A simple list of stuff like herbs, crops and beasts and which province to find them in. I’ve also tried to include some loot info on as many creatures as I could.
Tips and Useful Info
- In early levels, prioritize on digging through mud before stone blocks. This will allow you to dig quicker to find the ore you are looking for. Use the existing gaps and caverns to guide your way and save on mining!
- Enemies below ground (in sandbox zones) are frequent and often spawn in groups. They do tend to be weaker than the ones above ground though. Ranged attackers usually have low HP.
- When mining, Dwarven Chests seem to contain superior loot to Pine Chests. Both typically contain at least one level up scroll for a profession. Higher level zones will give better scrolls. Look for groups of enemies underground in open caverns to find chests.
- It’s easier to dig mostly up or down when mining for loot rather than ore. This is because a character can fit through 1 block this way, whereas they are at least 3 blocks tall.
- Minor Spoiler: A protected area in the Splinterville zone will have an NPC that produces a farm if you collect the seeds for it. I wouldn’t recommend solely relying on this for stuff you need a lot of however (especially animal feed).
- Initially herbs and crops will not give many seeds or produce, this will improve with proficiency. For early levels, I’d recommend running around gathering these in sandbox rather than growing (and just store all the seeds for a farm later).
- At this time, spawns of most enemies and herbs seem pretty evenly distributed between plains and forests, but I can’t comment on exact numbers at this point. So far, I have found most in both area types.
- I’d use some sort of abbreviation for sandbox zones you’ve been to. E.g. THEAM (Trees, Herbs, Enemies, Animals, Mining) for what you’ve already done there. This saves you going back to the same spot for wood, etc.
- After 30 Days away, when you click to travel to a sandbox area it will give you a prompt to reset it. If you press cancel it will not reset and you will have to wait another 30 days for the same message to appear. Markers and notes do not affect this timer in any way.
Trees: Pines (Pine Wood)
- Feverfew
- Burrdockus
- Apple Trees Easy source of early game food
- Cabbage Rabbit Food
- Potato
- Jute Spun into Burlap
Friendly NPC: Blogton (I found them in Plains), Vilbug (I found them in Forests)
Enemies (Aboveground):
- Rogue = Cutthroat Gear, Tin Dagger
- Outlaw = Rogue Gear, Tin Axe
- Brute = Segmented Gear
- Enforcer = Braided Gear
- Wolf = Wolf Pelt (Lightfur leather), Wolf Fang, Raw Wolf Meat, Bones
- Giant Rat = Rat Tail, Bones, Raw Rat Meat, Giant Rat Pelt (Lightfur leather)
Enemies (Underground):
- Kobold = Kobold Ear, Bones, Kobold Dagger, Silver Ore
- Troglodyte = Primal Heart, Bones, Troglodyte Spear
- Giant Rat = Rat Tail, Bones, Raw Rat Meat, Giant Rat Pelt (Lightfur leather)
Farm Animals: Chickens (Eats Chicken Feed made from Wheat) ~ May be swapped with Rabbit in future updates.
Ore Type: Tin (All Have: Silver/Gold Ore, Chunks of Salt, Coal)
Minerals: Stone (Used for Crafting), Sand (Used for Glass), Dirt, Muck
Scroll Type Found in Chests: I
Trees: Pines (Pine Wood), Yew (Oak Wood)
- Blueberries
- Flax
- Onion
- Aranicca
- Beetroot
- Verberanta
- Sugar Beet
Enemies (Aboveground):
- Wolf = Wolf Pelt (Lightfur leather), Wolf Fang, Raw Wolf Meat, Bones
- Boar = Boar Tusk, Boar Pelt (Wildpelt leather), Raw Pork, Bones
- Strider (Wild Elves) = Forest Strider Gear, Elven Axe
- Guardian (Wild Elves)
- Ranger (Wild Elves) = Grove Guard Gear
- Scout (Wild Elves) = Ranger Gear
Enemies (Underground):
- Poison Imp = Bones, Nature Rune, Arcane Dust
- Savage (Lizardman) = Reptilian Gear, Copper Spear
- Devourer (Lizardman)
- Moss Troglodyte = Primal Heart, Bones, Moss Troglodyte Spear
Farm Animals: Rabbit (Eats Rabbit Feed made from Cabbage) ~ May be swapped with Chicken in future updates.
Ore Type: Tin, Copper (All Have: Silver/Gold Ore, Chunks of Salt, Coal)
Minerals: Stone (Used for Crafting), Clay, Gravel, Gabbro
Scroll Type Found in Chests: II
Trees: Birch (Oak Wood)
- Pears
- Wheat (Will also give Straw)
- Carrots
- Merigold
- Dundeelion
Friendly NPC: Nect (I found them in Forests)
Enemies (Aboveground):
- Adept (Cultist)
- Initiate (Cultist) = Cultist Gear
- Ghouls = Rotten Meat, Putrid Claw, Bonemeal, Bones
- Fighter (Skeleton) = Bronze Gear, Bronze Sword
- Knight (Skeleton) = Bronze Gear, Bronze Shield
- Warrior (Skeleton) = Bronze Gear, Bronze Axe
- Undead Rabbit = Undead Rabbit Pelt, Bones, Rotten Meat, Rabbit Foot
- Undead Sheep = Undead Sheep Pelt, Bones, Rotten Meat
Enemies (Underground):
- Ghouls = Rotten Meat, Putrid Claw, Bonemeal, Bones
- Risen (Skeleton) = Burlap Gear, Copper Axe, Copper Mace
- Fighter (Skeleton) = Bronze Gear, Bronze Sword
- Warrior (Skeleton) = Bronze Gear, Bronze Axe
- Undead Rat = Undead Rat Pelt, Bones, Rat Tail, Rotten Meat
Farm Animals: Sheep (Eats Sheep Feed made from Beetroot), Rabbits
Ore Type: Iron (All Have: Silver/Gold Ore, Chunks of Salt, Coal)
Minerals: Tarachyte, Gravel
Scroll Type Found in Chests: III
Trees: Oak (Oak Wood)
- Strawberry
- Corn (Will also give Straw)
- Leek
- Oldberry
- Cotton
- Soilroot
- Garlic
Enemies (Aboveground):
- Cutthroat (Smuggler) = Thief Gear
- Assassin (Smuggler) = Assassin Gear, Steel Sword
- Thug (Smuggler) = Thug Gear, Steel Axe
- Crime Lord (Smuggler) = Smuggler Gear, Steel Mace
- Worg = Worg Pelt, Wolf Fang, Bones, Raw Wolf Meat
- Feral Boar = Bones, Feral Boar Pelt, Raw Pork, Boar Tusk
Enemies (Underground):
- Stalker (Dark Elf) = Assassin Gear
- Spellsword (Dark Elf) = Smuggler Gear, Steel Sword
- Molerat = Rat Tail, Raw Rat Meat, Mole Rat Hide, Bones
- Feral Kobold = Kobold Ear, Bones, Feral Kobold Dagger, Silver Ore
Farm Animals: Pigs (Eat Pig Feed made from Corn)
Ore Type: Mithril (All Have: Silver/Gold Ore, Chunks of Salt, Coal)
Minerals: Mud, Basalt
Scroll Type Found in Chests: IV
Trees: Snow Covered Pine (Pine Wood)
- Frostleaf (Used in many Greater Potions)
- Plums
- Comfreyor
Friendly NPC: Rilu (I found them in Forests)
Enemies (Aboveground):
- Snow Wolf = Snow Wolf Pelt (Frostfur Leather), Raw Wolf Meat, Bones, Wolf Fang
- Cyclops = Bones, Cyclops Battle Axe, Cyclops Eye
- Pillager (Nord) = Crudeplate Gear, Nordic Sword
- Plunderer (Nord)
- Prophet (Nord)
- Rustler (Nord) = Nord Ravager Gear, Mithril Dagger
- Raider (Nord) = Nord Ironbreaker Gear, Nordic Axe
- Seer (Nord) = Wild Hermit Gear, Mirthril Dagger
Enemies (Underground):
- Merfolk = Primal Heart, Bones, Triton Trident
- Seaguard = Seamonster Gear, Mithril Shield, Mithril Mace
- Trickster (Merfolk) = Mantishide Gear, Mithril Dagger
- Frost Imp = Bones, Frost Rune, Arcane Dust
Farm Animals: Goats (Eat Goat Feed made from Tomato)
Ore Type: Cobalt (All Have: Silver/Gold Ore, Chunks of Salt, Coal)
Minerals: Diorite, Phonolite
Scroll Type Found in Chests: V
Trees: Baobab (Oak Wood)
- Fireplant
- Pumpkin
- Khandar
Enemies (Aboveground):
- Savage Boar = Savage Boar Pelt, Bones, Raw Pork, Boar Tusk
- Ogre = Bones, Ogre Brain, Ogre Club
- Ravager (Orc) = Barbaric Gear, Thorium Dagger
- Berserker (Orc) = Orc Warlord Gear
- Marauder (Orc) = Fang Fiend Gear, Orcish War Sickle
Enemies (Underground):
- Swarmer (Insectoid) = Bronze Spear
- Infernal Kobold = Bones, Kobold Ear, Gold Ore
- Fire Imp = Bones, Arcane Dust, Fire Rune
Ore Type: Adamant (All Have: Silver/Gold Ore, Chunks of Salt, Coal)
Minerals: Feldspar, Clay
Scroll Type Found in Chests: VI
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