Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Dry Twice – Complete Walkthrough Guide

Rough walkthrough of getting through Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Dry Twice.

Guide to Walktrough

Chapter 1: PreCancum

Beginning is bunch of tutorials.

  • Talk to El Rey until his guitar breaks.
  • Proceed to the Villa Ruins.

Village Ruins

  • Proceed to the Left to the ladder leading to your room aka the dungeon from last game.

Larry’s Room

  • Click the pile of underwear in the cage.
  • Click on the white candle on the right side of the room next to the ladder.
  • From the inventory, right click to examine the candle.
  • Click the matches on the TV to get it.
  • Open inventory and combine the matches with the candle.
  • Select the lighted candle from your inventory and place it on the altar with the woman (Faith).
  • Cutscene.
  • Take photo of large underwear.
  • Grab the tube of lubricant on the chair.
  • Press the Big Red Button (Self Destruct Button) on the left to unveil a large wire. Grab wire.
  • Go up the ladder to the Villa ruins.

Villa Ruins

  • On the far right is a tube of lipstick. Grab Lipstick.
  • Talk to El Rey. Tell him you lost the key to your suit. He’ll give you a new one.
  • Give the wire to El Rey so he can repair his guitar.
  • Proceed to the Wall.

The Wall

  • Collect the cans off the donkey, the stick off the wall and the broken volleyball.
  • Go Right and to El Lefto’s Cantina.

El Lefto

  • Collect the Pizza Peel on the left and the bag of plastic bottles on the right.
  • Use Tube of Lubricant on the meat crank.
  • Combine the stick with the pizza peel to make a rudder.
  • Combine the lipstick with the volleyball to make an ugly face.
  • Go back to Larry’s Room.

Larry’s Room

  • Use the key for the lock on the cage.
  • Click on the wedding jacket. You’ll receive your lost key.
  • Cutscene.
  • If you want the Wedding Suit achievement, leave the wedding jacket on. If you want the Leisure Suit achievement, select the leisure suit sitting in the cage.
  • Proceed back to the Villa Ruin.

Villa Ruins [Death]

  • You can talk to El Ray, and tell him you want to cancel the wedding. And insult his daughter. This will lead him to kill you.
  • Proceed to the left and Lefto would have left a table with sausages there. Click the right corner to unveil the brake. Release the brake and push the table off the cliff.
  • Proceed past the wall to go to the beach.

The Beach

  • Select all the plastic bottles in the scene.
  • Examine the poster that says “Rafts Rafts Rafts” to download a blueprint for a raft.
  • Collect Seaweed. Put seaweed on dolled up volley ball to make “Wilma” Gain achievement.
  • Take a photo of the wooden board.
  • Break off the narwal’s horn.
  • Open narwals mouth to gain access to more plastic bottles.
  • Open Building App. Select the Raft.
  • The ingredients: Board, Narwal horn, Picture of underwear, Plastic bottles, the can telephones, and the rudder.
  • Set Sail.

Chapter 2: Finding Faith


  • Collect Faith’s Phone.
  • Cutscene.
  • After getting shipwrecked, proceed left to collect Faith? Panties.
  • Swing across the gap. Proceed into the jungle.

Kalua’a Hotel

  • Proceed inside the hotel and talk with Kip. He’ll direct you to Bobbie Marley.
  • Take the elevator upstairs to her office.
  • Cutscene.

Go through the conversation with Bobbie until you have sex. She’ll kick you out after and another cutscene will occur.


  • Collect a brochure in the green box.
  • Go back to Bobbi’s office.

Bobbi’s Office

  • Talk to Bobbie and ask about how to pay your debt.
  • Collect the condom, the snake , the vodka and the pills.
  • Go back to the lobby and go right to the buffet.
  • Collect a cup, blue paint bucket and meat fork that’s on the buffet.
  • Put the cup on the sprout. Put the snake on the juicer and take the juiced snake.
  • Grab another cup.


  • Ask Kip about the emergency box for the bathroom key.
  • Go up to go to the pool.


  • Collect Wanton Rubber Duck in pool.
  • Talk to “Dip” and ask about the Tiki Twister to gain blueprint.
  • Talk to Becky. Just go through her conversation about being an influencer and somefair.
  • Talk to Shauni. Talk to her until you get her glow stick.
  • Go back to the lobby and leave the hotel by going down.
  • Go Left to the ocean.

The Ocean

  • Meet with Emma. Talk to her about your raft. Ask about finding a key.
  • Collect the magnet behind the locker.
  • Collect the 6 pack ring. Combine the Rubber Duck with the 6 pack ring.
  • Proceed back to the Hotel Front.

Hotel Front

  • Use magnet on the Well. Collect coin.
  • Search the trash. Get tin foil hat.
  • Go Right to the bathrooms.


  • Dump the blue paint in the spout above the water treatment plant.
  • Use to toilet key on the right most stall.
  • Collect the air freshners and put it in the water treatment plant.
  • Use the empty cup on the toilet on the right. (EWW)
  • Put the strange contraption on the gutter. Wait. Rooster above will go for it. Grab the ♥♥♥.
  • Go back to the Buffet.


  • Open the electrical box.
  • Put the meat fork as a lever on the third outlet.
  • Put the tinfoil for the missing yellow wire.
  • Direct the current to each device with appropriate polarities.
  • Replace the fan with the spinning spit. Set it to hurricane to cause the pig to fly off the spit.
  • Allow the screen go to up revealing the hazardous waste. Push hazardous waste in the water.
  • Throw the ♥♥♥ in the water.
  • Turn the air conditioning to hot in the lobby.
  • Put sleeping pills in the coffee.
  • Go to the lobby.


  • Talk to Kip. Ask about Faith. He’ll ask about her description. Remember she’s tall and slender and her eyes are blue. Her hair was short and blond. She’s wearing a purple dress. He’ll direct you to Bobbi.
  • Ask Bobbi to visit Faith’s room. She’ll tell you to ask Kip.


  • Turn the air conditioner to cold.
  • Grab another empty cup.


  • Talk to Kip to gain access to Faith’s room.
  • Grab the fan by Lewis.
  • Before going to Faith’s room, go to the Hotel Front and collect water from the fountain. Use the empty cup.
  • Go to the Ocean.


  • Inform Emma of the animal in spilled oil at the hotel. She’ll leave and you can get your raft back.
  • Add the fan to the raft as improvised motor. Leave the scene and you get a quick cutscene.
  • Go to Faith’s Room.

Faith’s Room

  • Collect the gold card and the coin on the counter, and the flyer on the bed.
  • Open the Freezer and put the cup of water inside. Close the door.
  • Go to the Pool.
  • If zip isn’t asleep yet, go to the buffet and pop more sleeping pills in the coffee pot. If he is asleep, grab his tip.
  • Go back to the elevator and go to the observation deck.

Observation deck

  • Collect the seeds.
  • Put the coins in the soda machine then press the coin return button. You’ll come out to a dollar worth of coins.
  • Use coins on telescope.
  • Look at telescope. Look at tents at the left. Take note of the box of green bands. Leave the telescope.
  • Deduce that Faith was here because she had a hotel room, Bobbie saw her, Faith might have spent time at the Galaxy festival because she had a pamphlet. Unfortunately that’s all you can go on. Go talk to Shauni.
  • Before going to the pool, go to Faith’s room.

Faith’s Room

  • Collect the ice out of the freezer.
  • You should have all ingredients for the Tiki Twister. (Orange flavored Condom, Ice cubes, Yellow Cup, Green Cup, Glow stick and Alcohol. Make the Tiki Twister.


  • Put the seeds on the buffet table.


  • Give Becky the Tiki Twister. Blech Also tell her the water is clean and the buffet is vegan.
  • Talk to Shauni about seeing Faith at the festival. Ask about the glow sticks at the at the festival.
  • Go back to the observation deck.

Observation Deck

  • Use the telescope to look at the crescent area. You’ll see an image of a bunch of bags with the Earth symbol on it. Time to talk to Emma.


  • Talk to Emma about Crescent Cove and ask about Faith.

Observation deck

  • Look through the telescope. Search for the lifeguard station. Note the foot prints going into the jungle. Look at small clearing in jungle. Talk to Bobbi.

Bobbi’s Office

  • Tell Bobbie, you made the Review 5 stars. She’ll clear your debt.
  • Tell her you know Faith went into the jungle. She’ll tell you her missing boat is blue. Back to the Observation desk….

Observation deck

Look for a blue boat. It’s on the island hidden behind a triangle shape rock straight ahead.

Time to go to Muffington Island. CUTSCENE

Go to the Ocean and try to leave the island. Pi will mention she doesn’t know how to navigate. Go back to the hotel. Kip will install a navigation app on Pi. Larry will get tricked into going to Faith’s room and the woman, Yanmei, tracking Larry and Faith will have bondage fun with Larry. Eventually you’ll cast off.

Chapter 3: Recovering the Golden Shaft

Go to the Ocean and try to leave the island. Pi will mention she doesn’t know how to navigate. Go back to the hotel. Kip will install a navigation app on Pi. Larry will get tricked into going to Faith’s room and the woman, Yanmei, tracking Larry and Faith will have bondage fun with Larry.

Upon landing on Muffington Island. Larry will be captured and interrogated by Faith who has amnesia. He will eventually be sent to jail and meet Swingle.

  • Talk with Swingle.
  • Open Hand Luggage Department to get stethoscope.
  • Pull hanging seatbelt to reveal skeleton.
  • Take a key. Take one of the skeleton’s arms.
  • Use stethoscope to listen outside the circle window.
  • Use small key to open electrical box.
  • Use arm to pull outside lever to make Swingle go up.
  • Ask Swingle to close the circuit.
  • Call for guard by clicking on door to the far left and offer to show your male member.
  • Get sausage. Put sausage on close circuit on left side.
  • Press the red button.
  • Escape jail.

  • After a cutscene, you’ll find yourself in Swingle room at the hotel.

Swingle Room

  • You’ll go to the hotel to Swingle room to look for his notes. In his room, you can collect, the massage wand under the bed, the green tentacle under his pillow, the ball gag and the black fetish outfit in the closet ( you have to move it), the anal plug on the boxes of tissues and the strap on from the dead gimp after you pull the lever.
  • Close the closet door to show a grid. Put each toy according to color starting with pink butt plug. It goes
  • The order is (butt plug, tentacle, massager, strap on, ball gag….or 23451).
  • Use the telephone to input those numbers and open his safe.
  • Get his diary and the blow up doll.
  • [Achievement] You can also use the telephone to call all the available numbers to gain the Call Me achievement.

After collecting the diary, you’ll go through what you need to collect the golden shaft to get into the special cave.

Bobbi’s Office

  • Talk to Bobbi about the relic in the lobby. You’ll make a deal with her to get it if you can find a different relic.


  • Collect the inflatable alligator. You’ll need to talk to Rosalie first.
  • Collect the energy drink at the bar.
  • Talk to Shaudi. She will tell you about an island that has rough seas and inform you of needed a better ship. She’ll also give you coordinates.


  • Talk to Lewis. He’ll tell you about how he has the wrong joke book. Asks if you could get a real joke book.
  • Collect a piece of bread and an empty cup.


  • Use the deflated blow up doll on the hole for the middle stall.
  • Open the toilet stall on the left.
  • Pull the chain to drain the hot water.
  • Go up the stairs to the volcano base.

Volcano base

  • Collect Pliers, berries from berry bush and shovel.
  • Talk to Nora. She’ll inform you that she needs her climbing gear to get on top of the volcano. She’ll tell you that her sister, Dora, has it and she’s looking for a special plant. Pi will get instructions on how to get to the plant.

Ocean Port

  • Put the inflatebles on your raft to make it better.

GoFuku Island

  • From the starting point, go left. Collect the small stone slab on the ground.
  • Look through the hole of the stone passage. Remember the pattern. Go back towards the waterfall and collect another round stone slab and luminescent mushrooms.
  • Go in the passage behind the waterfall.

Cave Of Nerds!

  • After talking with Kyle and Finely, collect a third stone slab. Talking with them will tell them where the joke book is. Its in a bush near the ruins outside.
  • Put all slabs on stone device. Look at stone device. Remember that pattern from the whole. Match the pattern. Nothing will happen because it’s missing something.
  • Collect the candles near Kyle and Finely, the cereal near the camp fire and the marker on the sleeping bag at the bottom.
  • Leave the Cave.
  • Go grab the joke book in the bush to the left.
  • Go Right and Pi will direct you to the Vagina flower and Dora.
  • Talk to Dora. She’ll tell you she won’t leave unless she sees the flower bloom. Offer to help bloom the Vagina Dentada and Dora wants you to prove it by collecting the only non lethal orchid on the island.
  • Use the information brochure to figure out what flower is non poisonous. (Blue flower with pointed leaves). They normally appear in the jungle area around the hotel or in front of the waterfall.
  • Once found the right type, go back to Dora and give her the flower. Pi will give you the conditions for the flower to bloom.
  • Muffington Island.

Village Entrance

  • Collect the hand mirror next to the totem pole.
  • Talk to Otis. Convince him he’s a man. He’ll be a bit more confident. Leave.
  • Go to Village Center.
  • At this point, you can walk anywhere except the jail. The women will see you and throw you in jail again despite it being unlocked. Go to the jail by either getting captured or just going back into the plane door.


  • Click the door to talk to the guard. Talk to her about Otis. Leave her and go back to Otis.

Village Entrance

  • Talk to Otis. Tell him/her that Wendi is interested in her. Remark about his “Barbaric tresses, voice, and penetrating masculine gaze”. Larry will eventually take a ♥♥♥♥ pic for Otis. Return to Wendi.


  • Show Wendi, Otis’ ♥♥♥ pic. Convince her to leave.
  • With the Village Center cleared, go to there and collect the salt and pepper shakers, the brochure and the boombox.
  • Go in the jail from the front entrance. Collect a picture of the freezer and the chasty belt.
  • Don’t bother going to the Queen, she’ll just throw you in jail.
  • Go to the right to the graveyard.


  • Collect the shopping bag with the skull on it. Read the plaque over it.
  • Read the tombstone closest to the shack next to the spears. Dig up the grave with the shovel.
  • Look into grave.
  • Look in top right pocket for a ring. All the rest have nothing. Click on the glove to reveal a note. Collect the note. Leave grave.
  • Check the tombstone in the middle on the mound of dirt. It should be Sister Superior Frigid. Dig up her corpse. Collect her finger.
  • Combine the finger, the chastity belt, the candles, the salt into the voodoo bag. Only thing missing is something from Otis.
  • Using an empty cup, collect the poison water.
  • Return to the village entrance.

Village Entrance

  • You’ll notice Otis gone. Check the back to get a quick cutscene of what he and Wendi are up to.
  • Return to the Hotel.


  • Exchange Lewis for Dungeon master book for his joke book. There is an achievement for listening Lewis’s entire joke set. Just stay there for like 15 minutes.
  • Grab an empty cup and put it on the juice spout.
  • Juice the berries. Collect the cup with the berry juice.
  • Put the boombox on the outlet next to the piano. Play the piano to record music. Collect the boombox when done.

Bobbi’s Office

GIve Bobbi the ring. She’ll allow you to get the relic downstairs in the lobby. There will be a big explosion.

Return to the lobby and find out that Yanmei stole your ring. She will give you clues to return to the place you last met (Faith’s room) and the place where John sits (toilets) They will be location coordinates. Go to your map and go to the coordinates to find her submarine. (10, 10)

The submarine will be locked. Larry will notice one of Emma’s camera nearby. Go to Emma to ask to watch video of the passcode for the submarine. Return to the submarine and use the passcode.

Now the alarm will go off and Larry must hide or Yanmei will kill Larry. Touch the computer to activate voice call. Keep activating alarm and she’ll eventually put the stone in the safe above the computer. When she does, clutter her desk with papers, then hide next to the cutout Larry. Larry will grab her card, when she is reorganizing. Use the card on the safe. Yanmei will catch Larry and ask him to stay. Staying or Leaving will get two separate achievements.

Chapter 4: Searching for the Golden Shaft

  • After the submerine, cutscene will occur and you will return to Kalua’a Island.
  • Open your map and set coordinates to (-20, 3). You’ll see it’s in the middle of a triangle.
  • You’ll come across an island full of shipwrecks. Go to the phallic rock in the distance. There will be a guard parrot. Use the Fruit Rings cereal on the bowl to distract the parrot. Then go into the cave.
  • Talk to the leader and find out the ship you’re looking for is underwater. They won’t tell you where it is unless you’re part of the group. Unfortunately there are no openings. Time to make one.
  • Talk to Sadie. Find out she’s unhappy with who’s she’s working with. Give her the recruitment brochure you found in the village. She’ll quit and leave the cave.
  • Talk to Le Cuck about joining. He’ll allow you in and tell you to talk to Dox.
  • Talk to Dox and tell him you’re the new intern. He’ll want an energy drink. Give him the energy drink in your inventory. He’ll tell you the coordinates. (-11, -13)
  • Go to the pool at the hotel. Go to the area where Shaundi use to be. She’ll be gone now but there will be a brochure on the ground. Pick up the brochure.
  • Go to coordinates (-11, -13). If you hover your cursor over the water, it will say dive site. Use diving brochure on dive site.
  • Collect the net, and the box of floaties. Attach them to the arial bomb, net first. Go to the server and increase the light to red. Bomb will blow the door off and one of the nuts will be available.
  • Cutscene.
  • Back at Kalua’a Island. Go to the hotel front. Go south into the Jungle. Look at the Column. This will take Larry to Lady Gobbledick’s grave. Use shovel on grave. Cliff will collapse and coffin will fly into the sunset….Sigh…
  • Go to the observation deck. Look in telescoope. Look between Gofuku Island and Muffington Island to see a small splinter of wood.
  • [Death] Use the Telescope to look intot he sun for death scene.
  • Use map and try to pinpoint an area between Gofuku Island and Muffington Island. You’ll die a couple of times getting the exact point. (I got it a (-3,1)) Also be on the look out for a lonesome plank in the ocean. Collect the plank.
  • Once you get the coffin, examine the coffin. Look in her fan, there will be a small note underneath it. Reading it, you discover she had trouble breathing. Open her lower jaw and look at her throat. Find the next stone.
  • Cutscene.
  • Return to Kalua’a Island. Go to the Jungle. Put the plank over the gap. Walk far right and grab the sling.
  • Combine alcohol with bread. Put the bread near the stone near the ravine. Leave the area.
  • Return to the Jungle to find a drunk pig. Collect the drunk pig.
  • Combine the red paint with the fetish suit. Then the suit on the pig. Then the marker on the pig.

Gofuku Island

  • Go to the big flower area. Use boombox on flower. Say nice words to flower. Pour brown swamp water on flower.
  • After the sex scene, collect the Climbing equipment.
  • Return to the volcano base on Kalua’a island.
  • Give Nora her climbing equipment back. Climb up the volcano.
  • Talk the weird man. You’ll find out he hates the sound of a piano. Go to the base of the volcano and use the boombox to play piano music, then climb back up. He’ll be gone by then. Search the crack in the wall in the small cave to find the final piece.
  • Cutscene.
  • Go back to the LARP squad behind the waterfall on Gofuku island.
  • Use the hand mirror on the lower part of the device. Take note at what the light beam are shining on what symbols. Go outside to the ruins on the left side and match the symbols. Pull the lever. The crystal should light up. Look through the hole to get your next image. Go back to the waterfall and repeat… Note: You’re gonna have to do this a total of three times. Eventually the passage will open up.
  • Enter the Ruins. Notice the area….lizard statue…trap door. Go back to the LARPers. Talk to the trekkies…. Show them the area. Go through the dungeon master. I normally answered the 4th option.
  • Proceed the next area. It will be a dark room. Use the spacebar or middle mouse button to find the sun symbol to light up the room. Go back and grab Finley and Kyle bring them to the area. Take note of the order of the traps. They’ll want to do this in the dark so you need to remember what they are. The fourth options about the princess turn them on.

  1. Leap Forward.
  2. Duck down real low.
  3. Roll Forward.
  4. Run real fast forward.

  • That should get them through.
  • Proceed to the next area. This for the space janitor guy. There’s an achievement for getting his story right because you’re old enough to know Space Quest. Sierra’s other popular point and click game back in the day. Go ahead and bring William to the area. Hint: It’s all the final options. Pull the lever and match the symbols on the ground with the column. Go to the next area and find the cosmic cavern…
  • Head to the door and insert the stones.
  • Cutscene.
  • Go to Muffington Island and visit the queen aka Faith. They’re going to be talking about the ghost of Sister Frigid.
  • Go to the graveyard. Summon Sister Fridid at her grave with the voodoo bag. Talk with her and she’ll reveal she wants to no longer be a virgin. You need to find away to be a ghost. Talk to Swingle at jail.
  • Talk to Swingle about having an out of body experience. He’ll give you a blueprint for a device.
  • Open the cage which will trigger an alarm. Replace Swingle with the pig. Once successfully obtaining Swingle, build the out of body device with the Freezer, the mushrooms, the sling, and Swingle.
  • Ghost Sex Cutscene.
  • Visit the queen again. Agitate her to follow you to the cave.
  • At the cave touch the control element.
  • Cutscene.

Lava Lair

  • Collect battery, metal pipe duct tape, screwdriver, test tube, and wires from drawer.
  • Scan the helicopter engine to get engine blueprint.
  • Access the computer. System Controls: Activate the Elevator. Read the entire diary. Exit computer.
  • Open Elevator by pressing button. Grab bucket. Take bucket and place under orange cyclinder with drain.
  • Access computer again. System controls. Sewage tank. Grab bucket of sewage. Place bucket between the two balls on machine with nuclear sign on it, Known as “strange machine”. Access Computer: Weapons: Radioactive Emitters. Exit computer and collect bucket.
  • Use screwdriver and hatch on metal ball. Collect wires.
  • Combine Test Tube with metal rod. Then Metal Rod with tape. Put metal rod against lava to make glass sphere.
  • By now you have all the ingredients for a Nuclear engine. (Bottle, Copper wires, Cables, Battery, Duck Tape, Radioactive bucket). Putting the engine in the helicopter will state it’s not working.
  • Use the Speaking tube to call the doctor. Fake that you are his assistant and need help with your engine. He will fix it for you by putting it in the elevator. Gain fixed engine and put it in the helicopter.
  • Select waterfall and Pi will download KGB helicopter program.
  • Cutscene.

Chapter 5: Save the Queen

New Lost Wages Underground

  • Use El Rey’s Key on Larry’s cage and Faith’s cage.
  • Pick up the crumpled up note on the ground. Show the note to Faith. Larry and Faith will go their separate ways. Honestly, the easiest way through these is just pick a direction then save if successful until you reach your direction.

  • First time you need to look for a door with hole in it. Somebody will ask for a password and you’ll go through a whole conversation until they let you into the Resistance Hideout.
  • Talk to Nari. She’ll give you instructions to find BJ. Talk to her about the darknet to get a wallet. Pick up the sign for the ladies room. Pick up the ID card.
  • Return to the tunnels. Go into the labyrinth. Follow the rules until you find a door that needs a plaque or BJ in a cage.
  • When you find the door with missing bracket put women’s sign on door. Open ladies room to find Tuck. He’s your smuggler. CAVITY SEARCH!
  • Return to the tunnel. Use Access card on door. Proceed to the room furthest to the right. Collect wires, and battery on the way. Install the block chain into the cryptocurrency machine. Click wallet to cryptocurrancy machine. Return to Labyrinth.
  • Follow rules on note or save each room until you find BJ. Convince BJ to come with you by building his confidence.
  • Give the maze note to Lefty so he can change the rules.
  • Use rules to guide yourself to the darknet..

Note: When you use the Save/Load tactic, know when you are saving and loading otherwise you could ruin your progress with a mistake.

  • Once you reach the dark web, use the terminal and buy the female to female adapter with your “buldging wallet”.
  • Head back to headquarters. Say by to Faith.
  • When prompted, ask about the bot’s Fellatio routines. Watch her drain the life force out of his body.
  • Return to the room and collect his withered hand and his gold card, Also collect the copper coil.
  • Proceed to the elevator. Use the gold card on the elevator.
  • In the tower grab the bottle behind the globe, the champagne on the desk, the superglue, and the bravarian brew in the mini fridge, Press the big red button and read about the Pibot upgrades on the monitor above. Return down stairs.
  • Go left to the room with the pad lock. Use the bravarian brew on the lock to open the hall.
  • Enter the Hall. Collect the tongues. Use the withered hand on the water cooler. Collect hydrated hand.
  • Go back to the hallway. Go to the right to the room with the hand scanner. Use the hand to enter medical room.
  • In medical room, plug in the Med-O-Tron on the right. Collect Urine sample and Skeletal Calves.
  • Access the Med-O-Tron with the monitor on the left side. Extend Armrest, then cancel. Put Champagne in armrest. Reaccess Med-O-Tron. Select Start Program. Select Flu vaccination. Chose first option. After process is over exit program. Get Champagne bottle.
  • Access Med-o-Tron, Retract armrest and exit program. Put urine sample in Med-O-Tron. Access computer. Select Start Program. Select Radiation Therapy. Select first option. After process is over exit program and get the radiated urine sample.
  • Access the computer again and select start program. Select Emergency ceasarean section. When you get control, unplug the Med-o-tron via socket on the right. Collect electric chainsaw.
  • Return to the hall. Use the Bottle with needle and aim at clown balloon. Get deflated clown balloon.
  • Return to factory.
  • Combine all equipment to make nuclear reactor. (Glass, copper wire, cables, battery, glue, radioactive liquid). Put in Viral PiBot.
  • Combine Chainsaw with tongues. Add to Pibot.
  • Put clown balloon on Pibot.
  • Swap legs with bony calves.
  • Cutscene.
  • Go inside and outside to pass the day by like normal. At night when Faith’s voice calls you, she will mention a magic marker. Piper will find out and reset the day.

New Day 2

  • Grab the piggy bank.
  • Go downstairs.
  • Go outside. Grab the hammer and break the piggy bank. Proceed to noon time.
  • You’ll wake up at dinner time. Suggest pizza instead of your regular food. Give Piper the Pizza Coupon. When Piper walks to the door steal the key off the oven. After dinner, unlock the basement and enter the basement. Find the magic marker in the lower left hand cabinet. Piper will catch you with the marker and reset the day again.

New Day 3

  • Dialog with Faith with reveal more things.
  • Go downstairs.
  • Grab the ad off the wall. Use the ad with the phone. Grab the dog food in the fridge and go outside to the garden. Grab the bone and stick. Return inside.
  • Put bone and dog food in dog dish on the right side. Go to the TV and turn to channel VD1 and leave TV on.
  • Go upstairs then go back downstairs to activate massage.
  • The TV should be so loud it wakes you from your slumber. Go outside and turn on the water pump.
  • Go back inside and then back out.
  • With the drained pool, go inside.
  • Use stick with strange machine.
  • Exit pool and go back inside. Go into basement. Collect magic marker, lighter and scissors.
  • Throw marker at basement window. Leave basement to living room.
  • Time will have progressed and Piper will be back. Go to the backyard. Collect the magic marker and throw it to the balcony.
  • Go inside and go upstairs. Burn the slave suit with the lighter and cut the sex swing. Don’t grab the marker.
  • Go downstairs and Piper will invite you upstairs. No sex toys means no sex. Piper will go to sleep.
  • Collect the marker from the balcony.
  • Go downstairs.
  • Cutscene.
  • End Game.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. Oh. If you have a separate device you can take a picture of the rules sheet and hold it up like a second screen map. … Or try to remember sounds while checking it in your pockets.

  2. 5. Death by Dangerous Shores.
    Click on location (20, 3). You’ll see it’s in the middle of a triangle, before protecting your raft with your inflatables and you’ll die by jagged rocks.

    It’s -20,3.

  3. I think there’s an easier way to deal with the mazes. I’m not sure if it depends on anything, but after going through it the first two times following the directions on the maps, the maze doesn’t seem to randomize anymore (that is if it even did the first two times, I’m not sure). So to find BJ just enter the maze and go N-E-S-W-W-N-E-S.

  4. My point was more so that I think the maze was being much more randomized before I reached the two map-based goals, at least the first room was different each time. Only after doing those would it become more straightforward, with the first room being always the same, letting me reliably follow Nari’s directions.

  5. I am stuck on the part with looking at the blue boat. I looked at the blue boat before Bobbi told me to, and now I can’t get Bobbi to tell me about the boat. I am stuck! She only wants to talk to me about the tarp

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