Enable the cheat drop-down with a simple modification of the cheats.html file.
Activate Cheats Guide
Enable Cheat Menu
Exit your FleshCult game, find its install location and open the templates subfolder:
- (drive)(etc..)\steamapps\common\Fleshcult\templates
Find and edit the requisite file using a text editor:
- cheats.html
Locate the following value on line 3:
{% if cheats_enabled %}
Change it to the following:
{% if True %}
Save and close the file. Run the game.
Cheats should now be enabled via a Cheats hotlink:

The options in the dropdown menu are as follows:
- Skip Day (progresses time without having to make any choices).
- Finish Transform (instant transform completion without passage of time).
- Finish Xform +Mutate (the above with the addition of a forced ‘free’ mutation event).
- Add Mana (in increments of 100).
- All Tomes (enables all tomes and their associated abilities).

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