Since there are no mission markers or journals in this game to log the comments of NPCs, I’ve taken the liberty of creating this guide to help anyone who are having trouble following the storyline or who don’t want to use the allotted nine days to figure out what’s what.
Guide to Walkthrough
Controls and Tips
Almost every tough enemy and guardian can be defeated by going beyond their aggro range and lobbing things at them.
- Regain energy: Hold R and then hold right click.
- Dash: Remember you can press G to do your dash.
- Transformation: Hold R and then press F.
- Warp Speed: Once you’ve unlocked it you can go warp speed while flying outside of a planet’s orbit. To go into warp speed hold shift to boost and then hold space to go into warp speed.
Early Game
At first you will start in the valley and after talking to the NPCs you will find you have to clear out the castle. Collect some flowers and take out the enemies between there before clearing the castle of its enemies. There are 2 chests and a dragonstone you can absorb which is a good energy source to use early on. Once you’ve killed them all a cutscene will play. You will be told to go towards the coastal ruins and the dojo.
So head back to the path and choose the right (or left if facing the hut) path leading to the Haunted Forest. Ignore the enemies and continue towards the rightmost entrance, which leads to the dojo. Don’t enter the dojo; instead, go straight past the platform until you find a cave entrance leading to a valley.
In the valley, you’ll encounter a Dragon. To defeat it easily, stand near the valley entrance and throw bombs until it’s defeated. If done correctly, the Dragon won’t be able to attack you. Afterward, speak with the dojo master, who will give you several challenging tasks.
For the ball-catching challenge, memorize the ball’s path and take a wide swing around it to stop its motion and get ahead. As for target practice, use the new fury spell and attack the targets. It may take time to master, so try to use only 1-2 shots per cube.
So you have two options: either kill the guardian or head to the coast. It’s recommended to deal with the guardian right away. Return to the haunted forest from the dojo and take the first right, which should lead you to the guardian gate.
Before anything else, save your progress at the gate. Then, to spot the guardian’s location, go straight and left up on the ridge. Be cautious, as you may get instantly defeated by the guardian. If that happens, reload your save and try a different approach.
Instead, go up on the right ridge and use your fury strike from a distance. If done correctly, the guardian won’t move or attack, allowing you to continuously attack and recharge until it’s defeated.
Coastal Quest
Upon reaching the coastal ruins (large ruins near the coast on the northwest side of the map), speak to the woman in charge. She’ll request you to clear out the bunker. Before entering, check along the pathway to the ruins for a chest containing a new spell, usually called machine strike(?). Additionally, find the hoverboard in a chest near the bunker entrance.
Once inside, turn around and proceed deeper into the bunker. Eliminate all encountered enemies and take a right. You’ll meet a witch who requests an amulet. Continue deeper into the right side to find a large room with an annoying ghost-type creature. Use a trick by walking into the room and back out the hallway to trap and defeat the creature easily.
After obtaining the amulet, clear the left side using the same method. You’ll encounter a main boss at the back, past a broken bridge (simply jump it). Defeat the boss, triggering a cutscene or event. Finally, explore the remainder of the bunker to complete your task.
Afterwards you’ll unlock the witch quest. Her hut is on a ridge southwest of the haunted forest. She’ll ask for a bodyarmor which is underneath the dojo platform (make a hole with flight to the left of the platform and go to the center and it will be there). The next thing she wants is the relic heart which is below an ore on the outside of the village which is near the spiral floating islands. The exact location is pictured here.

Bomb Locations
If you found the one near the jungle, under the castle, and by the council camp then you are missing this one, in the circled blue area.

After unlocking flight your first move should be to fly towards the warp gate island (furthest one to the south with the tower on it) then go down into the council camp that is right near it, you’ll find 1 part of the warp speed flight unlock you need. Next, go through the warp gate and fly to the north pole of the moon. Once you’ve done that fly towards the 2 story building at the top and clip the top of it where the warp orb is. If that didn’t allow you to grab it, just fly inside and quickly take it. Then fly back through the warp gate and speak with the astronaut. He should provide you with warp flight which will allow you to travel to other planets with some degree of speed.
Once you’re able to fly to other planets, go straight for the one with the rings around it. This planet (balu) also only features stuff on the North Pole. Head for the space camp (with all the satellites and tall buildings) and speak with the man who should be positioned here:

Once you’ve done that, you can hold left click while flying into the ground for an extra large crater.
Next go defeat the guardian here:

The guardian doesn’t seem to want to take damage unless you go to a certain sweet spot range, so fiddle around while flying away from his attacks until you can defeat him.
Late Game
Tunda Forge location is below the moon on the north pole here:

Planet Agi is home to another guardian and is the next desert planet from Balu, you’ll find a big ring on the north pole and a light nearby which looks like this:

Defeating him is much harder, he has a massive aggro range and will actually try to fight you a lot. Just be persistant and you can defeat him. If you are having too many issues, go finish other quests and get new energies and armors and then come back.
Also, there is a black hole between the starting planet and the other Earth-like planet with a barrier. If you go inside you can absorb the energy of some planets and stars using the absorb skill.

To find the Divine City absorb the blue sun in the black hole.
Im Probably quite late. but can anyone if someone still reads this, tell me why the person at the planet Balu for the big crater thing is not there for me?
and also why when i destroy the blue sun does some other nonexistant planet blow up instead of the sun?
In the final boss fight on the 9th day, go to starting area. After the cutscene, go to dojo. Trust me I was confused when it happened and just wandered around till I got to it
is there a certain power requirement to absorb planets and stars in the black hole? ive tried but nothing works
get closer
for those struggling with the guardian i found a way to cheese/grief them. once entering the little burrow tunnel , before fully exiting and seeing the guardian for the first time , look up to the left and hide behind the farthest rock (DO NOT SPRINT AND JUMP STRAIGHT OUT THE TUNNEL) and use your volley blast you learn from the dojo master . recharge and repeat and if done right he wont teleport or aggro onto you , your welcome !
so ill try to add any additional content missed , killing the guardian grants you flying , on the 9th day go back to your orginal planet and fly to the original location, youll get a cut scene , afterwards go back to the dojo to talk to the sensei , and youll start the actual fight phase. im still working on trying to finish the void on the egypt style planet