Hello, I decide to create this guide for this game where explaining all the achievements.
How to Obtain All Achievements
Achievements That Are Obtained by Story Progression
The Adventure Begins
- Obtained once Charlie sneaks on the boat and sails off.
No Strings Attached
- (Mandatory) boss battle against the the Warrior in the volcano, defeat boss to obtain achievement.
Tidal Terror
- (Mandatory) boss battle as the Thief and Warrior encounter the Leviathan while stranded on their raft, just need to get his health low enough for it to run away.
Shadow of the Past achievement
- (Mandatory) boss battle as the party faces Shadow Walker in the Desert Ruins deepest floor, defeat boss to obtain achievement.
Stop the Clock
- (Mandatory) boss battle as the party gets off the train and heads to the Processor they will face off against the Clockwork Controller, defeat boss to obtain achievement.
The Power to Protect
- (Mandatory) boss battle as the party faces against off the Beaming Inferno in Stonecrest, defeat boss to obtain achievement.
Estriatus Exterminators
- (Mandatory) boss battle as the party faces against off the Defeat the Brood Mother in the Estriatus Ruins, defeat boss to obtain achievement.
Neon Nightmare
- (Mandatory) boss battle as the party faces against off Neon Fang Dragon in the City of Sounds, defeat boss to obtain achievement.
Earning Your Wings
- (Mandatory) Win your first Airship Battle.
A Cold Reception
- (Mandatory) boss battle as the party faces against off Willie the Wisp in the Ship Graveyard, defeat boss to obtain achievement.
Adorable Wisdom
- (Mandatory) boss battle as Charlie and Emma face off against Eek in the Ice Cavern, defeat boss to obtain achievement.
Moonlit Duel
- (Mandatory) boss battle as the party face off against the Samurai atop the Ancient Fortress, defeat boss to obtain achievement.
Demon Vanquished
- (Mandatory) boss battle as the samurai Kuro faces off against the Demon Daimyo, defeat boss to obtain achievement.
She Sang in Binary
- (Mandatory) boss battle as the part faces off against CP7/Jenny to solve the murder mystery, defeat boss to obtain achievement.
- Obtain your very own Airship!
Too Good to be True
- (Mandatory) boss battle as Emma and the Warrior face off against the Glitch’s illusion to free everyone from its trap, defeat boss to obtain achievement.
A Lost Civilization
- (Mandatory) boss battle as the party faces off against the Sacrificial Slayer in the Cliffside Ruins, defeat boss to obtain achievement.
Haunting Memories
- As the Glitch helps in killing the memory reaper reach the terminal to dispel the Glitch in the Maze of Memory.
- (Mandatory) boss battle as the party faces off against Computer that has been taken over by the Glitch in the Ruined Factory, defeat boss to obtain achievement.
Never Give Up
- (Mandatory) boss battle as the party faces off against the Glitch once more to stop its evil plan, defeat boss to obtain achievement.
The Show Must Go On
- (Mandatory) boss battle as the party faces off against the Theater Master after they watch a bogus telling of their adventure and give their critics to him with action, defeat boss to obtain achievement.
Journey’s End
- Will obtain this once the final cut scene of Charlie and Emma looking at the horizon after their adventure.
Missable Achievements
Priceless Treasure
- After confronting pickpocket in Driftwood return the ring to the Travelling Merchant.
Following two achievements are linked together:
No One Left Behind
- During the airship attack on Stonecrest their will be seven civilians surround by monster defeat the monster mobs to rescue them will get it once the seventh person have been rescued.
Not Guilty!
- During the trial the you must the correct options when speaking of objecting during testimonies:
- 1 – Keep an open mind
- 2Q – Who was previously deemed a criminal under the king’s reign
- 2.2 – Objection
- 2.3 – Has no bearing on this case
- 3Q – By none other than the defendant and quite possibly in collusion in collusion with others
- 3.2 – Objection
- 3.3 – Guilt hasn’t been determined
- 4 – Who
- 4.2 – Objection
- 5 – I…. Agree to appear
- 6 – I … No i wasn’t
- 7 – Phoebe the survivor
- 8 – Did we appear to be colluding?
- 9 – The minister
- 10 – How do you feel about magi?
- 11 – Would you ever believe him?
At the end a cut scene will play out of Charlie and Emma bringing in the seven survivors of Stonecrest to give their testimony of the incident. Now three of the jury members will side with the Senator, but if you chosen the correct options above and save the towns people then a large majority will be on your side and the achievement will pop up.
A King’s Ransom
- At the old castle in the overview you go through here.

Then as you navigate to the throne room you will go to this hole in the wall.

And you will get the achievement by discovering the secret treasury.

Robbing the Robbers
- While in Pheopolis go to the merchant distric on the east side and head southeast to the inn.

There you will pay to rest and your gold will be stolen by three thieves head to the old theater behind the shops, (Optional) boss battle to face off against the three bandit brothers, defeat them to get the achievement.
The theater will only open, when your party as rested at the broken down inn run by them down south east.
Behind the Waterfall
- In Bruneus go West and the down until your in front of this water fall.

Now walk behind it to discover the hidden cave. Once inside the cave go pick up the airship radar on the table which connects to the following two achievements.

Riding a High Wind
- Obtain the air ship radar and see on the world map the location of the three Glitch’s airships once all three are destroyed the achievement will pop up.
- After destroying the rogue airships the radar will turn into a simulator to practice airship battles go to the hardest simulation win it to get the achievement.
Titanic Victory
- Can be done immediately once you obtain the air ship go to this pyramided head down to the bottom to activate the revival of the titan, he will be located in the mainland desert heading to the nearby town there, (Optional) boss a hard fight to deal with, but once you defeat it you will get the achievement.

No Questions Asked
- At this hut you will a fisherman.

Speak to him he will tell you a bout a black market back in Driftown and will also give you the key for it. Use the key on the second house on the left open it with the key and go down the hole and you discover the black market will get achievement.
Masters of War
- Using the airship to reach this island and going to the house. You will meet the samurai triad they will teach your party several three man combs to use in battle, but you must answer their question that are related to each party member. Their is no consequence for getting it wrong so you try as many times once learned all the comb moves the achievement will appear.

A Secret to Everybody
- Once you reached the red planet head north east and you will find a cave where the traveler is at once you enter you get the achievement.

Null and Void
- On the red planet go down and on the left you will see a red bug that different from the green bugs called Zero. (Optional) boss defeat the red bug called Null to get the achievement.

Arena Champion
- As you go to the factory in the over world to restore the computer in this area of the factory go right then up and you will see the arena.

Once at the arena you will face four challenges each ending with a mini boss to fight win all four challenges to get the achievement.
Way of the Blade
- Once all four challenges have been completed the Blademaster’s will appear in the lobby of the area looking for a rematch upon defeat you will gain a the true ultimate weapon and the achievement.
Behind the Curtain
- Once you beaten the game a cut scene will show a cave appearing on the red planet. Their you can speak with developers and they will tell you on how they created the game. You’ll get achievement once you enter the cave.

Characters Personal Side Quests Achievements
These are achievements that can obtain once you complete each characters personal side quest by talking to them on the airship during the scenario where the computer is telling the party to use the warp pad in the over world to reach the red planet and defeat the Glitch.
Captain of the Guard
- Speak to the Warrior and he will talk about the Leviathan and how it can still be causing trouble for sailor under Kelly. Go speak to Kelly and she will give you diving suit and the location of the Leviathan.

Go into the cave then head for the crashing waves to be under water then progress up until you face the (Optional) boss Leviathan, defeat it and report back to Kelly to complete the achievement.
Stirring the Forest
- Speak to the Thief you will talk about keeping a promise to those that live in the forest finish speaking to her and head to the forest between Pholiphs and Etratice their you will meet a tree mimic that ask for help.

Follow the open path go up until you reach the larger tree you will then be fighting the Forest Guardian (Optional) boss once beaten a small cutscence will be play of the mimic son and father reuniting with each other, achievement obtained.
Meteoric Power
- Speak to the Mage in the airship and he will tell about a powerful staff his father created but its currently broken once done speaking to him. Head back to the volcano and go through the door where you fought the Warrior there he will make a new staff however its missing an important ingredient a red stone. Go to the red planet and head south here in this location you will find the rock you need after getting it return to earth and head back to the workshop in the volcano and the staff will be fixed and achievement will be unlocked.

- On the airship speak to the robot he will say that the Queen is in trouble head east in Pholiphs to the noble section and head up and you see guards being overwhelmed by monsters at the mansion where the Queen is staying at.Go inside the mansion and head to the top of the mansion where Charlie will face his the man you ruined his life once the confrontation is completed the achievement will be unlock.
Paying Respects
- On the airship speak to Emma, she will ask to go to the Stonecrest catacombs to see her grandfather grave. Go back to Stonecrest the catacombs are at the tunnels on the upper left before heading on the ground floor. Go through the dungeon by heading up until you reach her grandfathers grave that at the end of the catacombs on the outside, you’ll get he achievement once that done.
Abandoned No Longer
- Speak to the robot or CP8 on aboard the airship and he will recount how he and another robot fail at keeping the Glitch incarcerated in their prison. Once hes finish speaking head back to the factory go past the rest area and go to where you first meet the robot and go to the area where the manhole is also the area where the robot that it still alive cannot move. The man hole will now be open.

In the ruined prison you will go to the prison cell of the Glitch by deactivating three laser grinds once you deactivated them and head to the prison cell the Warden will be alerted head back to the entrance and you face the Warden. (Optional) boss once defeated the achievement will appear.
A Chance for Redemption
- Speak to Kuro on the airship and he will talk about making a amends to his family and a legendary sword locked up by him at his crypt. Go back to the cemetery and look for his grave stone which will be front and center surround by smaller grave. Once inside you will do a puzzle which is placing the comb of his wife in the box next to her, his son’s toy in a box next to it and on the wall in between both of their coffins place the family portrait. Revealing the sword and the achievement as well.
These are extras things to do, they have no achievements to them.
- Planting gold seeds next to Pholiphs there a small forest opening, a cursed man ask for you to plant seven gold seeds in the over world. You will get money from this and as you plant each seed a group of monster will to fight your party. Here are the seven location.

- On the floating Continent all the way to the right, you will find the blue mage house and can obtain a augment inside.

- When visiting the refuges of Etratice a woman will ask you to find her husband who is till in the poison infested town.

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