Our Life: Beginnings & Always – Where to See Every CG

A quick guide that explains where to see every CG in the game.

Simple CG Guide

Step 1 CGs

  • Step 1-1: Play the prologue. You can make any choices you want.
  • Step 1-2: Play the Moment “Long Day”. You can make any choices you want.
  • Step 1-3: Play the Moment “Sandcastle” and choose to tell Cove about the deal his dad wanted to make with you.
  • Step 1-4: Play the Moment “Sleepover” and choose to read the book with Cove. This CG can only be unlocked if you own the Step 1 Expansion DLC.

Step 2 CGs

  • Step 2-1: Play the Step 2 opening scene. You can make any choices you want.
  • Step 2-2: Play the Moment “Wave” and choose to go surfing with Cove.
  • Step 2-3: Play the Moment “Dinner” and choose to tell Cove about the deal his dad wanted to make with you. You can’t have already told Cove in Step 1. Also, make sure you continue on with the full event and don’t choose to stop participating early.
  • Step 2-4: Play the Moment “Road Trip” while at fond or crush and invite Cove up into the loft with you.
  • Step 2-5: Play the Moment “Soiree” while at fond or crush and invite Cove to come to the party with you. This CG can only be unlocked if you own the Step 2 Expansion DLC.
  • Step 2-6: Play the Step 2 “Summer Ended” scene while at crush and choose to kiss Cove. Depending on prior choices, you may first have to choose to express your feelings to Cove and then the option to kiss him will appear.
  • Step 2-7: Play the Step 2 “Summer Ended” scene while at fond or crush. You can make any choices you want.

Step 3 CGs

  • Step 3-1: Play the Step 3 opening scene while at fond, crush, or love. You can make any choices you want.
  • Step 3-2: Play the Moment “Charity” while at fond, crush, or love. You can make any choices you want.
  • Step 3-3: Play the Moment “Drive”. Make any choices you want if fond, crush, or love. You have to choose to take the trip with Cove if indifferent.
  • Step 3-4: Play the Moment “Reflection”. When Cove asks if you want to stay on the docks while he goes to talk to his dad, make sure you go with him. You can only see this CG if you have the Step 3 DLC.
  • Step 3-5: Play the Moment “Late Shift” while at fond, crush, or love. You can make any choices you want. You can only see this CG if you have the Step 3 DLC.
  • Step 3-6: Play the Step 3 “Summer Ended” scene while at fond, crush, or love. You can make any choices you want.

Step 4 CGs

  • Step 4-1: Play through the Step 4 epilogue while at fond, crush, or love. You can make any choices you want.
  • Step 4-2: Play through the Step 4 epilogue. You can make any choices you want.
  • Step 4-3: Play through the Step 4 epilogue. You can make any choices you want.
  • Step 4-4: Play through the Step 4 epilogue while at fond, crush, or love. You can make any choices you want.

Derek & Baxter CGs

  • Derek 1: Play the Step 2 opening scene. You can make any choices you want.
  • Derek 2: Play the Step 2 “and then summer ended” scenes. When in the park at sunset with Derek, go along with his questions/plan. You can’t have already confessed to liking Cove. You need to own the Derek DLC to unlock this CG.
  • Derek 3: Play Derek’s version of Step 4. You can make any choices you want. You need to own the Derek DLC to unlock this CG.
  • Derek 4: Play Derek’s version of Step 4. You can make any choices you want. You need to own the Derek DLC to unlock this CG.
  • Baxter 1: Play the Step 3 opening scene. You can make any choices you want.
  • Baxter 2: Play Baxter’s Step 3 DLC Moments and then play the Step 3 “and then summer ended” scenes. You can make any choices you want. You need to own the Baxter DLC to unlock this CG.
  • Baxter 3: Play Baxter’s version of Step 4. You can make any choices you want. You need to own the Baxter DLC to unlock this CG.
  • Baxter 4: Play Baxter’s version of Step 4. You can make any choices you want. You need to own the Baxter DLC to unlock this CG.

Bonus: MC Cut-In CGs

This is an extra section that tells you how to find the special MC cut-in CGs. Each Step has one. These don’t unlock in the gallery, but are quite neat.

  • Step 1 Cut-In: Play the Moment “Fireflies” while at fond or crush and stay very still when Cove reaches out towards the firefly you caught.
  • Step 2 Cut-In: Play the Step 2 “Summer Ended” scene while at crush and choose to kiss Cove. Depending on prior choices, you may first have to choose to express your feelings to Cove and then the option to kiss him will appear.
  • Step 3 Cut-In: Play the Moment “Happiness” while at crush or love and in a relationship with Cove. At the end of the third trip out, choose to caress Cove’s face (it will happen automatically if you’re at higher initiative). This CG may not appear if you’re using a very old save file with a newer build of the game. You can only see this cut-in if you have the Step 3 DLC.
  • Step 4 Cut-In: Play until the end of the Step 4 epilogue, be in a relationship with Cove, and have middle/high initiative or choose to hold hands if at low initiative.
  • Cove Wedding Story Cut-In: Choose to do a ring exchange as part of the ceremony while planning the day. Play until you reach the end of the wedding ceremony to see it.
  • Derek DLC Step 4 Cut-In: During Step 4 when you’re in the Ferris Wheel with Derek, agree with his plan for the future.
  • Baxter DLC Step Cut-In: During Step 4 when you’ve gotten dressed up to go out dancing, choose to dance with Baxter rather than watching or dancing on your own.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. Some of the CGs I unlocked disappeared… I definitely saw them, but they’re not appearing in the gallery.

  2. I am at medium initiative and my Step 3 Cut-In happened automatically. I am not complaining, but I was not expecting it to do that as it says here that it would only happen automatically with high initiative and so I was planning to make the choice myself. It might be because of the choices I have made so far…. Strange!

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