Apprentice Alcumist
One who has begun to learn the art of alcumy.
No special effects.
Rookie Alcumist
A rookie, only just registered with the guild.
With every action, Lust -1
Requirement: Clear 1 quest
Naughty Alcumist
An alcumist who does lewd things and gathers s*men.
With every action, Lust +3
Diligent Alcumist
Hard at work every day!
With every action, Lust -5
Requirement: Clear 5 quests
Sex Amateur
Proof that you’re still not accustomed to having sex. Get out there and keep on f*cking!
With every action, Lust +10
Requirement: Have sex 50 times
Sex Lover
Proof that you’ve become somewhat skilled at sex. Get out there and keep on f*cking!
With every action, Lust +20
Requirement: Have sex 150 times
Sex Expert
Proof that you’ve become a master of sex. Now get out there and let the world witness your talent!
With every action, Lust +30
Requirement: Have sex 200 times
You’ve become so good at sex that you can send your partners straight to heaven with your skills.
With every action, Lust +50
Requirement: Have sex 500 times
Oral Enthusiast
One who enjoys things like kissing and giving blowj*bs.
Power of oral sex skills +5%
Requirement: 80
Talented Tongueworker
You’ve become quite talented at giving head.
Power of oral sex skills +15%
Requirement: 150
Breast Enthusiast
One who enjoys servicing men with their breasts.
Power of breast sex skills +5%
Skilled Titf*cker
You’ve become quite talented with your breasts.
Power of breast sex skills +15%
Sensitive P*ssy
One who enjoys using their p*ssy.
Power of vaginal sex skills +5%
Wielder of a Legendary C*nt
You just love having a d*ck inside that p*ssy.
Power of vaginal sex skills +15%
Anal Alcumist
One who enjoys various methods of anal pleasure.
Power of *ss sex skills +5%
Anal Queen
You’ve become quite talented with your *ss.
Power of *ss sex skills +15%
Unconventional Preferences
One who enjoys miscellaneous forms of play.
Power of special sex skills +5%
There’s nothing you can’t do! A true all-rounder!
Power of special sex skills +15%
Proof that you’ve gotten used to propositioning.
When using Proposition, Lust +30/S*men +30ml
Requirement: Proposition 80 times
You’ve become really good at propositioning.
When using Proposition, Lust +50/S*men +50ml
Requirement: Proposition 150 times
Street Corner Alcumist
You started doing prostitution!
When using Prostitution, earn more money
Requirement: Prostitute 50 times
You’ve discovered the joy of dominating men!
With every action, Dom +3
Worshop the Queen!
You feel even greater pleasure from dominating men!
With every action, Dom +5
Requirement: 100 actions while Dom
Being dominated fills you with pleasure!
With every action, Sub +3
Worship the C*ck!
Being dominated fills you with ecstasy!
With every action, Sub +5
Requirement: 100 actions while Sub
There’s nothing to fear in being as nature intended!
With every action, Lust -20/Dom -5/Sub -5
Requirement: Get naked
Shameless Alcumist
Who gives a f*ck about stupid things like modesty?
Lust/Dom/Sub will no longer increase
Requirement: 0 shame
Beginner Exhibitionist
Feeling everyone’s stares on your exposed skin is such a rush.
With every action, Shame -2
Requirement: 70 shame or lower
Exhibitionism Addict
Doing it discreetly? That’s for amateurs! It’s not REAL exhibitionism unless someone sees you!
Allows you to wear anything regardless of Shame
Alcumist of Justice
Evil will not go unpunished! You are a hero of justice!
With every action, Karma -1
Requirement: Clear 25 quests
(?Requirement: 1000 Human S*men collected?)
Penchant for Human C*m
Increases human s*men volume.
Acquired Human S*men ×1.5
Requirement: 3000 Human S*men collected
Human C*m Addict
Greatly increases human s*men volume.
Acquired Human S*men ×2
Requirement: 10,000 Human S*men collected
Penchant for Humanoid C*m
Requirement: 1000 Humanoid Monster S*men collected
Humanoid C*m Addict
Requirement: 5000 Humanoid Monster S*men collected
Penchant for Beast C*m
Requirement: 1000 Beast Monster S*men collected
Beast C*m Addict
Requirement: 5000 Beast Monster S*men collected
Penchant for Large Monster C*m
Requirement: 1000 Large Monster S*men collected
Large Monster C*m Addict
Requirement: 5000 Large Monster S*men collected
Penchant for Tentacle C*m
Requirement: 1000 Tentacle Monster S*men collected
Tentacle C*m Addict
Requirement: 5000 Tentacle Monster S*men collected
Penchant for Insect C*m
Requirement: 1000 Insect Monster S*men collected
Insect C*m Addict
Requirement: 5000 Insect Monster S*men collected
Penchant for Slime C*m
Requirement: 1000 Slime Monster S*men collected
Slime C*m Addict
Requirement: 5000 Slime Monster S*men collected
Penchant for Special C*m
Requirement: 1000 Special S*men collected
Special C*m Addict
Requirement: 5000 Special S*men collected
S*men Gatherer
An adventurer who has gotten used to gathering s*men.
With every action, S*men +50ml
Requirement: 10,000 total S*men collected
S*men Guzzler
An adventurer who has gathered a little too much s*men and grown to like it as a result…
With every action, S*men +100ml
Requirement: 30,000 total S*men collected
S*men Fanatic
An adventurer who has grown to like s*men too much and become addicted to it as a result.
With every action, S*men +200ml
Requirement: 50,000 total S*men collected
S*men Demon
An alcumist who is truly obsessed with c*m.
With every action, S*men +300ml
Requirement: 100,000 total S*men collected
Material Girl
Always obtain the maximum number of materials
Item Hunter
Materials obtained x3
Rare Item Collector
Makes it easier to obtain rare items
Item Fiend
Always obtain the maximum number of materials
Materials obtained x3
Hard-Working Alcumist
Proof that you’re a wonderful person who helps those in need without hesitation.
With every action, Lust -30/Dom -3/Sub -3/Karma -2
Requirement: Clear 140 quests
Bloodline of the Hero
A title granted only to a hero who has saved the world.
With every action, Lust -100/Dom -10/Sub -10
Karma will no longer increase
Requirement: Beat the game
You didn’t just stop at saving the world, you became an entity which guides its fate.
Lust/Dom/Sub/Karma will no longer increase
Requirement: Get the True ending
Full Ero Alcumist
To you, being called a sl*t is the kindest compliment you could be given.
With every action, Lust +300/Dom +10/Sub +10
With every action, S*men +200ml/Karma +5/Shame -3
Requirement: Get the Dom or Sub ending
Interdimensional Alcumist
Thank you so much for playing!!
With every action, Lust +500/Dom +20/Sub +20/S*men +300ml
Allows you to become nude regardless of Shame
When using Prostitution, earn more money
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