This guide shows you how to get the best 16-white skull corpses in the game. You’ll learn the steps to make these top-quality corpses. The guide explains everything you need to do, from start to finish.
Guide to Get All 16 White Skull Corpse
Remember, making a 16-white skull corpse is not easy. You need good alchemy skills and an embalming table. You’ll also need embalming injections and some special items and skills you get later in the game. To get the full 16 rating in your graveyard, you must have the Game of Crone DLC. Make sure you have all these things before you start.
You’ll need to work on many corpses to get the right organs for a 16-white skull corpse. Look for Hearts, Brains, and Intestines with good skull ratings. The best ones have either +3 red skulls and +3 white skulls, or -2 red skulls and +3 white skulls. You can use either type to make a perfect corpse. It’s a good idea to use the Prayer of Repose. This helps you get corpses with more skulls, which means you’re more likely to find organs with the right number of skulls.
+3 Red Skull/ +3 White Skull Heart:

-2 Red Skull/ +3 White Skull Intestine:

Body 1 [2x(+3R/+3W) & 1x(-2R/+3W)]
Preparation by 2 Important parts with +3 red skulls/+3 white skulls and 1 Important part with -2 red skulls/+3 white skulls.
- Step 1: Prepare a fresh corpse by removing all the important parts from it.

- Step 2: Add the above mentioned important parts to the body.

- Step 3: You will get a 4 red skulls with 9 white skulls corpse. Embalm it with the following injections:
Lye injection
Glue injection
Silver injection
Gold injection
Note: The order in which you use the injections doesn’t matter, just remember that you can’t embalm a corpse with a silver or gold injection in case it doesn’t have the required number of red skull(s) that the particular injection removes, even if you haven’t already used that injection on it.

- Step 4: The resulting corpse should have 2 red skulls with 14 white skulls. Now all that’s left is to remove the blood and fat from the corpse which will give it the 16 white skulls.

- Step 5: Bury the corpse with the best possible decor i.e Marble sculpture IV and Marble grave fence V.

Body 2 [2x(-2R/+3W) & 1x(+3R/+3W)]
Preparation by 2 Important parts with -2 red skulls/+3 white skulls and 1 Important part with +3 red skulls/+3 white skulls.
- Step 1: Prepare a fresh corpse by removing all the important parts from it.

- Step 2: Add the important part with +3 red skulls/+3 white skulls but don’t add the other two important parts to the corpse yet.

- Step 3: Moving straight to injections on this one, embalm the corpse with the following injections:
Silver injection
Gold injection
Lye injection
Glue injection
Note: The order in which you use the injections doesn’t matter, just remember that you can’t embalm a corpse with a silver or gold injection in case it doesn’t have the required number of red skull(s) that the particular injection removes, even if you haven’t already used that injection on it. Because of this reason we skipped adding the other two important parts to the corpse.

- Step 4: The resulting corpse should have 1 red skull with 8 white skulls. Now add the other two important parts with -2 red skulls/+3 white skulls to the corpse.

- Step 5: The resulting corpse should have 14 white skulls with no red skulls on it. Remove the blood and the fat to give it 16 white skulls.

- Step 6: Bury the corpse with the best possible decor i.e Marble sculpture IV and Marble grave fence V.

Nice, great guide