long as you know what item to run to next. You should be able to easily get around a 1 hour speedrun on any difficulty using the rocket launcher and the bulleted list below. Good luck and have fun.
Text Only Bulleted Speedrun Guide
Here is a text only, non-detailed, bulleted list of what you need to do:
- Escape apartment
- Run towards fire alley to trigger zombie breaking fence cutscene
- Go straight to fire hose location in main train station control building
- Head back to fire alley and put out fire
- Grab bolt cutters and open door in safe room
- Go straight to lockpick location
- Must grab at least one herb for parasites
- Open locked door
- Eat herb
- Turn on two generators to the left
- Turn on one generator by the ladder
- Climb ladder
- Turn on last generator
- Escape spider nest
- Run back main train station control room
- Plan the train route (FA2, RA3, SA2, FO1)
- Go back to the train and meet carlos
- Run from nemesis in sewers
- Go straight to battery pack in the lab area
- Go back to ladder next to where you slid down
- Use the battery pack on the doors
- Run from nemesis again while he torches the building
- Kill nemesis
- Run to Kendo shop
- Grab kendo key
- Open kendo gate
- Run from nemesis again
- Dodge rolling toy head
- Meet carlos again
- Get on train
- Now playing as Carlos in RPD station, run forwards and kill Brad-zombie
- Grab ID card
- Enter RPD and stand next to T until shutter opens
- Run all the way up to the third floor and get the key
- Go back to weapons locker and open door 104 for battery
- Go to showers on 2nd floor and combine battery with bomb to blow open wall
- Go to Stars office
- Immediately turn around after cutscene and try to leave stars office. This triggers another cutscene
- Now playing as Jill in train crash, run up to surface and across the bridge
- Kill nemesis
- Now playing as carlos in hospital, go to reception and grab tape recorder
- Go to 2nd floor, jump out window, grab key from courtyard
- Go back to 2nd floor and open locked door to grab ID card
- Use ID card on locked door on other side of 2nd floor
- Go grab tape for tape recorder
- Go back to voice activated door and open with tape recorder
- Grab vaccine
- Go back to Jill and give her vaccine
- Defend Jill and T
- Now playing as Jill lockpick the first door you can and go into underground umbrella lab
- Go to the elevator next to the fuse box and push the elevator button triggering the power outage
- Grab all 3 fuses
- Put fuses into fuse box and go up elevator
- Go get both vials for the vaccine base and combine to make vaccine base
- Mix in the vaccine maker, combination is mid, high, low
- Escape facility
- Fight nemesis again and kill him
- Run a little more
- Fight nemesis a final time and kill him
- Run to carlos and shoot Nikolai, GG you did it!
Hi, could you please tell me what “Go straight to lockpick location” is referring to? Thank you.
nm i got it. just meant the door i reckon. thought it was saying something else.