RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Platinum! – Basic Guide to Box Office Scenario

Everything you need to know to win this scenario.

Box Office Scenario Guide


The Box Office Scenario you can get in the Career Mode, RTC3, Fourth Scenario.


The objectives to pass Apprentice level are:

  1. Maintain a park rating of 300 for at least a month.
  2. VIP Cami O will visit and should find no litter.

This scenario starts with little money and little space to build.

Start in regular speed and stay in regular speed at least until you are steadily making money.

Build a path from the front entrance, to the left. Then down the side of the wall (towards the bottom of the screen) , leaving space to add shops to the right of the line. They require 1 square so use the second possible squares to the left of the wall for your path.

Under the Studio Tour queue (orange and white) you can remove a wall section and connect your path on the left to one that came already built into the scenario. You can remove the wall section by opening the paths menu and right clicking the wall section you want to remove. Then build the path under the queue. This just makes it easier for the peeps to get around.

Mine looks a little different from how the scenario started because I deleted some buildings near the Studio Tour queue area. Otherwise, everything is as the original.

Begin by opening the thrill rides menu. Choose the Motion Simulator and place it at the top and to the left of your new main path. As in the screenshot. I chose it because it’s a thrill ride, is available immediately, it fits the space, and I have the money to buy it. Add path squares to connect the queue and exit to the main path.

Build thrill rides, they attract the most peeps.

Click the finances icon and raise the price to $3. Click the details icon and add some music. Press the yellow flag to let the ride test for a minute, then change to the green flag.

To the right of the main path, place a bathroom, atm, and a restaurant and a drink stand.

For the bathroom and atm, be sure you click on the green flags. The peeps will not use anything that does not have the green flag clicked. Everything you place requires you to click on the green flag.

For the restaurants, open the sold items icon and raise the prices of everything by a dollar. Click the synchronize square in the lower left of the window.

Add two more rides to the left of the main path. I chose Top Spin and TNT Vortex, again because they are thrill rides, available, fit the space, and are inexpensive. Add path squares to connect the queue and exit to the main path.

On each ride, click the finances icon and raise the price to $3. Click the details icon and add some music. Press the yellow flag to let the ride test for a minute, then change to the green flag.

Hire two mechanics and train them twice ($50 and $100).

Hire three janitors and train them all twice.

You should be pretty low on money now. Don’t take out a loan because you will have to pay interest on it, and you don’t need a loan yet.

Increase the speed of the game to the three triangles and watch your money, it should be increasing steadily. Let the game run in fast speed until you have about $3000. You will need it to build more stuff.

While waiting, go remove the three restaurants that came with the scenario. They’re below the raised yellow path down the park past the bottom of the screen, below the animatronic oil well. Click on the restaurant, click on the details icon and click on the trashcan. You are paying to run them and they’re losing money. I also deleted the parts of the path that were added to get down there, the steps. Leave that main left to right path intact, the peeps need to be able to get over it to the right of the park.

During this time Cami O will arrive and you will pass the first objectives.


The objectives for the Entrepreneur level are:

  1. VIP Cami O will visit and should not find that the rides breakdown often.
  2. Maintain a park rating of 500 for at least two months.
  3. Make $100 total monthly shop profit.

When you have enough money saved, add more rides to the left side of the park. I chose the Double Swing Inverter, Rotor, and another TNT Vortex. Raise their prices, set some music, get them connected to the main path. Run test mode (yellow flag) for a minute and then put them in green mode.

Remember to only build thrill rides.

Add an information booth and a shop to the right side of the main path. Raise their prices and click the green flags.

Keep the game running at fast speed, you are making money now. Just wait a while if money gets too low. Let some build up. It will build up faster as you have more things for the peeps to spend money on.

Hire enough janitors to have a total of five, all trained at least two times, three times is better.

Hire enough mechanics to have a total of four, all trained at least two times, three is better.

Hire three security guards and train them all two or three times. Three is better.

When you have money, add another bathroom and atm near the end of the path, towards the bottom. Add a couple of restaurants and a drink stand. Raise prices. Get all of them in green mode.

Let the game run at the fastest speed until you have four thousand or more dollars.

While you wait, Cami O will visit and you will pass the Entrepreneur level.


The objectives for the Tycoon level are:

  1. VIP Cami O will ride a roller coaster that is at least excitement rating 7.
  2. Your park rating will remain 700 for at least three months.

In the screenshot, below the rollercoaster there is that big truck animatronic. The top border of that is a steel pathway already built into the scenario. You have to open the path menu and right click a fence section to continue that path to the right side of the park.

When you have saved $4000, take out a $10,000 loan. On the left side of the screen, click on Park Management, Finances. At the top you can take out a loan. Set it for $10,000 (If you want to keep playing this scenario after you win the tycoon objectives, pay off this loan when you have about $12,000. Remember, you are paying interest on it and don’t need to keep doing that indefinitely).

Now you can buy your roller coaster. The only one I see that has an excitement rating above 7 and will fit into this park is the Floorless Rollercoaster, Rolling Thunder.

Place it on the top right side of the park, as shown in the screenshot.

Put it in test mode, raise the price to $5, choose some music, put it into green mode.

Build paths and queues to meet up with the path coming from the left side of the park, as shown in the screenshot.

Building the bathroom, atm, restaurants, shops, and more thrill rides will attract people to this area of the park and keep them happy.

Open the scenario objectives. You see those little red and blue footprints to the right, next to the checkbox? Click that. A VIP Route box should open up. Close the Scenario objectives box.

Now go to the ticket booth on your roller coaster and click on it. You should see a blue column show up and in the VIP Route box, you should see Rolling Thunder.

When that is done you can close the VIP Route box. The next time Cami O visits your park she will ride and enjoy the rollercoaster.

If all the scenario objectives are not met yet, make sure you did the things I said, to get the park rating, and just let the game go in fast mode for a little while.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7933 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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