A short and concise guide in English listing the missables of the game and avoiding most spoilers.
Useful Tips and Missables
List of Missables
- Go to Skyelk with Cen Ying as soon as you can teleport there with her (you will know when you gain the skill via the story), then after the chat near the sword to Skyelk viewpoint up above the city (easily missable ladders in the first distric you visited) to get her White Feather weapon skin and a dialogue with her. The viewpoint is marked on the map.
- When you are alone at a beach at night talk to Cen Ying who is standing in a rock before talking to Yue to activate a quest to find his missing uncle. Very late in the game, Demonbone will suddenly appear in your world map without notice and you can go there to complete this quest.
- There is an orphan in Skyelk at some point at the story that wants some stones from Amber Reach. Check the orphanage of Skyelk with kids at the door. You have to go to Amber Reach with Yulin to do the subquest. You get a crab recipe and the first step to the homeland quest that you can complete after some main missions occurs in Skyelk. There is a extra sequence at the top of the Shadowchaser cemetery when you complete all the steps.
- In a point in the story when you are alone with Yue at Yanping she mentions that she wants to help you understand your past. Go to Quixia to ask around and do the secret dungeon, then Skyelk and talk to Nisha, go to the viewpoint to be alone and then to Nisha again to get the coronation outfit.
- You can return to the Undersea palace after the main mission there to find some strange creatures around with funny messages from the developers and some items.
- Near the end of the game in Act 4 you can go to Yangping, talk to the rich kid from the beginning of the game that is near the entrance an get a letter from Beluo master. There is also a scene with brother Lu near Yangping north exit.
- In the Abyss of Guilt of Wuzhan also in Act 4 you can check all the blood paintings at the walls with Beiluo for a trophy and a little more chat with story info.
- You can return to the Nameless Abyss in Act4 when promted to do so for a short sidequest. Its clearly marked.
There are also some cutscenes semi-hidden, little details and short quests here and there between main missions as soon as the prologue searching the cave in Amber Reach, trying to cross the water mass in the nameless abyss before draining it, when you return to the ancient Oyster lake with Yue or the quest to find the dog in Dentong to name a few. Simply check the map for possible markers and search around regularly before moving on the main story. Not all of the events are marked.
Try to do all the quests you can before procceding with the main patch if you are a completionist because many of them are time limited. This applies for getting the cards from the deck mini-game too.
Its said that the hidden notes of the nameless depth is one of the most easy sidequest to fail. The note people usually miss is the 2/4 one behind the campfire in the middle of some rock formation when your party take a rest and split. Speaking of which, as soon as you leave the cave there are some quests on the Yanping board that you can only complete that night. You can also fish frogs in the pond early in that time slot.
Dont obsess yourself with the 5 Softcents medicine quest from the Gujian 1 female in Skyelk, its a very late quest item you can obtain in the mission board of Yangping. This quest not dissapear.
Also there is the Green Tung secret boss. But its hard to miss, check and click the item Green Tung sword in your inventory after obtaining it, defeat the sword masters spirits in the Swordforge sourrondings and go to Quixia to finally confront him. Is a hard fight but not so hard to leave it for endgame, level 30 is recommended.
Alternative Endings for Some Quests
Mild spoilers ahead
There are some “choose your adventure” points in the game that leads to the now infamous alternartive endings for some of the main quests.
How to get these endings is already explained in other guides. I do not reccomend the alternative endings in the first playtrought anyway (saving the swallow love and killing the blacksmith). You will miss two cool bosses and their trophies in the end dungeon this way. None of those decisions alter the actual ending of the game.
The choice between Beilou and the Shadowshase cub in the dreamchaser sequence only change a cutscene and a trophy.
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