The locations of all keys to deposit boxes in Milton.
Other The Long Dark Guides:
An approximate location of each key on the map.
The Key #7
You can find the key in the house opposite to the banker’s house in the bedroom. It’s in the box under the bed.
The Key #13
Start your way from the bridge (entrance to Milton) and go down the river to the next wooden bridge not far from the farm. Then go down, down, down the river (almost to breakage) and turn left. You’ll see the corpse and backpack. Search the corpse and the key is yours! P. S. The crows circling above the corpse will help in finding it.
The Key #15
The key is on farm. Firstly you should open the house – the key is in the car at the barn.
Then go to the bedroom and search the vase (the left on the fireplace).
Attention! You’ll need this key playing through the storyline, so you can’t pick it before Grey Mother tells you.
The Key #20
The key is behind the gas station on the floor of the blue truck beside blue cabins. On the right in the screen.
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