A complete guide of the location of every secret in the game. Includes name, chapter it can be found in, and a rough description of it’s location.
Chapter Guide for Each Secret
Darkest Dreaming
- 5. History of Paganism Book
- 13. Occult Flyer
- 29. Newspaper: Town Closes
- 45. War Photo
Playing Tricks
- 2. Visitor’s Map
- 6. Poppet
Off Track
- 16. Magick and Ritual Book
Another Way
- 3. Runestones
- 8. Protest Signs
- 12. Newspaper: Minister Arrested
- 19. Protest Posters
- 47. No. 1 Dad Keychain
The Crossing
- 9. Marks on the Walls
- 15. Hippie Artifacts
- 27. Commendation
- 14. Vandalized Statue
- 17. Sun Charm
- 26. Tanya Clarke’s Grave
- 33. Stone Inscription
- 48. Band Poster
- 1. Execution Site
- 31. Commencement Day Massacre
- 11. Church Photo
- 21. Little Hope Pastors
- 23. Parish Newsletter
- 24. Homily
- 41. Mary’s Grave
- 18. Vince Photo
- 32. Old Bible
- 34. Lambert Writ
- 35. Witch Portrait
- 42. Mary’s Testimony
- 44. Courtroom Illustration
Heavy Burden
- 7. Old car
- 20. Newspaper Clipping
- 22. Judge Wyman’s Letter
- 28. Disciplinary Letter
- 36. Newspaper: Cause of the Fire
- 39. Team Photo
- 40. Memorial Plaque
- 43. Judge Wyman’s Portrait
- 46. Family Photo
Full Circle
- 25. Reverend Carson’s Letter
- 37. Charred Book
- 38 Child’s Drawing
- 49. Wedding Photo
- 50. Grandfather Clock
Secret Locations
Secret (Chapter) – Location and rough description.
1.Execution Site (Pursued) found while playing as Daniel or Taylor. After walking down the road, but before reaching the pylons there will be a sign denoting “View Point Ahead” on the left hand side. Hug the left until you hit that path. Sweep the extra moss off the sign to get the secret.
2.Visitor’s Map (Playing Tricks) After talking to Vince in the black cat bar you can leave. On the left there is a small patio area with two collectibles. You can get secret #2 by looking at the visitor map near the forest.
3.Runestones (Another Way) Before you reach the store you can hug the left hand side of the map to find a small secret trail. A small shed will appear which seems to contain some kind of pagan altar. On the altar are a pile of stones, pick one up and turn it over to gain the secret.
4. Tilly Johnson’s House (Confrontation) Along the right hand side of the main road should be a house with a plaque stating it is the home of Tilly.
5. History of Paganism Book (Darkest Dreaming) Playing as Taylor, head back to the bus windshield and turn over that book. Turn the pages to get this secret.
6.Poppet (Playing Tricks) Playing as Andrew or Angela. On the left hand side of the road, next to the fire circle is an interactible doll or poppet. You can pick this up and turn it over for this secret.
7. Old Car (Heavy Burden) After escaping the factory, but before you reach the house there will be a small outside area. In the right hand corner will be a car. Brush the extra dirt off the hood to reveal a sun design and gain this secret.
8. Protest Signs (Another Way) After finding the store head to right hand side of the map to find a pile of signs. Interact and turn them over to gain this secret.
9.Marks on the Walls (The Crossing) Playing as Andrew in the Police Station, look around until you find the holding cells. In the back cell there will be a mark on the wall blocked by a board. Push this board aside to gain the secret.
10. Crude Doll (Epilogue) You receive this after getting every other secret in the game (across any numbers of playthrough).
11. Church Photo (Surrounded) After gaining the ability to move freely in the church head to the pin board on the left of the door. Smooth up the photo to gain this secret.
12. Newspaper: Minister Arrested (Another Way) To get this secret you must enter the store using the stairs. On the right of the dumpster. In the narrow hallway, before the drop there will be an open doorway on the right. Inside there is a premonition and this secret on the shelf. Turn the newspaper over to unlock.
13. Occult Flyer (Vince) After talking to Vince there are a number of secrets in the bar. On the left hand side is a small flyer with dart board scores on it. Turn it over to reveal the occult flyer and gain this secret.
14. Vandalized Statue (Lost?) After reuniting with the group you will walk down a small road. On the right side is this secret. To gain this you must approach the state pedestal and hold R to look down at the bottom. Turning over the bust will unlock this secret.
15. Hippie Artifacts (The Crossing) In the police station there is a small back room with a box labeled hippie artifacts. Pull out the box and turn over the wooden moon to see the initials “T.C. scrawled on the back.
16. Magick and Ritual Book (Off Track) While playing as Andrew you will approach a shack with John. John immediately runs off, but after passing a heartbeat sequence Andrew can enter. Inside is a book “History of Paganism” You need to turn the page in the book using R to gain the secret.
17. Sun Charm (Lost) In the graveyard there are a number of interactable graves that do not trigger secrets. Near the exit there will be a sign that identifies “family plots” Follow the sign. Near a bench beside the Clarke family plot there is an interactable. Pick up and flip over the sun charm to get this secret.
18. Vince Photo (Ruined) Inside the derelict factory there are many secrets. This one is found in the lockers beside the stairs. Pick up the photo to gain this secret.
19. Protest Posters (Another Way) After finding the store check the left side of the building. A number of posters will be on the wall, pushing aside the piece of wood to unlock this secret.
20. Newspaper Clipping (Heavy Burden) After escaping the factory, but before you reach the house there will be a small outside area. In the right hand corner will be a car. Check the trunk and pick up the newspaper clipping inside.
21. Little Hope Pastors (Surrounded) Inside the church on the right hand side of the pulpit will be a wooden sign with the names of all pastors. Swipe away the grime to reveal the crossed out secret.
22. Judge Wyman’s Letter (Heavy Burden) Inside the factory in the room with the judge’s portrait there is another secret on the floor. Check around the room to find this paper and turn it over to get this secret.
23. Parish Newsletter (Surrounded) On the ground inside the church this paper is surrounded by thrown aside pews right before the pulpit. Pick it up and turn it over to get this secret.
24. Homily (Surrounded) In the far back room to the left of the stairs there is a drawer. Pull it open and turn over the document to get this secret.
25. Reverend Carson’s Letter (Full circle) There are a number of secrets inside the final house. On the ground in the corner of one of the rooms is this letter from Reverend Carson. Turn it over to get this secret.
26. Tanya Clarke’s Grave (Lost) The only grave that gives a secret in the graveyard sequence. In the Family plots section of the graveyard, Tanya’s grave will be marked with white lilies. Movie them aside to get this secret.
27. Commendation (The Crossing) Playing as Andrew inside the police station, there will be a plaque on the wall in one of the small rooms on the right. Wipe away the grime to reveal this secret.
28. Disciplinary Letter (Heavy Burden) Inside the factory building you will need to check the rooms at the top of the stairs. In a drawer will be a letter that reads “Kiss my ass.” Turn it over to get this secret.
29. Newspaper: Town Closes (Vince) After talking to Vince there are a number of secrets in the bar. On the right hand side is a table with a newspaper on it. Turn it over to gain this secret.
30. Newspaper: Factory Closes (Heavy Burden?) In one of the side rooms of the factory I believe there is a newspaper with this information. The newspapers blended together for me so let me know if it was another location.
31. Commencement Day Massacre (Pursued) On the left hand side of the road will be a stone blocked by a small wood piece. Push it aside to discover this secret.
32. Old Bible (Ruined) On your second pass through the museum as Daniel/Taylor the book near the front entrance will be replaced with this copy of Pastor Carvers Bible. Open it to get this secret.
33. Stone Inscription (Lost) When playing as Daniel in this section follow the Witch Trail sign to the right side of the path. This will lead to a small trail marked by a stone. Look down and swipe away the tree branch to get this secret.
34. Lambert Writ (Ruined) On either the first or second pass through the museum you can see a Writ of Forfeiture on the wall with a missing plaque. Look down to find the plaque and turn it over for this secret.
35. Mary’s Testimony (Ruined) On either the first or second pass through the museum you can see a portrait that looks eerily like Amy/Angela. Look down at the plaque to get this secret.
36. Newspaper: Cause of Fire (Heavy Burden) Inside the factory on the ground floor will be a number of machines. In between two of these machines (just before the heavy crates) will be newspaper on the ground. Turn it over for this secret.
37. Charred Book (Full Circle) Inside the house there will be a book on the ground in the dining room. Pick up the book entitled “The Modern Guide to Successful Parenting” and turn the page to unlock this secret.
38. Child’s Drawing (Full circle) Inside the house there will be a charred wall in the front room. Brush aside the ash to reveal this creepy secret.
39. Team Photo (Heavy Burden) After you gain the ability to move freely in the factory head over to a photo on the wall just inside the upper entrance. Brush aside the grime to reveal this oddly familiar looking secret.
40. Memorial Plaque (Heavy Burden) After you gain the ability to move freely in the factory there is a plaque on the wall in the upper landing. Fix the askew plaque to gain this secret.
41. Mary’s Grave (Reflections?) Walking along the trail you will see a big building with fireflies. It does not matter which trail you take, but the upper one makes this clue more obvious. Before you approach the building check to the left area of the trail to find Mary’s grave marker.
42. Mary’s Witness Statement Lambert Writ (Ruined) On either the first or second pass through the museum you can see a covered document on the wall after Amy’s portrait. Peel back the paper to reveal a secret.
43. Judge Wyman’s Portrait (Heavy Burden) On the lower level of the factory there are two rooms to the left of the stairs. In one of these rooms will be a portrait of Wyman. The plaque is missing. Look down to find the plaque. Turning it over gains the secret.
44. Courtroom Illustration (Ruined) On either the first or second pass through the museum you can see a covered document on the wall after Mary’s witness statement. Peel back the paper to reveal this secret.
45. War Photo (Vince) After talking to Vince there are a number of secrets in the bar. Near the exit (but not the door, this will end the scene) there is a photo on the floor. Turn it over to gain this secret.
46. Family Photo (Heavy Burden) In one of the upper rooms of the factory there will be a box. Inside is a framed photo. Turn it over to gain this secret.
47. No.1 Dad Key chain (Another Way) Inside the store there will be a heartbeat check. Once passed you will be able to access the register area. On a shelf in the back of the area will be this key chain. Pick it up to gain this secret.
48. Band Poster (Lost?) After reuniting with the group you will walk down a small road. On the left side is this secret. Directly opposite the vandalized statue will be a phone poll with a cover poster on it. Peel back the cover to gain this secret.
49. Wedding Photo (Full circle) Inside the ruined house on the ground directly opposite the premonition will be this photo. Pick it up and turn it over to gain this secret.
50. Grandfather Clock (Full Circle) Inside the house dining room area will be the grandfather clock. Open it to reveal a quick jumpscare and this secret.
The 48th secret is in the chapter “The crossing”
#24 requires a decision path, J can’t quite figure out what. They just skip the “check the exits” section for me