Destroy All Humans! – All Probe Locations

Locations for probes with both text and pictures. Spoilers ahead. In the pictures taken, my ‘crosshairs’ will usually be pointed toward a probe unless Crypto is standing relatively close to it.

Probe Locations List

Turnipseed Farm Probes 25/25

1/25 next to 1st chicken coop.

2/25 on hill next to 1st chicken coop.

3/25 on top of 1st farm house.

4/25 next to 1st silo.

5/25 on hill behind 1st silo.

6/25 on top of 2nd chicken coop next to crop fields near rampage challenge.

7/25 on little island just off of the crop fields.

8/25 on rocks off the shore to the right of the little island.

9/25 behind 1st barn house next to dead tree.

10/25 in between the two trees in 1st pond.

11/25 to the right off of the road in wooded forest just past the 1st fruit stand.

12/25 behind 1st barn house across the 1st pond.

13/25 along the rocky shore, to the right of the last probe you collected.

14/25 next to a small farm house, to the right of the last probe across the street.

15/25 on top of a water well next to another small farm house which is to the right of the last small farm house.

16/25 next to another small farm house nearby another landing site.

17/25 in the tilled field next to a red tractor right behind the small farm house where you collected the last probe.

18/25 hidden in smoke from chimney, on top of the 2nd big farm house.

19/25 near the chicken coop in front of the 2nd big farm house where you collected last probe.

20/25 next to a rock near 2nd pond after crossing the 2 lane roads from the 2nd big farm house.

21/25 in front of last collected probe next to 2nd pond on rocky shore.

22/25 nearby last collected probe in a circular shaped shed with a broken down tractor and explosive barrel.

23/25 behind another small farm house next to another cow field below the hill from the 2nd barn house.

24/25 in wagon behind 2nd barn house near abduction challenge.

25/25 in between two lane roads next to second blue moon sign.

Rockwell Probes 30/30

1/30 to the left of 1st landing site among the trees.

2/30 on top of rock to the left of the fair.

3/30 in mid of pond nearby grilling station.

4/30 on small rock island in pond.

5/30 underneath bridge.

6/30 on top of silo to the right of fairgrounds.

7/30 behind cotton candy stand to the left of fairgrounds entrance.

8/30 on top of fairgrounds tent.

9/30 on top of Ferris wheel.

10/30 in the playground to the right of the road from the bridge.

11/30 on top of pool in front of second house to the right of the playground.

12/30 behind second house in backyard.

13/30 in backyard of 4th house.

14/30 on rocks behind cow statue.

15/30 off the side of blue farm house.

16/30 behind same blue farm house enclosed within walls.

17/30 in circular shed next to blue farm house.

18/30 on top of blue moon cinema sign next to circular shed.

19/30 behind main town square buildings nearby cinema.

20/30 behind cinema screen.

21/30 inside military building nearby cinema.

22/30 on top of mayors building.

23/30 inside of military building nearby mayors building.

24/30 inside of another military building nearby mayors building behind a military truck.

25/30 next to small farm house with cows nearby military building.

26/30 in cemetery nearby small farm house.

27/30 behind gas station.

28/30 behind gray colored barn house nearby another landing site.

29/30 behind farm shed behind red barn house behind military building nearby cinema.

30/30 on top of silo further away from last collected probe.

Santa Modesta Probes 50/50

1/50 to the right of 1st landing site.

2/50 at end of dirt path at top of hill from 1st landing site.

3/50 in middle of baseball field to the left of last collected probe.

4/50 on baseball field score sign nearby last collected probe.

5/50 on top of rock near shore slightly to the right of last collected probe.

6/50 to left of baseball field nearby shore and military turret gun in trees.

7/50 to left of last collected probe.

8/50 nearby landing site hidden behind some rocks.

9/50 hidden behind rock to the left of last collected probe.

10/50 top of church nearby radio station.

11/50 in the Tasty Pete’s Donut’s sign, next to the church.

12/50 behind al’s quality repairs down the hill from Tasty Pete’s Donuts.

13/50 on top of antenna on top of SMCBS radio station.

14/50 behind the tree nearby the radio tower at the radio station.

15/50 on top of the cliff rocks before the homes nearby the radio station.

16/50 in front door of blue home nearby last collected probe.

17/50 in back yard patio 2 houses to the right of last collected probe.

18/50 on top of rock nearby beach homes to the left of the homes from last 2 collected probes.

19/50 on second story patio of purple beach house nearby last collected probe.

20/50 nearby forklift inside of military base on lighthouse island.

21/50 on top of submarine inside of military base on lighthouse island.

22/50 behind lighthouse island on top of submarine gate entrance.

23/50 on top of lighthouse.

24/50 nearby green dock house on lighthouse island.

25/50 inside of blue/white boat house on shore nearby radio station.

26/50 & 27/50 on top of rocks nearby same boat house from last collected probe.

28/50 nearby green dock house opposite of lighthouse island green dock house.

29/50 behind the radio station off to the left side.

30/50 on yet another green dock house on shore nearby lighthouse island.

31/50 next to the 3 cactuses, nearby another landing site.

32/50 behind white building nearby star diner.

33/50 hidden on top of tree in desert field between the two diners.

34/50 nearby another landing site next to the bowl world building.

35/50 on top of the bowl world sign nearby the bowl world building.

36/50 on shore nearby military turret gun and Cassidy’s Drive In Diner.

37/50 on top of rocks nearby Cassidy’s Drive In Diner.

38/50 on top of orange building with capitol city sign.

39/50 on top of rock nearby last collected probe.

40/50 on second story of Ed Schully’s Hotel.

41/50 on top of Ed Schully’s Hotel sign.

42/50 on top of lifeguard tower to the left of last collected probe.

43/50 on top of third beach house from 1st landing site.

44/50 on top of pool nearby homes to the right of last collected probe.

45/50 behind redfield gasoline station nearby homes where last collected probe was.

46/50 behind red home nearby al’s quality repairs.

47/50 enclosed in a fence behind buildings nearby modesta mall.

48/50 on top of yellow building nearby redfield gasoline station.

49/50 nearby playground next to the modesta mall.

50/50 on top of brick building next to the modesta mall sign.

Area 42 Probes 24/24

1/24 behind rocks nearby 1st landing site.

2/24 on top of arch nearby 1st landing site.

3/24 in a UFO crate nearby the two trailers after the archway.

4/24 on hill to the right of last collected probe.

5/24 on hill to the right of the area 42 military base entrance.

6/24 on top of majestic mutant research building.

7/24 on top of main majestic research building.

8/24 behind barbed wall fence outside of majestic compound.

9/24 behind shipping containers enclosed with fences nearby majestic research building.

10/24 on top of second aircraft hanger.

11/24 on top of radar dish nearby last collected probe.

12/24 in between the two propane tanks nearby the airfield.

13/24 hidden behind rocks to the left of the airfield.

14/24 hidden below cliff nearby bunkers at military base.

15/24 in enclosed area in the middle of the military base.

16/24 on top of area 42 usaf base headquarters.

17/24 on top of mountain coming up the road from the usaf base headquarters.

18/24 on the other side of the same mountain from last collected probe.

19/24 inside of fenced area coming up the same road from last collected probe.

20/24 on top of mountain nearby last collected probe.

21/24 on mountain to the right of last collected probe.

22/24 at base of 1st radar dish at top of mountain.

23/24 on top of 2nd radar dish at top of mountain.

24/24 inside of giant crater at top of mountain.

Union Town Probes 25/25

1/25 on rock nearby landing site that is nearby brick wall.

2/25 behind gas station nearby same landing site.

3/25 on top of building nearby same landing site.

4/25 hidden between 2 metal girders nearby chimney stack before roadway to maritime museum.

5/25 inside of the maritime museum on top of yellow submarine.

6/25 next to no parking sign and blue pickup truck.

7/25 in enclosed fence area behind building nearby water tower.

8/25 on top of small yellow crane nearby last collected probe.

9/25 on top of 1st water tank on the right.

10/25 on top of 2nd water tank on the left.

11/25 on top of 4th water tank on the right.

12/25 in the water tank tower after the water tanks.

13/25 in between two metal girders behind the building nearby the two tall chimney stacks.

14/25 on top of wire spool next to silver trailer.

15/25 on top of 1st giant red crane.

16/25 on top of 2nd giant red crane.

17/25 on top of 3rd giant red crane.

18/25 on top of military building right below 3rd giant red crane.

19/25 hidden behind brick walls nearby 3rd giant red crane and a water tank.

20/25 underneath another water tower nearby last collected probe.

21/25 on monroe island behind wall corner nearby missile launcher.

22/25 on monroe island nearby trailer and jail cell door.

23/25 on monroe island in little hole nearby trailer.

24/25 inside of boat off of monroe island.

25/25 on top of farthest part of the boat off of monroe island.

Capitol City Probes 30/30

1/30 in alley nearby the landing site with the shipping containers.

2/30 on top of basketball hoop nearby same landing site.

3/30 in a corner with small building to the right of the last landing site.

4/30 in another corner nearby 3 shipping containers not that far away from the last landing site.

5/30 to the right of the last collected probe hidden between small buildings under a tree.

6/30 in white gazebo nearby another landing site.

7/30 in parking lot to the left of the white gazebo and the tesla coil.

8/30 on washer platform behind the majesty building.

9/30 in brown gazebo on the ground to the right of the majesty building.

10/30 behind fence with rubble nearby another landing site.

11/30 on top of the good bait building.

12/30 on top of another unreserve bank building.

13/30 hidden nearby building opposite of the capitol cinema.

14/30 on a washer platform opposite from where you collected the last probe.

15/30 off the side of howard coon’s restaurant building.

16/30 next to horse statue before abraham lincoln monument.

17/30 behind the abraham lincoln monument.

18/30 on top of the front of the white house.

19/30 to the left of the congress building.

20/30 to the right of last collected probe.

21/30 to the far right of the congress building.

22/30 on top of archway in front of last collected probe.

23/30 behind the national statistical reserve sign.

24/30 hidden on ceiling of jefferson memorial.

25/30 after the bridge to the right.

26/30 in construction area to the left of the bridge.

27/30 on crane nearby octagon.

28/30 on top of dumpster nearby octagon.

29/30 hidden behind dumpster to the right of octagon.

30/30 on top of one of the octagon’s doors.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. i can tell english isn’t your first language, but you’re as well generally unintelligent. this guide is utter nonsense, most of the screenshots and descriptions are genuinely incorrect.

  2. collecting the probes isn’t required to get any achievements btw. its purely for dna (upgrade anal probe and spam for ez dna 1 extraction is 1/4 a drone)

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