List of Mimimi developers and their locations.
Where to Find All Developers
List and Locations
This is a list of the 31 developers, levels they’re in and their precise location.
1. John “Bastard Operator” McRoth
In mission 2, Byers Pass, he’s the crane operator in the first section of the map.
2. Billy “Beer Hatin’ Rugface” Ben
In Mission 2, Byers Pass, at the end of the train, to its right side, next to an ammo crate and 2 hostages.
3. Buffalo Jesse Holiday
In mission 3, Flagstone, standing on the entrance to the house under construction behind the carriage and in front of the bar.
4. Ol’ Horseshoe Phil
In Mission 3, Flagstone, at the edge of the right side of the map, between the woods and a building.
5. Danny The Eye
In Mission 4, Higgin’s Estate, he’s the photographer at the start of the mission, make sure you kill him at the start of the mission since he disappears once you start Cooper’s section. The best way to kill him is to run up to the section where Kate gets her perfume, run back and use it to knock out both guards next to Danny so that you can have an easy time throwing him down to the cliffside.
Make sure you throw him down the cliff from the location I placed Kate on, if you throw Danny from any other location his body will simply float and disappear, and this won’t count as a kill. This is the only location that has a high enough drop to kill him.
6. “Ocelot Eyes” Estela
In Mission 4, Higgin’s Estate, on the slope above the 3 women being questioned by a guard.
7. Gina LeBrush
Mission 5, O’Hara Ranch, she’s standing on a pool of oil in the section before you meet Hector and where you have to return to for one of the Longcoat kills
8. Guitar Slingin’ Peccoz Phil
Mission 5, O’Hara Ranch, he’s standing on top of the water tower at the entrance of the ranch, overlooking one of the longcoats.
9. Terence “Timebomb” McSpencer
Mission 6, Eagle Falls, he’s the longcoat activating the dynamite at the quarry.
10. Ramon Almodovar
Mission 6, Eagle Falls, he’s the longcoat standing guard at the sawmill.
11. Restless Ann
Mission 7, Devil’s Canyon Chapter 2, in the first area, at the edge of the courtyard overlooking the canyon.
12. Doc Hook
Mission 8, Baton Rouge, the dentist at the edge of the town, opposite of the docks.
13. Ann’McGull
Mission 8, Baton Rouge, one of the guards standing in front of the bank coffer, you can kill her by firing the cannon aimed at her.
14. Sheriff Dorian O’Really
Mission 8, Baton Rouge, at the docks, next to the debris blocking the road to town.
15. Leo “See No Evil” Longley
Mission 9, Mississippi River, standing on the watch tower in the camp overlooking Hector’s cage.
16. Toby “Leisurly” Dalton
Mission 9, Mississippi River, standing on the watch tower next to Kate’s cage.
17. Florence Smolker
Mission 10, New Orleans, in the market, on wooden stand surrounded by a crowd, about to be executed.
18. Unfortunate Lucy
Mission 10, New Orleans, in the brothel, on the balcony in front of the main entrance.
19. Nishi The Kid
Mission 10, New Orleans, patrolling the street in front of the dock, you can only reach him once you’ve found the correct letter.
20. Bugtrapper Frilke
Mission 11, Queen’s Nest, looking at the left gate of the Queen’s Nest.
21. Ray Farewell
Mission 11, Queen’s Nest, standing on the watch tower overlooking the oil barrel on top of the Queen’s Nest.
22. Calamity Cem
Mission 12, New Orleans Docks, standing guard in front of the marketplace, talking to two civilians.
23. Detective Mo Von Presswald
Mission 12, New Orleans Docks, at the right side entrance to the docks, crouched next to a body, being observed by 2 civilians and 1 guard.
24. Mountain Phil
Mission 13, Devitt Goldmine, on the left path, standing on a platform overlooking the railway bridge.
25. Dom Lyn The Bass
Mission 13, Devitt Goldmine, on the right path, standing on the roof of a building overlooking the railway track, playing his guitar.
26. Ramona The Dirty
Mission 14, Las Piedras, on the side with the wagon, standing on top of a building overlooking the wagon.
27. Jones “The Lame” McCodings
Mission 14, Las Piedras, on the side with the cattle, on top of the building next to the water well, sleeping on a chair.
28. Matthew “Sleepy” McElderly
Mission 15, Casa Devitt, sleeping in the stables to the right of Kate and Cooper’s starting position.
29. Maze Trapped Simon
Mission 15, Casa Devitt, on the left side of the house, in the hedge maze, sitting on a bench, probably lost.
30. Felicity, “Right Hand of the Devil”
Mission 16, Devil’s Canyon Chapter 3, easy to miss, halfway through the left path zoom out to see a path into a canyon, she’s sleeping inside a ruined house.
31. Hambino, “Left Hand of the Devil”
Mission 16, Devil’s Canyon Chapter 3, on the right path, next to the wooden bridge, can be killed by firing the cannon on the other side of the canyon.
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