Death Stranding – All Memory Chip Locations (Collectible Guide)

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Death Stranding has a series of collectibles trapped inside Memory Chips, which are scattered throughout the world. These unlock lore snippets associated with the game after you scan them on a UCA-affiliated terminal.

There are 56 Memory Chip Locations (Collectibles) in Death Stranding.

All Memory Chip Locations (Maps)

Eastern Region

Central Region

West Region

All Memory Chip Locations

Memory Chip 1

This chip is unmissable, and the game seems to want you to find it.

The Memory Chip 1 in Death Stranding unlocks the Frame Arms: Byakko lore entry once it’s been scanned in an UCA-affiliated terminal.

Memory Chip 2

Memory chip 2 is almost as easy to find as the first one.

Memory Chip 15

Memory chip 15 is all the way in Port Knot City.

Memory Chip 17

North of the VOG Ravine and The Film Director you’ll find a nest surrounded by Cryptobiotes, along with a Memory Chip. By looking at the map, it’s found near the top right corner of the mountain.

The Memory Chip 17 in Death Stranding unlocks the Matango lore entry once it’s been scanned in an UCA-affiliated terminal.

Memory Chip 18

Memory chip 18 is in the first MULE area to the south of the Distribution Center West of Capital Knot City.

Memory Chip 23

Located inside one of the tents in the MULE Camp north of Timefall Farm. By looking at the map, it’s found near the MULE postbox, placed on top of a carpet.

The Memory Chip 23 in Death Stranding unlocks the Coffe Cup lore entry once it’s been scanned in an UCA-affiliated terminal.

Memory Chip 24

This one is located on top of the Timefall Farm, found in the corner overlooking the harvest fields and the water tank across the road.

The Memory Chip 24 in Death Stranding unlocks the Soap Bubble lore entry once it’s been scanned in an UCA-affiliated terminal.

Memory Chip 32

In the main camp of the MULEs lurking in the marsh area south of the Craftsman, search their main tents to find the Memory Chip. It’s right on top of a table.

The Memory Chip 32 in Death Stranding unlocks the Honda NSR250R lore entry once it’s been scanned in an UCA-affiliated terminal.

Memory Chip 33

This one inside an abandoned barn north of Timefall Farm, but beware since the place is also a MULE Camp and you might encounter enemies when you explore it. Once inside the barn, climb to the second floor and look for the Memory Chip on a shelf.

The Memory Chip 33 in Death Stranding unlocks the Honda Rebel 500 lore entry once it’s been scanned in an UCA-affiliated terminal.

Memory Chip 35

Just to the southeast of the Junk Dealer’s bunker, you can find several shipping containers and ruined cars on top of them. The Memory Chip is located inside a car on the white shipping container.

The Memory Chip 35 in Death Stranding unlocks the Triumph Street Triple RS lore entry once it’s been scanned in an UCA-affiliated terminal.

Memory Chip 41

Memory chip 41 is just outside of Port Knot City.

Memory Chip 42

Memory chip 42 is at the incinerator you visited early in the game — where you faced the BTs for the first time.

Memory Chip 43

Memory chip 43 won’t spawn until you get the “A Weird Glowing Object in Capital Knot City” email from Nick Easton.

Memory Chip 45

Find the Musician to the west of The Distribution Center West of Capital Knot City.

Memory Chip 46

Located along the river, look for a large rock jutting out by the river’s edge north of the large barn where the MULEs are camped north of Timefall Farm.

The Memory Chip 46 in Death Stranding unlocks the Low Roar/Low Roar lore entry once it’s been scanned in an UCA-affiliated terminal.

Memory Chip 48

Look north of the Film Director’s bunker to find a thin crevice with hazardous smoke emitting from its depths, and quickly go in to find a Memory Chip. You can use either a ladder or a rope for a faster retreat, but even without the proper equipment you should be able to retrieve it on foot before the toxic gas starts hurting Sam’s health if you run.

The Memory Chip 48 in Death Stranding unlocks the Once In A Long, Long While…/Low Roar lore entry once it’s been scanned in an UCA-affiliated terminal.

Memory Chip 49

On the very linear path between the Distribution Center West of Capital Knot City and the Wind Farm, you’ll come across this memory chip just sitting on a rock.

Memory Chip 51

This Memory Chip is on top of a mountain south of Timefall Farm, located below two grey columns near some crystals and cryptobiotes. There aren’t any MULEs nor BTs in the area, but you should definitely pack at least a couple of ladders and a rope to make it through safe and sound.

The Memory Chip 51 in Death Stranding unlocks the Valhalla Rising: Original Soundtrack by Peter Peter & Peter Kyed lore entry once it’s been scanned in an UCA-affiliated terminal.

All Memory Chip Locations (Video Guide)

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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