A simple guide to obtain all CGs from Calculester’s Fatherhood ending.
How to Obtain All CGs (Calculester’s Fatherhood Ending)
How to Unlock This Plotline
To unlock Calculester’s fatherhood plotline you need to drink the Flask Genie with Calculester as your chosen crush.
Here’s the stats required for each answer in this plotline! However, I have found that despite a stat being my lowest, I didn’t get a fail. It might be impossible to fail.
Event 1
- Focus on itself (Charm)
- Focus on helping others (Boldness)
Event 2
- Logic (Smarts)
- Emotions and creativity (Creativity)
Event 3
- Let’s get radical! (Boldness)
- Incremental improvement (Charm)
How to Get Each CG
Here is how to get each CG in order of appearance in the gallery
- Focus on itself -> Logic -> Let’s get radical!
- Focus on itself -> Logic -> Incremental Improvement
Art Robot
- Focus on itself -> Emotions and creativity -> Let’s get radical!
Pleasure Robot
- Focus on itself -> Emotions and creativity -> Incremental improvement
Killer Robot
- Focus on helping others -> Logic -> Let’s get radical!
Robot-Creator Robot
- Focus on helping others -> Logic -> Incremental Improvement
Sacred Code
- Focus on helping others -> Emotions and creativity -> Let’s get radical!
Bionic Being
- Focus on helping others -> Emotions and creativity -> Incremental improvement
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