Guide to play relative good on low spec game in Prodeus!
Launching the Game
Launch Prodeus, and while it’s the window of “Steam it’s preparing to Launch: Prodeus”, just hold left shift. Instead of launching the game, will show you a Unity Screen Selection, where you can change the resolution of the game. Feel free to lower the resolution, it’s also posible to change it to a custom resolution, mine it’s 960*540, and you can create it with the options of your Graphics Drivers.
Feel free to disable Steam Display if you also need thoses FPS on low end CPU, doing rigth click on Prodeus in the Steam Library, propierty, and disabling Steam Interface.
Don’t Work
The launchings commands of “-show-screen-selector”, as this was working in the Beta Playtest.
In Game Settings and Bugs
First, in the Gameplay options, be sure that models instead of Sprites it’s OFF.
Second, in the video settings, play with the native resolution or the presets of 200p or 360p, In my PC, i was getting more FPS with native Res instead of the 360p option. Feel free to experiment with this, but i like making a custom res like mine, and play in a res that’s around 480p instead of 360p.
Be sure to dissable all the SSAO and Space screen reflections, as they hug alot of GPU resources.
At the moment, the custom levels are hard to select with a CUSTOM 4:3 Resolution, as you can’t select some of the options, this may change in the future, but if that’s still happens, and you only have a 4:3 monitor, make a custom res around 16:9 and then play with that, and in the GPU options, just make the custom resolution Strech to play with all the Monitor.
At the moment there’s not so much to customize, but still pretty optimized.
Here I’m playing with a: Intel i5-2310 @2.90 4 GB RAM DDR3 // Nvidia GT 730.
FPS and GPU use on the left side of the screenshot.
Get Fraggin!
can I just say a big thanks. My laptop has a pretty small graphics card and these tips were a massive help. Thanks again!