Stolen Realm – Priest Build Guide + Walkthrough

Priest Build

The cheese build for early roguelike is priest. Everyone can play priest and power through, or you can do it solo.

This removes a lot of the luck because you start with shield of light. Shield gives every player the ability scale their survivability with their might. Once you have this, you can rush maxing out might. At some point, you can pause and get a bit of dexterity or vitality but you could run the entire scenario pumping nothing but might with a priest and do fine.

Once you have this, you look for an elemental damage melee weapon. Unfortunately, the skills in roguelike are hugely skewed towards melee, so outside of some very niche spots you don’t want to go a bow/gun/wand/staff.

The reason for elemental damage melee is that you can find items easily in roguelike that scale your elemental damage by 10-20% on various armors/rings/etc. And, this can allow you to scale 2 damage skills very highly if you pair an elemental weapon with an elemental aoe. Physical damage is fine if you find a top tier weapon, but all things equal elemental mele weapons are preferred.

Don’t over worry about what your main damaging skill is. You basically want to take any good aoe skill whether it’s melee or spell based (just not ranged attack based). Fireball, Charge, Frost Nova type skills will let you carry through to the later phases.

Then, you look for a good t4 skill to reroll (When you reroll a skill, it stays the same tier) toget a big aoe skill. The best generally are lightning storm, ice storm, meteor, and the absolute top tier is dashing strikes + it’s upgrade power/dodging strikes.

Doing this with priest can carry you through all difficulties. Assume that you will find a damage skill, don’t over worry or over commit to a non ideal damage skill early and change things up as you go.

Don’t assume that because you’re a priest that you’re a healer. The abusive priest setup is a might based dps that can infinitely scale might while ignoring survivability because shield of light is all you need.

Also, always pick non combat options is a safe route. There are cases to do other options, but the game will get you to 20 before you hit the last boss of world 5, and if you hit this early you will be rushed through to the final boss and miss potential events/shops.


  • Difficulty I

0 Powerups.

Choice 1

Pick: Dagger Throw, priest isn’t going to be heavily crit based and frost/contemplation are low value. Dagger isn’t amazing, but it’s solid value and will make leveling easier.

Fortune 1

Lucky early fortune, this will make it less likely to die to a random stun lock and will make it easier to use mana potions on cd.

Choice 2

Pick: Deep Freeze. Fire starter is interesting, and potentially has value, but if you can’t keep stacking the heat then it won’t payoff.

Reroll 1

Rerolling healing hand. Heals that take AP aren’t where you want to be.

Pick: Escape, getting a movement ability for this reroll is great. Summon raven is also extremely strong, but i’ll take the movement.

Choice 3

Pick: Haste, evasion is good, but haste is major value later.

Reroll 2

Rerolling deep freeze. Could regret it, but a disable with no damage isn’t top tier.

Pick: Ice Lance, worth it in general an aoe spell goes a long ways towards helping early game even if it’s a low tier one.

Boss 1: Crystal Golem

Nothing special here, make sure to kill the adds at each phase or else you will gather up too many to handle.

Choice 4

Pick: Evasion, not amazing but helps in spots.

Choice 5

Pick: Weapon of Choice, the damage adds, happy to pickup base damage sources and passives dont’ eat mana.

Choice 6:

Pick: Life Cleave, First tough choice aura of flame is really nice, but life cleave will top up your hp while dealing a lot of damage and is hard to pass.

Fortune 2:

Another nice fortune pickup, won’t use it over blessing of the seraph, but good to have for next level.

Item / Gamble

Usually these are traps, but tribal head hunter is incredible and teleporting/explosive aren’t too hard to deal with.

Choice 7:

Pick: Aura of Flame, easy pick, aura’s are generally pretty good, and it’s a tier 3. I could end up rerolling this, but for now it’s solid.

Reroll 3:

I am going to reroll the aura of flame. It’s good, but I’d rather keep leaning into life cleave and weapon of choice, especially with just picking up head hunter.

Pick: Seal of Might, easy pick and a lot of nice bonus damage.

Event Boss: Lord Infernicus

Great boss to get, he drops an amazing sword.

Choice 8

Pick: Endurance. No great choices, deep freeze and hothead would be fine here as well.

Fortune 3

Nice fortune, but not going to use it without a fire weapon or a good aoe spell or 2.

Reroll 4:

Going to reroll evasion. If this was a ranked up evasion, it’d be better but dodging one attack is often not helpful.

Pick: Bounty Hunters Mark, great skill. Lots of boses have minion phases and getting shorter cd’s from these is a big boost as they’re usually the hardest parts of the bosses.

Boss 2: The Butcher

Choice 9

Pick: Body and Soul, can be a t4 reroller, and it’s a non insignificant amount of armor/magic armor. I’m running 0 powerups, so it’s not a huge amount this run, but it’s good value.

Choice 10

Pick: Light’s Strength. Sweeping Kick is an average aoe skill, I assume I’ll hit better and 20% might is great on a priest.

Fortune 4:

Polished and the other armor fortunes are great. Happy to take this.

Now with lifecleave, and a 400 hp pool I’m swapping to polish over blessing.

Choice 11

Pick: Purify, especially now that you can use it while disabled is a must have. Only thing i’d take over it is a top tier aoe or fueled by flames.

Level 12 Check in

Stat Distribution

Vitality 5 Points (Put in just now at level 12)

Might All others. Advantage of a priest is you can just stack might and gain survivability from shield of light. There is a point though in the 12-15 level range where you have a lot of damage and the safe play is to shift some points to vitality.

I also value armor quite a lot in solo play as a lot of things are going to be hitting you.

Reroll 5

I like all my skills right now, so i’m actually levelign up fortunes.

Choice 12

Pick: Lights Endurance. Both rune and sweeping are okay, but my damage feels manageable and lights endurance stacks well with existing body and soul.

Choice 13

Pick Crushing Slam. Payoff for being patient with damage skills, crushing slam is top tier aoe skill and part of the reason you should focus melee as a default.

World Boss 3: Dwarven War Machine

Choice 14

Pick Brain Freeze, not a good skill, but it’s a t4 reroll.

Choice 15

Pick Dashing Strikes. Best aoe skill in the game for roguelike. It’s the t3 version, but still incredible.


Starting to pump some dex, it’s generally better to get 60 dex and not solo stack might. But, when playing priest solo I like to stack might first because shield of light lets you get away with no vitality. I’m extremely tanky now, so no need for more vitality and dex is best source of damage I can pull here.

Fortune 5

Speaking of dex, celerity is a nice dmg boost here.

Choice 16

Pick One Punch Monk, Generally speaking this skill is probably not super functional here. But, it’s a t5 to reroll. Ice storm and thirst II are both solid, but can’t pass up a t5 reroll. There’s a chance I’m underestimating one punch monk though and I get to test it for a couple battles before having to reroll hopefully.

Fortune 6

Pick sword of the guardian, will use it over celerity.

Note: Almost died because of one punch monk, it’s awful. Hopefully I can live to my next rest.

Choice 17

Pick Battle Ready. Normally this is dodging strikes. But, I have dashing strikes already and Battle Ready is 12 base weapon damage with all the armor stacking I have.

Reroll 6.

Easy Reroll of One Punch.

Pick: Perfected Soul. I’m already doing a lot of attribute stacking, i’ve heavily maxed might, and perfected soul is a good boost to an already really strong character. Many sided strike is neat, but a 5 turn cd makes it bad. Mass haste would be good, a 2nd haste and really chaining lots of actions, but I don’t have the cd’s for it and it’s not nearly as strong as perfected soul.

Stats with Perfected Soul

The affect of all this weapon damage is seen below, where I’m still stuck on a level 10 weapon but hitting hard.

One side affect of 0 powerups is i’m gold starved the entire run so I haven’t been able to purchase good weapons off the shop.

Choice 18

Pick: Soul Cleanse. At this stage of the game I’m not wanting to auto attack, and soul cleanse can help me not lose the game to something silly. Even with purify, a 2nd cleanse with a heal is nice. Both are t4, but regardless of tier, i already have a brainfreeze to reroll.

Got a lucky sequence where I had a large gold event (135k) and shop after (at level 19). There were no weapons to buy, but i was able to upgrade cleaver.

I did have to give up my pre boss 4 rest, but that’s easily worth it.

World Boss 4: The Broker

Choice 19

Pick: Good doctor. I don’t think i’ve ever passed on dodging strikes twice in a game. But, in this game I have shield of light and purify, this will make those a 2 and 1 turn cd and give me a massive amount of sustain/safety to finish the game.

Reroll 7:

Rerolling brainfreeze

Pick: Flash Fire. I only have 1 fire spell, but it’s haste. Every other turn haste seems good.

Final Boss Build

World Boss 5: Red Dragon

It’s possible I regret not taking bone collector here.

It’s a slog, but no real danger with this setup due to stacking armor/magic armor and the stat bonuses and vitality pumping.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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