The Map
Put together the map to place some useful icons to find things easier, might be useful for others, note it’s not finished, let me know what you think.
Colored Circles:
- Purple = Wolf Spider.
- Yellow = Orb Weaver Spider.
- Green = Stink Bugs.
- Orange = Bombadier Beetle.
- White = Lacewing Larvae.
- Red = Mites.
- Brown = Grubs.
- Pink = Lady Bugs (Possible Sightings).
- Blue = Infected Area (Mites + Weevils).
- Light Blue = Starting Location.
Icons Include:
- Bee Armor set & Larva Blade locations.
- Thistle Plant & Mushroom locations.
- 5 marker locations shown (Red Flag icons).
Water = Gnats are attracted near big areas of water & are attracted to the landscape lights.
Keep in mind there are a few locations that are above & underground!
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